View Full Version : heart beats and breathing?

22-03-06, 18:28
Hello guys,

Just a quick question, does anyone ever have these symptoms?

1) Feeling like your breathing is very shallow, almost like you can't take a proper breath, no matter how hard you try.

2) Also a feeling like your heart stops for a second (even tho it probably doesn't) and when that happens you breathing also stops. a bit like everything just stops for a moment, then when you start to beath again it feels like its hard to catch your breath.

Just wanna know if any of you have experianced this, as it's getting a tad concering as it's happening more and more. So just wanna know if a trip to the docs is in order.

ty for reading

Take Carexx


22-03-06, 21:37
Hi Claire,

I have had both of those and i think there are many people on here who have had them - i'm sure Meg or Nicola will be along with a load of useful links soon!
It's so horrible when it happens, isn't it. Especially the shallow breathing thing. But i'm sure i read in a Claire Weekes book that the body is stronger than we think, and it takes as much breath as it needs. The shallow breathing thing is just caused by tension in your body.
I always try my breathing exercises when I get this, breathing through the diaphragm etc - it helps me calm down and start breathing properly again.
Hope that helps, take care,

Henri x

23-03-06, 13:03
Thank you henri for answering, I will give the breathing a go.

Take Carexx


23-03-06, 14:59
Yep all sounds familiar to me!!!

Love Piglet xx