View Full Version : Anyone know anything about fatty liver disease please!!!

20-12-10, 09:38

I hope someone on here can help calm me down!!

I had an ultrasound on thursday last week due to slightly elevated liver function tests. The ultrasound was for gallstones, which I don't have BUT I do have a fatty liver!!! Gulp

I am in a major panic that it has progressed to far and I am about to leave my children motherless!! My youngest is only 5!

I have got discomfort in my upper abdomen and I am very lethargic!!

I am very overweight so I deserve this really and I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this disease?

I am aware that I have to lose all my excess weight and hopefully my liver function will stabilise. I have been told that due to this disease weight loss will be harder than normal as the liver is overloaded.

Any experiences of this?

I am in such a panic. To top it off I found this out on my birthday and now christmas is going to be blighted by it as I am 100% frightened.


Stacy x

20-12-10, 13:40
I understand your panic but try and concentrate on the positive side of this diagnosis in that there is something you can do about it - I am not judging you on your weight as I am also very overweight but hopefully you will now have the incentive to try really really hard to lose weight and as you lose weight your liver will improve. Keep focusing on being able to get better. I know xmas is not a time to start dieting but be as good as you can and then really concentrate in the new year. Your GP will keep an eye on you doing liver function blood tests and repeat ultrasounds as you lose weight.

I wish you all the luck in the word because I really do know how hard it is!

20-12-10, 17:12
it is reversible, from what you said the underlying case is the weight, so if you can lose the weight your health will really benefit.

20-12-10, 17:56
thank you for your replies. I have spent the day thinking this may be a blessing in disguise for my health. I don't have to be greedy over christmas either so I can make a difference starting now.

I feel so sad that I have buggered up my liver from eating carbs and sugar to excess as i do not drink alcohol!

I will work towards a healthier and fitter liver. I had no idea that the liver could get so diseased from diet, cirhosis being the end stage!! yikes!!

Thanks again x

20-12-10, 19:07
you caught it early which is good, so now you have the chance to sort it out :)

21-12-10, 13:27
Please don't worry, my friend was diagnosed with this 18 months ago. She went to a slimming club, and lost 2 stone which she has managed to keep off. When she had her liver levels tested again, everything had returned to normal. Unlike me she didn't panic, and never for a moment thought it would kill her, she just got on with the job of eating healthily and losing weight. Please don't think you deserve this for being overweight, it's just bad luck, but now you can look forward to a healthier future.:hugs: