View Full Version : On for the ladies (soz) the pill and anxiety

eternally optimistic
20-12-10, 10:39
Sorry to post this question but I wondered if anyone who has been on "the pill" has come off and or changed to something else and felt better.

My doctor has changed me to something else because of the migraines which I have had for ages, should have sourced help before.

Let me know if you have any experiences, please.

I guess I am hoping this maybe a solution to some of my anxiety.

20-12-10, 10:50
I've not changed pill, but I sometimes notice when I have my 7 day break that my anxiety levels rise slightly.
Hormones can do funny things to you, so I suppose they can play a part in anxiety.
I'm not sure if changing the pill will make yours better or not, but at least if it stops
your migraines that's something.
Let me know if you see any changes though, as I'll be off to change mine if so!

19-01-11, 15:54
Hi, i just thought id add to this thread as iv just got back from the doctors who have advised me to completely come off the pill for two full cycles (2months) to see if my symptoms change.... iv been on the cerezette pill for 5 years now and in the last couple of months have had different symptoms with my periods - worse mood swings, nausea, heavy periods, bad ovulation pains etc and i also asked if the pill affected my anxiety as i feel alot worse during the time of my period so have been advised to stop for 2 months - i was just wondering if anyone out there had done this before? As im alittle reluctant to just stop! x

21-01-11, 02:11
The first pill i was on for a few years an had to change it due to mood swings and i mean crazy outbursts of rage and emotion. I have now been on this one for years and its sometimes crossed my mind that its around the time certain anxiety issues developed. Im currently on Femodene. However thinking about it..i think my anxiety levels get worse..during my period/time off the pill...i will mention this to my doctor.

21-01-11, 09:32
I definitely found there was a difference with various brands of the pill. I was on Trinordiol for years and always found that one OK other than I used to get bad headaches round the time of my period. I later went on Loestrin (gave me migraines), Microgynon (made me depressed) and the last one I was on was Femodene, which for me was fab and I felt really well whilst on it.