View Full Version : i feel ill all the time and i have 4 kids

20-12-10, 11:33
hi my name is sue i have feelt like this 4 about year now and is takein over my life i really dont no what to do any more my dr says its anxiety ive had lot of panic attcks and my life feels like is on old i keep gonin dizzy and my head feels so funny and i feel like am ill every day and i dont like doing anythink any more what can i do:yahoo:people keep sayin its all in my head i am only 24

20-12-10, 12:04
hi sue. sorry you are feeling bad, i can tell you its not in your head, the only people who say that are the ones who have never suffered with anxiety and panic attacks. i have suffered with this for about 20 years! i have learned some coping techniques along the way but it isnt easy and i have lost alot of interest in things too x you are not on your own :hugs: hope u feel better soon

20-12-10, 12:08
:welcome: Sue. Lots of people on here feel like this. What has your doc offered other than telling you it's anxiety? Have you a health visitor at the moment that you can talk to? x

20-12-10, 18:58
yes thank u i have had all boold test done and they have come bk ok i wish it wud all go away

20-12-10, 19:08
what are your main symptoms? have you been getting any help for the anxiety?

20-12-10, 19:13
Just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon.

Take care


20-12-10, 19:26
will this ever go away i feel sorrry 4 my kids cos some time am to busy thinking about me feelin ill and i put my kids a sid i my head feel so funny all the time i go dizzy and all my body feels funny 2 i really think that am gonna die all the time

20-12-10, 19:28
i hope i feel better soon thank u very much

20-12-10, 19:30
no i have had no help cos people say is in my head so i just try to get on with it the best i can

eternally optimistic
20-12-10, 20:09
hi sue it could be anxiety but have you been to see your gp.

you could possibly be stressed and anxious causing this problem, but it is best to get a professional to confirm if possible.

21-12-10, 07:52
Oh Sue, You could be me 10 years ago. This is the first time i have replied to a post but you remind me so much of myself. You are 24 with 4 children so i am assuming they cannot be very old. I suffered from post natal depression with my first child, who is now the same age as you, which went undiagnosed for 5 months - I'm told this beast of an illness can raise it's ugly head at any time in the first 2 yrs after having a baby. My symptoms were much the same as you describe. Please go and see your GP now - except all the help they can give you.

I have wasted so much precious time with my children because of anxiety and depression, avoiding doing things because I felt dizzy and distant. Constantly thinking I was dying of something then worrying my children would be motherless. The special time of bedtime stories would be ruined because i had a sore throat from reading chapter after chapter but of course it would be cancer!

I have had an awful few years recently, hubby and mum passing away and the anxiety and depression returned. I battled on for 12 months before going to the GP (we never learn). I am now on Citalopram an anti depressant which is helping me to go out and enjoy myself again and keeping the constant worries to one side.

What you are experiencing is common and understandable. Children are hard work and stressful, the fact you are on this site shows you care about them and that makes you a good mum!

Please message me directly if you would like too - I do understand xxxx :bighug1:

21-12-10, 08:45
You also sound like me as well Sue, I can truely symathise you, I had 4 children by the time I was 24 too and got anxiety, my dad had been ill and had a slight stroke and when he mentioned the feelings he had been having they sounded the same as I was getting in my face, tingling but a numb feeling and then i'd go dizzy and I used to think OMG I am going to die and leave my children, it did eventually all settle down, my doctor said it was anxiety/panic and quite normal for a young mum, well it did pass and I felt ok for years around 14yrs in fact (just used to have the odd minor blip but nothing lasting)then 2yrs ago my dad passed away, I found to my suprise at nearly 40 that what I thought was menopause was actually our 5th child even after my husbands vasectomy 15yrs previous, when baby was born all the anxiety did come back ten fold, my doc managed to help me but then my mam passed away in July and not long after this anxiety and Hypertension reared its ugly head again, the meds i'm on now are helping a hell of a lot and you may just need a little something to help you, talk to you family and explain how you feel, a problen chared is a problem halfed but try to get something off your doctor to help calm you, you may not need it long and could feel as different again.

I hope you are feeling better soon, and always remember, you are not alone
Take care

21-12-10, 19:46
hi yes thats all i do is go to my gp and i have had a lot of panic attacks ive loads of test done and they have all come bk ok but my head still feels funny i get dizzy and i dont like goin any were i hate been in house on my own with kids cos i feel like am gonna pass out i just need to no that am not gonna die

21-12-10, 19:55
or thank u so much i feel like is just me thats is goin funny i have had a bit of sterss in my life but i cud deal with it then now i cud just cry any pain i get i think is gonna kill me