View Full Version : bowel spasms

20-12-10, 12:32
Hi does any ibs sufferer find that there bowel can spasm with certain movements like standing from a seated position /bending /stretching /walking mine does and its making me worry please reply xx

20-12-10, 13:53
I have IBS and I feel it more when I'm mobile, if it's a bad day with my ibs.

20-12-10, 18:21
every day seems bad pain wise with my ibs recently if it wasnt for a clear colonoscopy 3 years ago and my docs reasurance i would think i had something serious im so fed up with it i so want to enjoy christmas this year which i havent for a few years but my bowel pain is holding me back im not going to the toilet anymore than usual but its the pain im in its there as soon as i wake up but i dont have it in the night its as soon as i think oh is my bowel pain going to be bad today its getting me down x

20-12-10, 22:09
mine seems to be worse when sitting.... be in touch soon... p x

20-12-10, 22:19
thanks pollyanna i see ibs is still ruling both our lives lol x

22-12-10, 10:08
Mine tends to be worse when I'm sitting as well - I presume it's because my bowel doesn't like being squashed up. I also find that mine can be worse at certain times of day as well.

Tia Maria
22-12-10, 10:37
My IBS gets worse at anxious times - sometimes I can go for days or weeks with no problems but this last week has been awful. I have to take pain-killers but they are strong so can make me constipated - then a vicious circle starts. I know if eat it will start the pain again, but I know I have to eat to get things going again - what a pain all round!

22-12-10, 16:05
my pain is like a my lower left bowel is going to burst and someone is twisting it in fact do you know them long sausage shape balloons you can get it feels like my bowel is one and its being twisted in half