View Full Version : Chronic Fatigue

20-12-10, 13:55
I know a lot of people suffer with general tiredness this time of year, but my energy levels have gone through the floor. I wake up feeling as though I've been hit by a 10 tonne truck and although I'm a fairly active person, getting motivated to do anything is like pulling out teeth at the moment :lac:

I've been diagnosed with CFS along with a pain syndrome. My depression has been manageable but is obviously affected by all this fatigue.

Wanted to hear from others who suffer with chronic fatigue and how you manage it.

PS. I would also be interested to know about any meds that have helped.

20-12-10, 14:02
I only registered yeasterday but I also have CFS (recently diagnosed). The only way I cope is to try and be as organised as possible and wrap one present a day. I've been doing this since November so I don't have that last minute dash. I've also done so much online which has saved my legs from the shops.
I have also arranged (I actually asked) to go elsewhere for xmas day and boxing day so I don't have that to worry about.....so, it helps me to be as organised as possible.
The only thing I'm trying hard to deal with is high levels of anxiety made worse by starting a new AD on Friday so struggling with the side effects.
Hope that help, Merry Christmas :D

20-12-10, 16:48
I havent been diagnosed with anything but i do suffer from chronic fatigue and since i came off of amitriptline about 10 years ago i suffer from chronic pain thats getting worse every year.
Im like an old woman trying to get out of bed in the morning and i hurt to touch.

My doc told me once that i have fibromyalgia but im reluctant to except his theory.
Sometimes i feel its the anxiety and depression thats causing it..... muscle tension..... lack of interest in things, because when i do make the effort to get moving and do something i feel so much better.

It ends up being a bit of a vicious circle though. I really need to do something about it now so im thinking of going back on a low dose of amitriptyline to see if it will control the aches and pains and maybe that will lift my mood and make me less tired.

20-12-10, 19:18
Hi, I too have been started on a low dose of amitriptilline 10mg to be increased to 25mg. This was started by the ME/CFS consultant. He said that ME causes a decrease in seratonin levels which can be helped by trycyclic antidepressant or SSRI....these obv help both low mmod and anxiety.
I am not sure whether anyone has any relief from anxiety at 10mg? I know it is a very low dose (I am also a nurse) but hoping I don't have to go up too high as my anxiety levels seem higher now !! :yahoo:

20-12-10, 19:34
Thanks for all your input.

Midgey, I was on 20mg of amitriptyline and unfortunately it did me no good. Tricyclics don't agree with me at all, as I've also been on imipramine and lofepramine in the past. I'm on sertraline now and it has helped (I also suffer with recurrent depression) but I seem to have hit a real low with chronic fatigue lately.

You may have to up the dose slightly once you've settled on 10mg Midgey. Give it a go anyway and remember that side effects do pass after a few weeks.

21-12-10, 11:01
Hi, Thanks for your replies.
I am now on tricyclic meds as I also have a heart problem and I had awful cardiac side effects when I took SSRIs. GP and ME consultant said amitryptilline may help, although I agree that 10mg is a paediatric dose.
Melancholia77 When you say that amitryptilline didn't work, do you mean it had no effect at all?
I also have a low mood and am so desperate for something to work.
I am going out today to see friends and plan to make it a short visit....wish me luck !!

21-12-10, 20:21
Hi, Thanks for your replies.
I am now on tricyclic meds as I also have a heart problem and I had awful cardiac side effects when I took SSRIs. GP and ME consultant said amitryptilline may help, although I agree that 10mg is a paediatric dose.
Melancholia77 When you say that amitryptilline didn't work, do you mean it had no effect at all?
I also have a low mood and am so desperate for something to work.
I am going out today to see friends and plan to make it a short visit....wish me luck !!

Not really I'm afraid Midgey. I couldn't tolerate the side effects so perhaps it would have helped over time though.

I didn't think tricyclic drugs were suitable for people with heart problems but I'm sure your consultant would be aware of that and 10mg is a very low dose.

Hope your visit today went well.

22-12-10, 16:08
Hi Melancholia 77. Yes, u are right that it is not recommended for heart problems. I have spoken at length to the GP about this and my cardiologist. The cardiologist has said they are ok for me to take. The literature with Amitriptelline says not to take if you have heart disease. I had an angiogram last year and my artereies are clear...I have a valve problem so it seems they are ok with that. I did worry about it tho, and still worry about it but I suppose I have to listen to the specialists !!
My two trips yesterday went really wel thank you. I did feel panicky in both situations but I sat through it and was very proud of myself. One of the visits was to a friends. I did say that I have been diagnosed with ME and that i have anxiety but she wasn't really interested (or didnt seem to be) so I was a little disappointed then. Anyway, visit to the hairdressers tomorrow so wish me more luck !!! Take Care x:)

22-12-10, 17:04
Yes it's hard getting people to be interested let alone understand what it's like having ME. I don't talk about it really - only to close friends - and unfortunately not to family either. No point.

Hope all goes well at hairdressers Midgey - just avoid a crew cut like I had today ;)

22-12-10, 17:35
My family are a split camp. My husband is really supportive but my mum is of the school of thought that if you walk to the end of the street one day you can jog the next day.....she has no concept of resting which is an integral part of ME.
Wow you had a haircut today... do u feel anxious in the chair or are you ok? Anyway, well done, all ready for xmas now !! x

23-12-10, 20:01
Anxious in the barber's chair? Gosh no! But the barber was anxious after I told him how I wanted my hair :D

Seroxat... That old chestnut of a drug... I was on it for 7 years Dahlia and my problems started soon after I came off it. I've been taking sertraline for over a year now and I've never felt this tired before so doubt it's that. But who knows - these meds can be naughty buggers with their delayed side effects tactics :lac:

24-12-10, 03:32
reading through this post and it seemed to ave gone a bit side tracked as was looking to see answers for chronic fatigue i suffer from it most of the time more so when my aniety is high i am aniuose evry day but when its realy high all day by tea time i ave no energy left to do anything i mean i ave been fighting my anxiety all day and it takes all my energy as if i ave been running a marathon or worked all day long with out a min break but when realy i ave done very little i dont take meds ave to much fear of side effects any way not aveing a pop at no one sorry but was realy lookin for support on the said subject thanks trish xx

24-12-10, 11:40
Hi trish

This is the original post by melancholia77

I know a lot of people suffer with general tiredness this time of year, but my energy levels have gone through the floor. I wake up feeling as though I've been hit by a 10 tonne truck and although I'm a fairly active person, getting motivated to do anything is like pulling out teeth at the moment :lac:

I've been diagnosed with CFS along with a pain syndrome. My depression has been manageable but is obviously affected by all this fatigue.

Wanted to hear from others who suffer with chronic fatigue and how you manage it.

PS. I would also be interested to know about any meds that have helped.

I'm not quite sure where you think it has got sidetracked? I think it's the same as with so many things sometimes there are no clear cut answers.
All we can do is to share information and hope that it helps!

24-12-10, 18:05
reading through this post and it seemed to ave gone a bit side tracked as was looking to see answers for chronic fatigue i suffer from it most of the time more so when my aniety is high i am aniuose evry day but when its realy high all day by tea time i ave no energy left to do anything i mean i ave been fighting my anxiety all day and it takes all my energy as if i ave been running a marathon or worked all day long with out a min break but when realy i ave done very little i dont take meds ave to much fear of side effects any way not aveing a pop at no one sorry but was realy lookin for support on the said subject thanks trish xx

I'm looking for answers too but as LB said it's not that simple unfortunately. I wanted people's experiences re CFS and I'm glad you've shared yours, as I feel very much the same: drained and tired most of the time. I don't suffer with high levels of anxiety, so I can't blame that, but I do have recurrent depression which is under control.

What type of therapy, if any, have you had for your anxiety Trish?

28-12-10, 20:45
Did someone say something? Thought not :wall:

My fatigue seems to have lifted somewhat, now that my fibro pain has flared up again :lac: