View Full Version : Burnt Out on Life with Anxiety

22-03-06, 19:05
I am sorry for ranting so much lately. I am just depressed. I am tired of searching online. I am also tired of watching life pass me by. I find myself getting upset when others talking of "Curing" or overcoming this. Makes me think there must be something really wrong with me.

I thought I had gotten beyond this until 6 months ago. I am consumed and worn out with worry and fear. I am sick to my stomach and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo exhausted with my life being this way. I mean I can literally do nothing without intense anxiety and fear. This is not fair.

I want to enjoy my life....not merely survive. This is torment and i don't know if I will ever be better. Time to go to a nut ward. I am terrified of losing my mom as she is all I have. I don't know what I would do.

Life is TOO overwhelming you guys. No one gets it. Imean, it's just too much.

My car is not working now so i am still at home with mum instead of going home to do my job interviews. Which I am kind of glad.

I stay up til all hours of the night sometimes combing the net and I am just tired of it all. Nothing helps. No relaxation. No breahting techniques --no positive thinking crap. C''mon.

Well, hope everyone is doing better than me.


22-03-06, 20:26
Hi Starlet

Sounds like things are pretty tough for you at the moment and I can empathise when it feels so overwhelming that you are unable to see a way out. I have had depression and anxiety for some time and I have had times when life seemed so bleak that I didn't know how to carry on any longer. However, those times can and do pass.

Are you receiving any help to deal with these difficulties? Some help from a therapist could be very beneficial.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

22-03-06, 20:37
Starlet, what can I say? The thing about this site is that everyone here has been at the point you are at one time or another. Sometimes anxiety & panic really are a burden & honest!!!! I do know what you mean when you say that you just are soooooo sick of the constant fear & anxiety. Sometimes I really feel like that too. There are times that I truly envy people who can just do almost anything without worry or anxiety. I think because you are feeling so low right now, you need to start very slowly to get your optimism & self confidence back. I know that others have talked about this book, but it really is good if you have not read it & it is Claire Week's self help book. I had been feeling quite low again myself recently until I read this again - I felt much more positive & have started using her ideas again to help me get through the panic feelings. Try not to think that there is something wrong with you; there isn't - you just are like the rest of us & need some help dealing with your stress & anxiety levels. I know what you mean about the nut house - sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy too with all the thoughts, worries & anxiety whirling around in my head!!!! You said at the beginning of your post that you had thought you had got to grips with all of this? Maybe reminding yourself that you did feel more positive once will help you to realise that you can do it again. The main thing is ..... don't beat yourself up about it!!! I don't know if I've helped - but hopefully the thought that all of us on this forum can relate to how you feel might make you feel less islolated? I hope so.

22-03-06, 20:41
I'm in the same boat, but I manage to function during the day. Getting dressed (nicely), go to work (to cover up how I truly fee), try to be upbeat and positive, I then go home and think... about where I should be in life and "poor me".

I truly try to believe in pray and trust my gut and not to depend on others for my happiness, but I just can't keep with the program.

I'm on anti-depressants and feel I should reevaluate what I'm taking.

Just keep on keeping on is all I have and try to see the good.

It is exhausting some days more than others and it really bothers me when someone says the glass is half full knowing they are right, but why can't I get there.


22-03-06, 21:10
hi every one michelle from northern ireland, :D panic r fear r social phobia i dont know it started with me when a woman at mass started 2 stare at me i had a littletwitch and from that i developed a fear that it would happen when i ate out excetra.......though it got better after i made myself walk around town on my own not cover up with my hat in fear this twitch that only ever happened when i tought about it i still stopped eating out avoiding parties bus stops face 2 face contact like working in a shop and only now after 3 years have i started 2 improve i worked in a shop walked around shopping centres wasnt as bad when eating out.until agin i left work because i started to feel it was happening again but i dont feel as paniky in crowds as much though i want so badly not to feel like im going to shake if people r watching me at in a crowded restraunt, wtching me during class when i write exctra i colud do so much if i got over this .anyone want to chat email me on mmackle01@hotmial and does anyne ever fel they wolud love to meet somone whofeels the way they do gosh that would be gr8 ...o my dream is to go to newyork and make new buddies i ahve a trip 2 roman in july cant wait lifes ok though my mates all awy no at university mainly c my boyfriend any how enogh about me feel free to chat

did that person notice my panic. tip dont worry too much waht others think as hard as it is u could be gone the next day and they wouldnt have noticed so se your time and thoughts to love yourself and care about what u think not what strangers think.? and would u panic if ect.... the train station was empty??????

22-03-06, 22:53

We understand how you feel and we all go through that aswell when life is too overwhelming and becomes hard work rather than an every day happening. It gets easier with time and support and i have no doubt that you will get there and we are all here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-03-06, 19:21
Sometimes searching and hunting ad nauseum is not helpful especially late at night when you soooo need plenty of sleep to heal anyway.

Get a couple of comprehensive books , work out a plan and stick to it for 2 months and quit flitting from thing to thing. There is no miracle cure.

If you haven't had a recent medical - have one and then set about using the resources around you

Have you got all your basics right ?

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress