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View Full Version : Question for anyone who has had a mole removed

20-12-10, 18:08
Hi everyone :)

I posted for the first time yesterday.

I wondered if anyone could help me out. I had a mole removed 3 months ago from my back. I had it looked at by 2 different drs who said it looked fine and the second dr removed it by burning it off. I didn't have it biopsied.

Anyway, it looks like it has healed ok and is a red scar on my back. At first whilst it was healing it itched but that has since stopped and now I am getting pain in the area. Kinda like a stabbing pain. I am now driving myself mental with worrying that it was melanoma and I could kick myself for not having it biopsied. I also have an enlarged lymph node under my arm which my dr says is nothing to worry about. But obviously I am connecting the 2! My dr says the lymph node could be hormonal as I have just had copper coil fitted or could be due to the fact that I have just had tonsilitis and a chest infection.

My question is has anyone had a mole removed and had pain in the area after? I am wondering if it's just the healing as it was quite deep.

Any reasurrance would be great as I am really stressing myself out over this and snapping at my kids :blush:.

Many thanks xxxxxxx

20-12-10, 18:11
I had one removed from under my breast a couple of years ago, and I still sometimes get an itchy/stingy/stabby sensation in the scar. Scar tissue is a funny thing.

20-12-10, 19:01
Lymph nodes can take a while to become normal after an infection. It sounds like you were pretty ill with the chest and tonsillitis, so I would put your nodes down to that rather than cancer.

20-12-10, 19:16
I had a mole removed and I had that sensation for a while too, mine was also burned off and scraped:ohmy: You don't need to worry about that sensation and them mole asn't melenoma!


21-12-10, 05:04
I am a melanoma survivor. Had one removed 6 years ago and here i am ...perfect and healthy.

I TOTALLY understand your angst, but one thing I can tell you...a melanoma is very very distinctive in what it looks like. I have literally looked at thousands of pics of them over the years to ensure I am educated and on the ball. They have very specific characteristics. If 2 different docs weren't concerned, then there is nothing to worry about. If they were VAGUELY unsure, he would have cut it out and sent it for biopsy. The fact that he just burned it off tells me it was nothing to be concerned about.

And as for the lymph gland... we all have them swollen at different times, and hardly notice most of the time. It is a completely normal response to the body fighting an infection...as simple as the common cold.

Also, the burning will definitely take a while to heal. Cancer does not cause pain. The healing is what is causing the sensation.

Please don't worry. I have no doubt all is well.


21-12-10, 08:42
I think the important thing to bear in mind here is that it was not a melanoma or cancer..... 2 doctors weren't even concerned about it and the other removed it to save you worrying...... if he had been at all concerned, he would have have had a biopsy done I'm sure.