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20-12-10, 21:12

In the last year I have been suffering from what I think is health anxiety.

It started last year when I started suffering from waves of overwelming tiredness, not such my body being tired but my eyes just becoming over tired.
It like i just want to close my eyes and this would happen at times during the day as early as 11am. I then started to get sore glands, I wouldn't say they where swollen. I had my symptoms for a week or so and I went to the doctors. I was told I may just have a virus. I then went back a week later as it was really effecting my work. I had blood tests but they came back fine, I had my glucose checked and blood pressure but everything fine. I then had it for around 8 more weeks and was told by the doctor its just post-viral syndrome.

During this time, I was getting really worried about having lykemia, and was forever checking my glands and would really panic if I felt overtired or if I could feel myself getting tired.

I then seemed to get better, but then I had it again 2 months later, I then had more tests but still nothing, It carried on for 2 months and after starting to excercise and relaxation cds and kept myself busy and it went and I had a good summer.

But its no back again and at around the same time as last year, I started with overwelming tiredness and then a sore throat and then sore glands.

I've now got my fears back and been to the doctors twice who think I have a viral infection.

I'm now struggling with overwelming thoughts about having something serious as the overwelming tireness scares the life out of me.

I'm also experiencing sort of dizzyness which freaks me to I stop walking and it feels like the the floor moves or almost like I feel Im walking extra steps. even when I sit down my feet sometimes feel like there moving

It effects my life I now panic everytime I feel tired, I then have uncontrollable thoughts because I'm tired and my mind runs away with me.

It has a impact on my work my relationship, I'm some times lost in my own world thinking the worse. I don't over excert myself If we go out shopping or a night out I get very nervous about feeling tired, I don't really enjoy myself all I can think about is to get things done quickly and get home.

I think I seem to run myself down, with anxiety without me realising

Does anyone else suffer the same? any tips? I got over Panic attacks around 4 years ago and beat the vicous circle but its so hard to beat my thoughts when I'm so tired I can't think rational.


rachael t
21-12-10, 05:24
hi i get all uve said i almost become obsesed with been tired as if im waiting for it to happen i also feel light headed as if im guna pass out think its all down to anxiety hope ur better soon

21-12-10, 09:21
I don't suffer from the same but I do have health anxiety centred entirley around my heart so I can relate to being scared of one specific thing.

Have you ever had CBT? If not you could go to your doctor and tell him about your anxiety and how much it's affecting your life. Mention CBT to him and see what he says. If he doesn't think you need a referal, you could get a book based on it. I've done pretty well with just a book and lots of support on here too.

Remember it's completely normal to feel tired with or without a virus. Of course if you are a bit poorly you'll obviously feel tired more so than without one but it's normal. I get really tired when I've exercised or walked about a super market for a bit and it's normal. Does your fear of feeling tired make you have less sleep? Cuz that could be a major factor in why it keeps coming back. xx

21-12-10, 09:30
Hi Tango feet, I could have written your post myself as I suffer from all you have said. I worry myself sick about it. I can't seem to get over it yet, I am on sertraline 50mg, i'm in my 5th week now.. I feel a little bit better but not much as I still have the health anxiety and constant tiredness. I can't think properly, all i want to do is sleep and not hink about anything :( and to make things a bit worse, I have woken up with a huge lump on my chest, it is agony and I'm worried sick about it. I know I need to go to the doctors and I'm terrified.

I wish there was a cure for this horrible, dark way of thinking but I am yet to find it!
Sorry to dampen your thoguhts but I'm just trying to be honest.

This site is great for advice and support though, you will find many many people suffer from this mental illness, it's a working progress I think..... :)