View Full Version : Nausea

20-12-10, 22:16

I've had waves of nausea wash over me for about a week and I'm beginning to get very freaked out as I've heard this can be an early sign of cancer. No weight loss or any other symptoms. I could really use some words of encouragement as I'm feeling so stressed about it.


20-12-10, 22:27
Hi, A few months ago I was constantly sick for up to 3 times a day, for around 5 weeks, even now I still feel nausea some days, I think sometimes its the digestion and also anxiety.

20-12-10, 22:49
When I'm in pain I feel sick...but it's because of the pain take care x

20-12-10, 23:09
i have that aswel the past few days, but its becuz i was overly anxious then. its gone now becuz im more relaxed. i wouldnt think about it too much.

21-12-10, 01:27
i suffer with nausea nearly everyday well yes everyday due to my anxiety x

21-12-10, 12:34
Thanks for the replies everyone. I am beginning to stress that the nausea is a sign of some form of cancer. I have heard from people before that it can be a precursor to certain forms and it's really starting to pray on my mind.

On top of this, my Mam's new partner has just been diagnosed as having secondary cancer which doctors believ to be terminal. The ironic thing is that it is exactly the same sort that my Dad died from a few years ago. Life is pretty unfair sometimes. I just hope that my nausea is anxiety related - even though I haven't been feeling that anxious lately. But that said, this recurring feeling of sickness is causing me to feel pretty worried.

21-12-10, 12:46
I am really really sorry to hear about your mums partner.

I feel sick all the time and its just anxeity - it really is. You don't have cancer.
You are just very very anxious and it is making you nauseous. I promise.

Big hugs to you:hugs:


21-12-10, 18:48
Thanks for that.

In many ways it's my Mam who I am anxious for. She's being a complete rock for this chap. We live 200 miles away and I'm an only child, so...unfortunately I feel Mam is on her own somewhat dealing with everything.

I had a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) bout of HA when my Dad passed away so dealing with an almost carbon copy of the same thing has been difficult to say the least. Going into Christmas, the last thing I want to be dealing with is trying to convince myself that I'm not suffering with any significant health problems.

Nausea has eased a bit today.

21-12-10, 20:23
From reading about your situation (so sorry!), it definitely sounds like anxiety. I am very prone to nausea and my doctor has told me more than once that it's related to IBS and anxiety. Nausea is one of the few feelings that I have that doesn't make me think of an underlying serious condition that I might have. Good luck :)

22-12-10, 07:16
Thank you.

It feels like I have a D&V bug that hasn't fully developed if that makes sense. I have a slight grumbling stomach an as soon as I woke up this morning I had waves of feeling sick. This is really starting to worry me - could it be a bug? I wasn't feeling particularly anxious before this whole thing started so I'm finding it difficult to put it down to stress/anxiety.


22-12-10, 08:09
Hi Dan (like your signature). It could be a bug or it could be anxiety related, even if you didn't think you were anxious. I suffered terribly from nausea a few years ago and was given medication for IBS, which took it away. Motilium is excellent for nausea, you can get it from a chemist or on prescription. Hope you feel better soon x

22-12-10, 08:13
Thanks for that.

I had a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) bout of HA when my Dad passed away

exactly the same as me. Had never even heard of HA until I lost my dad.

I get sickness feelings quite often, I have it now but I'm not worried about it and you shouldn't be either :)

Can be indigestion, anxiety, but it happens. I take Motillium (from the chemist) and this helps

22-12-10, 08:17
Thanks for the info - I'll pop to the chemist today and see if I can pick some up.