View Full Version : bad stomach cramps bad anxiety

21-12-10, 01:34
today i woke up feeling fine then had some toast and some biscuts n cup of tea anyway off out i went as had to take my mum her hospital app while we was there i managed to grab another cup of tean two biscuits (am telling u the food as havent had an appetite for months and only just started eating small amounts the past 2weeks :-)

anywy didnt get home then untill 4pm feeling real hungry and if i dont eat my stomach starts getting this birning horrible tight knot feeling am going for a camera scope down my throat on the 31st
so i rushed in at 4pm started making myself a ham and mayo sandwich once i made it i started eating it and making my mum n the kids something to eat aswell so am rushing round the kitchen and trying to eat my buttie then about 30mins after i sat down and started getting these bad cramp feelings in my chest then into y stomach and the loud bbble type noises coming from my belly were so loud am sure the neighbours could hear it lol
but ive had the pains all night since they have settled down to what they were earlir and i managed to pas abit of wind but my anxiety and negative thinking working over time my mum keeps telling me to calm down as it will only be trapped wind or indigestion and there is no need to panic so y am i panicking

21-12-10, 08:42
Speaking as a sufferer of very irregular eating habits, my opinion would be that this is trapped wind!

I too get the burning sensation when I go long periods without food. This is more than likely acid causing the burning because it has no food to work on.
I have also noticed that when I do eventually eat, the burning does not always disappear for some time.

From what I can work out, your stomach has been empty for quite a long time and all of a sudden we eat, we have a tendency to eat too fast because we are hungry, therefore the gases in the stomach are suddenly trapped, hence the pain, which may I add can be excrutiating to the extent that at times it can makes us think we are having a heart attack!

Small and often are the secret I believe.


21-12-10, 14:40
your so right wel i am finding my appetite is coming back alot more :-) just i lost it due to my anxiety was really bad :-(

do you find any foods that sooth this or foods that make it worse?
also is the acid worse when you are hungry?

your right about we eat to fast as were so hungry i dont realize untill i have eaten it that i ate it to quick xx

21-12-10, 14:45
Speaking as a sufferer of very irregular eating habits, my opinion would be that this is trapped wind!

I too get the burning sensation when I go long periods without food. This is more than likely acid causing the burning because it has no food to work on.
I have also noticed that when I do eventually eat, the burning does not always disappear for some time.

From what I can work out, your stomach has been empty for quite a long time and all of a sudden we eat, we have a tendency to eat too fast because we are hungry, therefore the gases in the stomach are suddenly trapped, hence the pain, which may I add can be excrutiating to the extent that at times it can makes us think we are having a heart attack!

Small and often are the secret I believe.


also do you find some days you just want to eat & eat n then the next day you lost all appetite again !! i really hate days like this were i just dont have any appetite at all x :weep: x

21-12-10, 18:01
Funny enough, I don't have any particular food that soothes or is better than any other. It all depends on what day it is!!

I find that some days I can eat anything and other days the slightest thing like even a cracker will make the acid worse. The past few days have been good for me and I've been slowly working my way through a tin of Cadbury Roses. But some days forget it!! I will eat just a couple of boiled eggs because I feel so bloated or nauseas.

Unfortunately, not eating can also make you feel nauseas and of course if you feel sick, you dont want to eat so its a circle.

The key really is small and often. If I feel ok, then I will go for it and can eat and eat.

21-12-10, 18:44
my loss of appetite was from when my anxiety was sky high then my phobia kicked in (i have a fear of vomiting) so all the nausea from not eating was making me worse with my anxiety and my phobia then when i tried to eat i just felt even worse as you said its a big circle of negative thinking and that..
i can wake up and have a great day and just want to eat an eat and i can sometimes then i can have a nagative thinking ie "oh my god ive eaten to much i am going to be sick etc... and by eatng to much it could just be one biscuits or toast etc,,,,, just the nag thinking takes over and we listen to it so then i start panicing thinking am about to be sick cos i have eaten to much when if you was heer and seeen what id eaten you'd no i have so not eaten to much infact i dont eat enough my dietician has asked me to try, breakfast / mornin snack / lunch / snack / tea / snack / bedtime i think i manage -breakfast 1-2 toast with jam. snack - few biscuits (digestives) lunch- ham sandwich r more toast ... then snack few biscuits and only on some days will i have tea maybe a chicken wrap or more toast lol somedays i could just go a whole day with 1-2 toast n a few biscuits n i still think ive eaten to much...
things that make my acid or the burning worse is - chocolate, spicy foods, white bread, fizzy drinks, tea, coffee
and sometimes if i have gotten the burning from bein hungry i find that a piece of bread will sooth it :-)

21-12-10, 18:52
the doctor and the dietician explained to me that we can eat what and when we want in modaration and we will not vomit just from foods unless we have toxins etc.. then yes we will vomit but not from just eating normal foods so that has put my mind at rest a bit but still dont stop the negative thinking x