View Full Version : Nervy all the time

21-12-10, 07:11
Right I feel like I'm winning my battle against anxiety, not sure how I'm doing it but I feel better.

However everyday now I feel shaky, my jaw wobbles a liitle and I just feel tensed up even though I'm not worried or anxious in my mind as far as I can tell. It's weird. It's like that feeling u get when you haven't eaten all day and you get shaky?

Anyone else get this and found a way to calm it down? It's like excess energy...very odd

21-12-10, 22:26
Nothing? No one?

21-12-10, 22:39
Hi David, congrats on the improvements :) I too get the shakes, not too sure exactly what its from. Maybe the meds, maybe because my body has been tense for so long when I finally get to semi relax my body has the case of the wobbles. Kind of like when you go for a huge walk, legs turn to jelly when you rest them. Apparently breathing techniques can help although it didn't for me, also acupuncture. As we know, everyone is different so I guess when you have an idea what works for you can you give me some tips :) Take care

Veronica H
21-12-10, 23:19
A boiled sweet seems to work for me when i get this kind of shaking.:)


22-12-10, 06:40
It's annoying as I know it's linked to anxiety because as soon as I'm totally focused on something else I won't even notice it or bcos it's gone away.

It's amazing how the mind can play with the body and even though we know it's totally controlled by us we think it isn't. If that makes sense? Lol.