View Full Version : Can any one relate

21-12-10, 09:40
Hello sorry if this is long and in the wrong place but wound really like some help about 4 months ago my mum passed away after acouple of days later my heart started to race i convined myself i wound get the same as my mum and die anyway now all my body symptoms have gone but my mind is still not right in that i feel a little bit uncomterble with every thing i cant seem to think like im trying to think what i still need for christmas but cant think what i got to get when i know i do i forget everything have no intrest in any thing even my kids feel so bad im not happy and dont look forward to any thing im taking propanalol and sertraline 50mg for 4 weeks every thing still makes me alittle anxious and doing any thing is to much effort and always worrying about how i feel does any one relate is this still anxiety and does it get better just want to feel like me and if any one got any tips that would be great many thanks

21-12-10, 09:54
Sorry just read it again doesnt make alot of since and i cant spell but hopefully someone cant sort of understand i also worry that my heart will go to fast and stop once i stop taking the meds which i also worry about taking thanks again

21-12-10, 10:05
hi... i'm also on sertaline 50mg, i'm in my 5th week now and I have good and bad days or weeks!! Like you, I can't seem to think properly.. I try to think what I need to get for xmas and get organised and I just can't think... it's like a just don't have the energy and I think what's the point, even though I know I need to get dinner organised I just can't get excited or organised about anything...
every thing still makes me feel anxious and trying to do anything is such an effort. I've managed to get to work most days but it is a struggle and a half to even get out of bed inthe morning! I'm constantly worrying about how i feel and I have physical symptons which I hope are only to do with Health Anxiety.. it's just such a horrible dark place to be in. Sorry I don't have much advice for you.. I am still trying to figure things out myself but I just wanted to let you know, you are not the only one who is going through this.....
I just want to feel like me and I pray I can get back to 'normal' one day...!

Chin up :)

21-12-10, 10:22
I also feel for you both because i'm just the same, i'm on Propranolol and I think they are making me exhausted, I have done next to nothing for Christmas and to be honest i'm not even bothered (which is strange for me) I'm usually running round like aheadless chicken making sure everything is ok - I keep telling my husband what we need to do but just can't be bothered doing it, the house is now a tip too and I know we will have visitors that I just can't be bothered with, The tiredness is a better than the sheer panic I was in but I just can't function at all, I also lost my mam in July JGJ, I miss her terribly and lost my dad just less than 2yrs before her as well as having a suprise baby in between, its been a pig of a couple of years.
I just wish there was magic cure to free us all of these feelings, they put our lives on hold or make everyday feel unbearable.

I don't really know what else to say as I know i've not been much help but just to let you know your not alone.

Hope you are feeling better soon anyway

21-12-10, 10:39
Thank u to both of u its nice and not nice to know your not alone i just wish i knew the answer its just so hard to take i keep telling myself just go with the flow and things will get better but then i get angry i dont feel like me i mean dont even want to put make up on and every thing makes me anxious but i do things look at every body else and wish i was like them havin fun and not worrying about how they feel it must be possible

21-12-10, 11:53
Hello me again if any one could give us any tips if u felt like this and over came this that would be really great thanks x

23-12-10, 15:59
i've felt exactly the same... exhausted and just can't be bothered with anything...even thinking!! I have no interest in putting make up on or looking presentable...this coming from someone who wouldn't go to the shops without make-up on!
I seem to be having a good day today though, i feel a little bit like 'me' but not 100%.. i'm just trying to keep positive about the meds and hope they help me get back on track. I just want to feel like me again and have fun and go about daily life with normal thoughts as opposed to these crazy thoughts constantly running through my mind and the worrying.

I definitly think the meds has taken away a big chuck of my anxiety but i'm 6 weeks in and I still don't feel exactly myself yet... I'm just trying to think positive (when I can) and hope they get me back on track. Im going to make a new years relostution to start exercising, that does wonders for making you feel good. I used to be a gym freak but for the past year or so the thought of even thinking about exercising exhausted me! So maybe that is the meds kicking in a little bit....??

Hang on in there with them, they definitely do work but as you most probably know.. every one is different.. it can take up to 8 weeks for some people to feel any benefits.

24-12-10, 11:23
Yes i know want you mean about the make up i wouldnt leave the house with out it on i just look ill lost alot of weight i try and think about any thing but i cant i just want to scream

24-12-10, 13:19
How To Deal With Anxiety (www.ihowtodealwithanxiety.com/)

24-12-10, 15:03
hi im new on here and iv been havin bad panic attacks first one was a few years ago on holiday then i had a big one out shoppung since then i have avoided shopping my partner does it i feel awfulln but the only place i feel safe is my home, i had one 2 days ago in my mums and now am worried about going to my nans on christmas day incase i have one. i would like to tAlk to others and try and help each other i dont want to take any medication ie ad i was thinking of tryin herbal stuff like st johns wart just want this panic to go away xxx