View Full Version : How do you do it now that you've been there?

22-03-06, 21:02
I'm tired of my constant whining, the glass is half empty, you promised me a promotion and you didn't come through for me. You're promoting and there's a lot of change and I'm not in agreement. You're piling responsibilities on me with no pay increase. My love life sucks, my finances are out of control, everyone gets a break, but not me.

Over and over it goes. I watched a program last night (can't remember the guys name) about positive thinking and pray and trusting your gut as being God's reply to what's worrying you.

It's strange the more I write and read back ... it sounds pretty pathetic.

If anyone has a suggestion, book, inspiration of any sort I would appreciate some help.


22-03-06, 23:06
Firstly believe in yourself when that will be the last thing you will be thinking now. Think about how you can change it not how misfortune can change you. It isnt easy and i do know that but somewhere inside you it is there. You posted and that is a recognition that you dont want this anymore. If you ever want to talk feel free to pm me and we can get through this trust me. Nothing is not achievable when you know you can reach it and through this temporary disapproval to how you want your life to be you will come out stronger.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-03-06, 10:14
Hi Gypsy,

I want to start by saying that my intent is not to preach to anyone about their religion.

I have recently been reading up on buddism (a close friend of mine is a buddist and always has a wise word for situations and seems to always hit things on the head). I have found it very enlightening and very positive especially with how im feeling with anxiety. It works along the lines of optimism and pessimism, finding the blance and the understanding of ones self. im by no means a religous person but the story about budda is how he sets about to enlighten himself about life. things like "all we percieve is mind made and reality is what our minds make it" . buddism is a religion without a god, its more about our inner self. it shouldnt contradict any belief you may have. Like many of the bible stories it is an interesting read.

one quotation i found to help is " knowing and regarding reality as it is. one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint."

here is where i read the story if your wanting a look


just thought i would mention it as it help me feel a wee bit of possitivity.

I am a very "glass half empty" kind of person too.

hope this is someway helps

tc Amanda XX

whats for you wont go by you

23-03-06, 21:37
Thank you sal and amanda for replying to my message. It's great to read what other people have to say to assist me out of myself and onto what I should be concentrating on (or not ... however you want to look at it..)

I'm more on track today and pushed the clouds of discontent away for the most part. Some days are just so much worse than others... I know that goes for all of us, but it makes me wonder is it hormones.. do I need another type of medication OR (the big or) is it in my mind and I just need to go further into myself and ask why my thinking is stinking..

I went to the link Amanda suggested and I spent 1.5 hours reading... I really enjoyed this site and have added it to my favorites. THANKS Amanda!

I hope to be reading more of your messages again.


24-03-06, 10:46
Hi again gypsy,

Im glad that helped. i found the buddah info thought provoking in a positive way. In the most part, the teachings or books of buddah is all about your interpritation of them and i look upon them as a sort of guidance to help me find the right way to think etc. Its also excellent at making you put negative experiences in a possitive light. If something good happens and we veiw that as luck, we think we are lucky. But if something bad happens, we might not have realised that it took for that bad experience to then benifit the good one.

A quotation from the book "The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla Nasrudin":


"What is the meaning of fate, Mulla?"


"In what way?"

"You assume things are to go well, and they don't- that you call bad luck. You assume things are going to go badly and they dont- That you call good luck. You assume that certain things are going to happen or not happen - and then you so lack intuition that you dont know what is going to happen. You assume that the future is unknown."

"When you are caught out - you call that Fate"

__________________________________________________ ______

The book is by Idries Shah and is full of little verses of wisom, some of which may no sence today but could mean something another day, depending on where you are and how you feel. Your frame of mind can be challenged by the humour and wisom in what you read.

I hope this gives you some help too as it has me. Best of luck for the future and i hope you find that your glass is half full someday soon.

Take care


" knowing and regarding reality as it is, one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint." - the book of Buddism

24-03-06, 11:06
wow,i am going to put this on faves too!!Thanks Amanda[my sister is studying buddism,but doesn't say much about it?She suffers with panic anxiety too!]Well my helper is Paul Mckenna,his cd's,i can change your life in 7 daye and anything to do with stress are fab and have relly helped me.Give them ago.lol mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore