View Full Version : very bad time at moment

21-12-10, 19:42
hi folks

really want some support here tuesday last week my anx came back out of the blue was quite bad.anyway i was on 20mg of cipralex and doc decided to change me to paroxatine 20mg i started them the same day and for 3 days i had nothing but constant anx/panic attacks i did something a bit silly inbetween for one day i took my cipralex cos the parox where making me awful i went back docs on monday and hes put me on 20mg of citalopram with 2mg diazepam 3 times a day has my anx got worse since i started taking all different tablets i am sticking with citalopram now i just want reasurance that its the meds doing it cos i have never ever felt this awful like ive gone insane.ps how long does diazepam take to work i have had it for 2 days now and i dont feel any different.


21-12-10, 19:56
Hiya, sorry to hear you are going through a rough time at the mo. I have been on 20mg of citalopram now for 6 weeks. I honestly thought I was losing the plot in the first few weeks as I had constant anxiety and panic attacks galore. Apparently it can cause more anxiety while our bodies adjust to the meds. I can't comment on the other meds as I've never taken them. Try to stick it out though, I know it's easier said then done. I know my meds a working now, still got a long road to travel but we have a lot of support on this site to help get us through :) Take care :bighug1:

21-12-10, 20:27
It might just be the time of year..... I'm feeling really rough as well at the moment ..... stitched from paroxetine to fluoxetine 3 weeks ago..... sometimes I think we've just got to accept these ups and downs...... horrendous though they are...... I try grasping the medicine lifebelt thinking maybe this or that will make all the difference and I suppose it fills in the time while our mind naturally gets back to reasonable normality!! Feel a right miserable git but just want to get Xmas over with!! Even my meagre supply of emergency diazepam is running out and I know my gp won't dish out any more as he's very against them!
Hang on in there....... it'll get better!!


21-12-10, 20:50
do diazepam work instantly or does i take a few days

21-12-10, 20:54
I don't use diazepam, I'm just on citalopram.

Most pills take some time before you notice the effects. The first few weeks of starting new meds/changing meds you need to push yourself into situations you might otherwise avoid - without overdoing it, of course.

It takes time, just gotta keep going :)

22-12-10, 13:38
Feel a right miserable git but just want to get Xmas over with!!

Join the miserable gits club Geoff - I just want to get Christmas over with as well! :D