View Full Version : Any advice??

21-12-10, 20:47
Hi all,

Basically after 2 years my fiancee left me 2 weeks ago and it has ripped me apart. I am now suffering panic attacks and am very, very low. On top of that I have an ongoing medical problema and everything seems to have come at once. She says its over and that she is fed up and needs time and that there may be a chance later on. I can't believe its come to this and everytime I think about it it upsets me.

To get over it and get better I need to think of myself but all I can think of is her. She's all Ive ever wanted and is my soul mate and I miss her so much.

Any advice or help to get this sorted??


P x

21-12-10, 21:27
Hiya, sorry to hear about your separation. You are right though, you have to look after yourself for now. Spend time with friends, family or go do something you enjoy. Concentrate on getting yourself back on track. Good luck and take care :)