View Full Version : Trying to Eat Normally again ??

21-12-10, 21:09
I know quite a few people here have lost weight through anxiety/depression.
I lost almost 3 stones since the outset, hardly surprising on less than a 1000 cals for a lengthy period of time!.. I now manage around 1200 cals per day approx but that isnt enough to gain weight back.
I just want to put a few pounds back on!!.. get back in control.. Since being on the low cals though and trying to eat more has anyone found it starts off stomach problems? Windy,pinchy tum, over acidity, nervous stomach when trying to eat better ?

22-12-10, 09:53
Yes same here i lost a lot of weight this year with the passing of my mum sent me into depression, i worry about what to eat as it starts of my stomach problems,indigestion,nervous tummy etc so catch 22 situation,i am trying to put a little weight back on as everything is falling of me!

22-12-10, 12:32
Its difficult isnt it Haz.. Weight loss heightens my anxiety so I eat less because im anxious!! Ive lost roughly 1lb per week since 10 months. My counsellor said that wasnt excessive on 1000-1200 cals a day, because I burn off more than half of that doing daily stuff. I absolutely hate this though, and the nervous tum stuff which all adds to the anxiety.
My GP wasnt over concerned at the low cals and said my eating would improve as the anxiety lifted..:wacko:..

22-12-10, 13:02
My Gp said the same i can feel really hungry one day and the next not interested my daughter keeps saying mum you need to eat!

22-12-10, 18:09
OMG I thought this was just me i stopped eating totally around aug/sept due to coming off my tablets and my anxiety went sky high and i just lost all appetite i was 8stone i am now 6st3lb i have how ever started eating the past two weeks but has only been little such as - breakfast 1-2 toast the dinner ham buttie and sometimes later on more toast and throughout the day biscuits in between aroubf 6-10 usually digestive biscuits but the past 3days i have had added chicken on a wrap for my tea today and had beans on toast yesterday for my tea so i am doing good here but then tomorrow i could wake up with that horrible nervous stomach feeling and not want to eat at all................... (its not alot of calories to take in really 2-4pieces of bread and say around 6-10 digestive biscuits my children take more in than that ) i just hate this way of life if am having a good day i mainly get NEGATIVE thoughts about dont eat anymore i will make myself sick from over eating etc...... (i have a phobia of vomiting ) my phobia has played a big part in this if i didnt have my phobia i would most prob be eating alot more :-) i just hate anxious days anyway since not eating i have been having extreme belly troubles and i have to go get a scope down my throat next week .
my symptoms are -

Burning Sensation in upper and lower abdomen
bad stomach cramps
trapped wind
always hungry (even when i have just eaten)
water bash (alot of saliva coming into the mouth)
burning thorat
sour taste in throat
churning stomach
tight knot feeling in stomach

these are all i can think of for now but my doctor said most of these symptons are because i stopped eating my stomach produced to much acid that had nothing to feed off so was eating away at my stomach lining
so now they think i either have acid reflux or stomach ulcer i wish this would just stop and maybe i could eat normal again but hopefully on the 31st this month i will finally get a result as in to what is causing all these symptons as i have the scope done that day.............. this causes my anxiety to be alot worse than it already is i hate bein this way and wish i could just forget anxiety all together x

22-12-10, 18:11
do you have anything that settles your nervous tums??

22-12-10, 18:14
Oh my!i lost over 3 stone wen my anxiety was at its worst.i have managed to put a stone bk on but i struggle to eat bcause im never hungry. Wen i do manage to eat i get terrible tummy and chest pains,mainly due to acid reflux.sonetimes its so bad i cant breath :weep:

22-12-10, 20:34
Oh my!i lost over 3 stone wen my anxiety was at its worst.i have managed to put a stone bk on but i struggle to eat bcause im never hungry. Wen i do manage to eat i get terrible tummy and chest pains,mainly due to acid reflux.sonetimes its so bad i cant breath :weep:

thats what i have been hating all these acid burning type symptons when i eat and f i dont eat i get them we cant win can we? how have you coped with yours?

22-12-10, 20:44
Literally just changing my diet.i dont have alcohol,caffeine,fatty fried foods,spicy foods,fizzy pop.hardly much really.eat little and often so ur acid always has something to digest.i was on lansoprazole but they made me sick so i just take rennies or gaviscon.

22-12-10, 20:51
I have lost weight over the last year and also suffer from IBS and H/A. If I eat rich foods, my digestion is a mess: cramps, gas, gurgling sounds, etc. I think it's just a shock to your system if you eat fatty, heavy foods.

22-12-10, 20:59
I see im not alone in this horrible eating problem then ... honeyp1e..all those symptoms you listed are virtually same as I am getting. It wasnt too bad for a few months but trying to eat a bit more I get the following. BurningSensation in upper and lower abdomen
trapped wind
always hungry (even when i have just eaten)
churning stomach
tight knot feeling in stomach

Sometimes I cant even tell if I feel nauseous or hungry.

Also I get hungry late at night now when I never did before. Ive even taken to keeping a couple of biscuits in my bedside table.:ohmy:

22-12-10, 21:07
Does anyone get a gurgglinh feelin that creeps up from btween ur breasts and into ur throat.i get this loads its like a gurgling from my chest to my throat and i sometimes panic cause i think its palpatations.but aftef i burp my throat makes a creaking noise!its most peculiar!!:)

23-12-10, 00:31
Does anyone get a gurgglinh feelin that creeps up from btween ur breasts and into ur throat.i get this loads its like a gurgling from my chest to my throat and i sometimes panic cause i think its palpatations.but aftef i burp my throat makes a creaking noise!its most peculiar!!:)

this was so weird :huh: as i was reading this i got that feling right between my breasts and had to burp lol i get this alot of the time x

23-12-10, 00:43
I see im not alone in this horrible eating problem ( i always thought it was just me having all these symptons) then ... honeyp1e..all those symptoms you listed are virtually same as I am getting. It wasnt too bad for a few months but trying to eat a bit more I get the following.

Burning Sensation in upper and lower abdomen (This can start in my abdomen but lately i have found it also goes between my shoulder blades this sensation is all the acid in your somach waiting for foods to attack)

trapped wind (i feel i could blow up with this if i put my hand on my stomach its like doing flips its crazy)

always hungry (even when i have just eaten) (i hate this one as i feel am always just wanting to eat n eat but i just start ignoring it now i no that this is because to much acid is in the stomach so when we do eat the acid attacks the food that we have just eaten so then we are hungry again)

churning stomach (this really puts me off eating i never used to eat when i would wake up with churning stomach but now i just try ignore it and eat anyway)

tight knot feeling in stomach (Same as above this feeling can also be from when the stomach is empty it tends to shrink go tight feeling)

Sometimes I cant even tell if I feel nauseous or hungry. (i so agree with you here i have to think do i feel one or the other or maybe am feeling nausea as am hungry cant win can we)

Also I get hungry late at night now when I never did before (i find that i get more hungry of a night time i even carry some biscuits around in my bag now as i feel hungry 24/7). Ive even taken to keeping a couple of biscuits in my bedside table.:ohmy:

what have you been diagnoised with ?
you say your weight loss is due to same as me anxiety etc.. did you just get loss of appetite?? i was having extreme anxiety felt like i was having a break down it was horrible and the next minute i just found i didnt want to eat as my stomach just felt like it was spinning 24/7 and i have a phobia of vomiting so the stomach and foods just put me off as i was worrying if i did try eating id be sick etc.. x
i have my camera due on the 31st this month i cant wait to get it (not looking forward to it going down my throat though but at least i will have some results of what is going on in my stomach??

three things it can be - IBS, Acid Reflus or Stomach Ulcer :huh:

23-12-10, 10:57
What started it for me was an episode of indigestion way back in February. I didnt eat very much for 3 days as the indigestion scared me.By that time I was just on the edge of full blown anxiety. I had been struggling to control it for a couple of years.
Within a week I was losing a grip on it..
By March I decided to see the GP and it was when he suggested a full blood count I totally flipped . I did the same 11 years ago with similar symptoms.
Went from bad to worse and even when the FBC came back as physically very well, my anxiety was far too advanced to pull back from.
I developed an anxiety around food. I had appetitite and hunger but for some reason I couldnt cope with eating..
Stomach is notorious for bearing the brunt of anxiety.

23-12-10, 15:38
yes that what mine was like i was so hungry but i just couldn't bare to eati the anxiety was just so bad and having a phobia of vomiting jst put me off eating even more then all this burning pains started coming i must of went the A&E a good few times a night for a week where they done ECG, full blood tests, xrays etc.... for them all to come bk as FINE nothing wrong i still didnt believe this the nurses and doctors would tell me i need to eat for these burning pains and that to go away as it is just to much acid and my belly is so hungry its crying out for foods and untill i feed it the acid will carry on building up and hurting me more i lost just over 2stone and i was only just under 8stone to start with....

I have an appointment for the camera on the 31st so am looking forward to that just to get results as to what it could be the doctor said it can just be acid reflux. stomach ulcer or just IBS i just want to no now

the sympton i hate the most is always feeling hungry even after i have just eaten and i would love to no why you get this? :huh:

23-12-10, 21:04
Hope all goes well for you honeyp1e..i have a total phobia of medical stuff im afraid. It was 10 years between GP visit and both times it was him who triggered anxiety attacks by asking for blood tests.. Maybe something in my subconscious from childhood ??

I listened to a Paul McKenna cd earlier today.. tonight I ate a bowl of spaghetti !!

23-12-10, 21:39
what was the cd called?

my stomach is in pain YET AGAIN tonight. do you find yours plays up more of a night ??
all i have eaten today is bread (toasted) and biscuits

i woke up at 4am (way to early) then at
4.45am - 2wholemeal toast with jam. cup of de-caf tea & 3 choc digestives
10am - orange club bar
12pm - packet of cheese n onion baked walkers
1.30pm - cup of decaf tea, 2 irish soda bread toasted & 2 choc finger biscuits.
3pm - cup of decaf tea & 3 choc digestive biscuits
6pm - 2 irish soda bread toasted with jam, cup of tea

so all together i have had a few piece of toast the soda bread are really small slices the wholemeal are normal slices and about 11 biscuits with 1 pk crisp not alot as you could have that toast just for breakfast anyway now my upper abdomen is killing me....... and below there you wanna feel all the bubbles and everything traveling around my belly the trapped wind is so horrible i feel like getting some 1 to punch me in the belly to break up the wind lol... a friend has told me to buy Rennie Deflatine these are meant to be really good for trapped wind so am thinking about getting some in morning :huh: have u ever tried these??
am just sick of feeling this way now if its not the burning pains its trapped wind etc... well i now only have just 8 days n counting till i find out whats wrong with me......
but i am like you i fear the doctors well not the doctors am more a phobia of the medicines as if there are side effects etc..

23-12-10, 21:45
I found out a while ago that I have an intolerance to wheat, so only eat 2 slices Danish bread a day now.. That stopped the bloating.. Also realised that whenever I ate crisps I was doubled up.. GP told me that was MSG intolerance so stopped them.
Mine tends to start up mid morning if its going to start. Thankfully its not every day and I have found that if I eat a bit more one day then the wind isnt so bad.
The CD came with his book called Change your Life in 7 days..I started reading the book one section a day as your supposed to but got ahead of myself :)..so tried the CD today and I felt something lift off my shoulders..Your supposed to play the CD daily for a week ( it takes about 15 mins).

23-12-10, 22:02
yes i have had that book but tbh i never really stook with it thats my problem i just give up half way through them if i find they not working straight away am a person who wants it done like now lol

i can eat crisp but they have to be baked not fried fatty foods just has me in pains as well as chocolate but i love choc :wacko: but good thing is i have cut down alot x x

my pain can start in morning but its not untill after i have eaten breakfast or if i wake hungry i will have pains but its worse of a night time i find...

have you tried those rennies??

23-12-10, 22:03
how did u no you have a food intolerance is it blood tests?
i have had full blood count all fine would food intolerance be counted in this ?

24-12-10, 05:10
I eat crisps a lot , I dunno why but I find them easy to eat, I like the baked ones too.
have you tried probiotics? the good bacteria might help with the tummy problems.
my appeteies goes when my anxiety gets high, I have some how managed not to lose more than a stone and gain the weight back.
I seem to get like a toal disinterest in food even when i am hungry!
today all I ate was a bowel of rice and two slices of toast with butter and tea.
yesterday I had half a packet of biscuits, rice and tea.
I'm scared now to weigh my self, I don't like losing weight , my bmi is normal now but if i lose just over a stone i will be underweight.
I've also gotten really fussy over food, i am a vegetarian too.
I seem to have developed safe foods, i started getting paranoid about food poisoning and allergic reactions.
I seem to only manage one small meal a day, and then eat biscuits and crisps and drink soda to try and get more calories.
i do feel full very fast and sometimes sick after eating.
I really miss enjoying my food.

24-12-10, 10:28
I had allergy testing for the wheat..
I have some rennies but havent taken any as yet. I usually try a glass of Andrews salts.
Has anyone had a sharp shooting pain that lasts a few seconds in the midriff area? It feels like wind or acid maybe ?

24-12-10, 13:52
I had allergy testing for the wheat..
I have some rennies but havent taken any as yet. I usually try a glass of Andrews salts.
Has anyone had a sharp shooting pain that lasts a few seconds in the midriff area? It feels like wind or acid maybe ?

yes i get this pain all the time and can get or feel real extreme at times i just wanna cry am sick of bein in pain/burning/nausea :weep:

i find that i feel i need to open my bowels to go and nothing happens does any1 get this feeling ?

24-12-10, 14:08
I eat crisps a lot , I dunno why but I find them easy to eat, I like the baked ones too.(baked are the best oones as fried crisp can make my stomach kill)

have you tried probiotics? (i have just recently bought these yesterday so only took yesterday & today ) the good bacteria might help with the tummy problems.

my appeteies goes when my anxiety gets high,(i always find when my anxiety is here i just dont want to eat i dnt have an appetite but now i just try making myself eat even if its just one biscuit its something) I have some how managed not to lose more than a stone and gain the weight back. (i have not yet put any weight back on but have not weighed myself for about a week will wait till after christmas dinner if i eat it lol)

I seem to get like a toal disinterest in food even when i am hungry!(i hate this when your hungry and you just still dont want to eat even though u no ytou have to but you just dont want to )
today all I ate was a bowel of rice and two slices of toast with butter and tea. (today i got up at 5am all i have eaten since breakfast at 6am is 2small soda bread toasted, cup tea 3 biscuits then at 12.30pm i had 2soda bread toasted with a bakewell tart and a chocolate sweet 1 piece)

yesterday I had half a packet of biscuits, rice and tea. (yesterday was a pretty good day for me as i ate more than i usually do but then all my negative thinking about eating to much wil make me sick etc... kicks in as i have a phobia of vomiting )

I'm scared now to weigh my self, (i've given up weighing myself as i just dont seem to be putting the weight on)I don't like losing weight ,

my bmi is normal now but if i lose just over a stone i will be underweight (the last time my bmi got checked was over a week ago and it was 14.9 UNDERWEIGHT which i already knew that!.

I've also gotten really fussy over food (i have thought am fussy since my anxiety but my dad said i have been like that since i was a child about eating i would put certain foods today ie cake & custard they had to be in different bowls lol now i just have them in the one :winks:,
i am a vegetarian too.
I seem to have developed safe foods,(yes i have safe foods - bread, biscuits etc..
i started getting paranoid about food poisoning and allergic reactions. i will eat chicken etc.. but i always check to make sure they are cooked right through otherwise i just wont eat them i will worry about getting sick if they not cooked right)

I seem to only manage one small meal a day, and then eat biscuits and crisps and drink soda to try and get more calories. (i hardly manage a meal a day only now and then and then its only small like a chicken wrap with lettuce or beans on toast & lods of biscuits usually chocolate digestives dunked in a cup of tea :winks:
i do feel full very fast and sometimes sick after eating. (mine is usually feeling sick soon as i have eaten but if i just eat toast & biscuits i find i stay hungry but if i had the beans on toast or chicken wrap i will feel either just comfortable or full up
I really miss enjoying my food (This is what i say all the time i miss food so much and just wish i was a stronger person to ignore the negative thinking and just eat what i want !! also i have found now if i eat things that triggers the burning [ain off then it has now started in my right shoulder blade :mad:

24-12-10, 20:39
Well, an anxious morning which tends to wear off in the afternoon..
Today I managed..4 of those Breakfast biscuits with Vitamins & minerals.
A small Fairycake
1 Ham sandwich ( danish light bread)
4oz Egg fried rice with 3 slices Roast beef
Another small fairycake.
3 Melba Toast lightly buttered

I really am so fed up with this eating problem now, as im sure we all are.. I tried those Complan type drinks but they upset my tum.Any other suggestions anyone ?

25-12-10, 08:29
Well, an anxious morning which tends to wear off in the afternoon..
Today I managed..4 of those Breakfast biscuits with Vitamins & minerals.
A small Fairycake
1 Ham sandwich ( danish light bread)
4oz Egg fried rice with 3 slices Roast beef
Another small fairycake.
3 Melba Toast lightly buttered

you eat alot more than me i tend to stick to SAFE FOODS things that wont upset my stomach.. what bread do you find the best or is it the danish light ? i have never tried that i eat wholemeal but i heard its bad for constipation?? and that all i eat no wonder i never go the loo :unsure: i may try that danish light if its good..

I really am so fed up with this eating problem now, as im sure we all are..(i find this is more fustrating and gets me really down n angry as i just want to eat NORMAL again and not have to worry what will or will not upset my stomach ?

I tried those Complan type drinks but they upset my tum.Any other suggestions anyone ?

i have complain which i have not yet tried but i also have weight gain which i bought online from holland & barrett i have only had two shakes up2 now so don't no if it will be good in the long run helping me put on weight but it was fine on my stomach?
do you take any probiotic yougurt drinks?

25-12-10, 19:42
During all of my anxiety I lost 20 pounds. I have since gained back about 15 pounds. I really have to eat a lot of calories in order to gain weight. I have kind of hit a plateau now and it's hard to gain any more. I unfortunately do eat a lot of cookies and pop and pizza, anything with a lot of calories. That was the only way I could get a lot of calories in. I also can now eat most meals (except during the day at work, I just have a banana, some yogurt, and maybe some soup). At home I can eat better, and will eat meat, potatoes, and another vegetable. It took a long time though before I could do this and when my anxiety is up, then I can't eat very well again. I take a very small amount of ativan, but it helped a lot with calming me so I could eat. I had some vitamin deficiencies for awhile because of mine not eating enough. I also have IBS. I also am afraid of vomiting. I tend to eat frequently, and small amounts. But, after awhile, you can gain the weight back as your anxiety lessens.

25-12-10, 20:15
[QUOTE=jothenurse;770245]During all of my anxiety I lost 20 pounds. I have since gained back about 15 pounds. I really have to eat a lot of calories in order to gain weight. (i have only stated eating again for about 2-3 weeks but i have only been eating safe foods really bread, toast, ham sandwiches, biscuits and some choc but today for the first time in months i had a proper meal i had a christmas dinner which am so happy for doing it was only small but a big step for me :yesyes:)
I have kind of hit a plateau now and it's hard to gain any more. I unfortunately do eat a lot of cookies and pop and pizza, anything with a lot of calories. That was the only way I could get a lot of calories in. I also can now eat most meals (except during the day at work, I just have a banana, some yogurt, and maybe some soup). At home I can eat better, and will eat meat, potatoes, and another vegetable. It took a long time though before I could do this and when my anxiety is up, then I can't eat very well again.(if i was having a bad anxious nervus stomach feeling bad day i never used to eat i was to scared always thought eating on a stomach like that would make me vomit and bein emetophobic id freak out but we can eat and i find if i eat it actually settles my stomach weird i no)
I take a very small amount of ativan, but it helped a lot with calming me so I could eat. I had some vitamin deficiencies for awhile because of mine not eating enough. I also have IBS.( am in the middle of finding out whats wrong with me i think its IBS but my doctor have got me booked in on the 31st this month for a scope down my throat as they think cos i stopped eating for a few months am suffering acid reflux or stomach ulcer i just hope its nothing major but am sick of all these feelings)
I also am afraid of vomiting.(one day i will over come this fear how do you cope with yours ?
I tend to eat frequently (how frequently do you eat and what size food etc...,
and small amounts. But, after awhile, you can gain the weight back as your anxiety lessens.

am just looking forward to getting the camera and hopefully this will all be sorted out...........
what IBS symptobs do you have how did u no you had ibs ??
my symptons are -

Trapped wind,
burning abdomen
lump in throat
stomach cramps feeling like i need the loo only to get there and nothing goes lol..
always feeling hungry (even when i have just eaten)
pain or discomfort in the abdomen
feeling nausea

25-12-10, 21:04
Honeyp1e..I have a wheat intolerance . not allergy so I can manage 2 slices danish light bread per day without a problem.

Other breads though have created stomach bloating and wind.

Today I ate 4 vitamin breakfast bics
A bacon sandwich
Christmas dinner was for me.. 3 small Roast potatoes
3 small carrots
3 small roast parsnips
Desertspoon of peas
3 good slices chicken and gravy

My tum problem currently is not going to loo properly but I think that is due to tension because I had a fissure couple weeks ago and although much better now its made me tense about the toilet..How I just wish I could feel normal again!

25-12-10, 23:09
i no what you mean about feeling normal again..

today i got up at 4.30am (kids r early birds seeeing what santa had got them :winks:)
5.20am i had -
2wholemeal toast with jam
a cup of decaf tea
4choc digestive biscuits

10am - 3 cadburys roses chocolates & 1 choc digestive

then at 2.30pm my christmas dinner was -
2small slices of beef
carrots & mash mixed together
1 small yorkshire pudding

then about 3.30pm -
cup of tea & 4 choc hob nob biscuits

8pm - one Ferrero Rocher

so pretty small to be honest i need more proper foods that are gonna make me gain weight i just want to be normal not be in pain & gain weight and stop thinking about my phobia of vomiting 24/7 as this is what mainly makes me not eat aswell as the burning tight pains ..
but with my phobia i always think i have eaten to much even if i have only just wke up and had 1 slice of toast its all my negative thinking but the pains are also a part am not really meant to eat chocolate as that kicks it off...

ive found though if am hungry i get the burning pains or a tight horrible pain in my upper abdomen and sometimes a sore or lump feeling in my throat do you get any of these the tight pains when hungry ?

26-12-10, 21:05
Have experienced the burning sensation when hungry and also the knotted stomach feeling.. I seem to have a new one for a few days though and wonder if its related to the excess acid ?.. I mentioned before about a short, sharp pain above naval. No problem yesterday and then today same thing upper abdomen that lasted 2 seconds. Later on another quick jolt situated left top of ribs. I can hear a few gurgles going on but I dont get heartburn or acid reflux. Any ideas ?

29-12-10, 20:15
Have experienced the burning sensation when hungry and also the knotted stomach feeling.. I seem to have a new one for a few days though and wonder if its related to the excess acid ?.. I mentioned before about a short, sharp pain above naval. No problem yesterday and then today same thing upper abdomen that lasted 2 seconds. Later on another quick jolt situated left top of ribs. I can hear a few gurgles going on but I dont get heartburn or acid reflux. Any ideas ?

i get this but mainly just above my belly button (thought it was just me)
the doctor told me it was just because i have so much acid in my stomach thats all it is but hopefuly when i get my scope donw i will no more
last night i was in real i mean extreme pain i really wanted to go the A&E but i just thought what can they really do for you ?? nothing apart from give me more gavison etc.... anyway was away all night and then woke this morning with that horrible nervous stomach feeling and bad raw burning in abdomen with nausea these are the worse things i hate....
i took the gavison n it just never went ? so didnt really wanna eat all day however i did just make myself eat 2 toast this morning n a few ginger biscuits which then the burning eased for a bit then i made more toast about 6pm with 4 REDUCED FAT :yesyes: cookies haha which soothed the pain for a bit its mainly all in my throat tonight and has been all day..

29-12-10, 20:28
Folks, I'm glad you all have this food thing too. My anxiety seems to be instantly linked to nausea, and I worry about throwing up. During bouts of anxiety I struggle to eat anything at all, but my experience over the last few days has shown me that once i can eat something, other stuff starts to slide down easier. I was diagnosed with IBS, and not much has seemed to help. I have a bottle of gaviscon for when it gets too bad, but I have found that diet seems the best way to control the acid. I can't do much dairy, and have swapped normal cows milk for the lactofree stuff. This has made a HUGE difference. I too, don't eat wheat, it makes me feel very bloated and uncomfortable, and gives you that feeling that you can't decide whether you are still hungry or not after eating. I try and restrict the caffeine and stay off the alcohol. Chamomile tea helps, especially if you get indigestion jusst before going to bed. My doc says as soon as the anxiety subsides so does the stomach problems.
It seems to be made much worse when you worry about all the weight your loosing, and feeling like 'I really should eat more'. I'm a petite lady, and people always comment on how much I should'shouldn't eat. They don't get it!!!!

29-12-10, 23:47
Folks, I'm glad you all have this food thing too. My anxiety seems to be instantly linked to nausea,(i suffer with bad nausea from this burning pain i have had it now since yesterday real bad and it just dont seem to be going raw burning stomach, throat and bad nausea i woke up with the worse sore throat ever and i have never gotten a sore throat from it)
and I worry about throwing up. During bouts of anxiety I struggle to eat anything at all, but my experience over the last few days has shown me that once i can eat something, other stuff starts to slide down easier. I was diagnosed with IBS, and not much has seemed to help. I have a bottle of gaviscon for when it gets too bad, but I have found that diet seems the best way to control the acid. I can't do much dairy, and have swapped normal cows milk for the lactofree stuff. (what does this taste like horrible or?? as i got some other milk once and it was vile... i dont have milk or cereal anymore as itastes some 1day and felt horrible on my belly was semmi skimmed)
This has made a HUGE difference. I too, don't eat wheat, it makes me feel very bloated and uncomfortable, and gives you that feeling that you can't decide whether you are still hungry or not after eating. I try and restrict the caffeine and stay off the alcohol. Chamomile tea helps, especially if you get indigestion jusst before going to bed. My doc says as soon as the anxiety subsides so does the stomach problems.
It seems to be made much worse when you worry about all the weight your loosing, and feeling like 'I really should eat more'. I'm a petite lady, and people always comment on how much I should'shouldn't eat.(i hate it when people always say to me oh you need to eat etc.. they dont realize am trying my best !! They don't get it!!!!

do you ever get like a tight nervous stomach feeling ? (this is the only way i no how to describe t? and a burning between my shoulder blades ?

30-12-10, 21:17
The tight nervous stomach I can relate to. Had that a few times. Ive taken to eating a couple of plain tea biscuits before bed each night and thats helped with any hunger feeling.
Hope that all goes well with your tests honeyp1e. Let us know how you get on

09-01-11, 15:56
There are many reasons as to why someone would become so anxious about something, much in the same way that depression can be a result of many different things; it depends on the person, their personality, what they have been through, their genetics and what their life is like. Any of these factors can easily be what is contributing to a person’s anxiety and to their loss of appetite. Anyone who is so anxious and worried that they have lost their appetite to the point where they are beginning to lose weight should seriously consider contacting a therapist.

09-01-11, 16:21
I did that Fitness lady and also a Nutritionalist, both failed. The Nutritionalist kept suggesting foods which I had told her I had intolerances with.
My reasons for the food problem came from 6 years coping with family and pet losses during which I had been comfort eating and gained a lot of weight.

Losing it again put me back in the healthy bracket . I just feel that gaining a few pounds would make me feel I am in control again, and I think thats the same for quite a few with the same problem.