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View Full Version : 6 years of misery-they mock, but if they only knew

11-03-04, 10:58
Hello courageous people

Sorry to be so morbid but it's true. Dont get me wrong it has not constantly been miserable, but it aint been nice. Anyway, I wont go into too much detail, as I have a habit of doing so(OCPD), so here's my story in a nutshell(well, i'll try!):

I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for 6 years now, being on medication all this time. I've had several bad spells of anxiety, including one now and I must say they are the worst of my mental illness! Panic attacks are the worst thing i've ever had to experience, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.

The last time I had a bout of anxiety attacks was 4 years ago. The depression has been there most of the time and my way of dealing with it, especially over the last 3years was through drinking. Five month ago I made the decision to stop, and as a result, my anxiety levels shot up, leading to panic attacks. I've been off sick from work for this period, but hope to go back when i'm 100% better. It's not all bad though, cos, I do feel a little better, which is probably due to the lengthy time off, increased medication, counselling, and acupuncture. As you can see i'm determined to get better, but it's very hard! Anyway, thanks for reading and it's such a relief that such a site exists!

Take care of yourselves

Ish :)

11-03-04, 11:05
Hiya Panic,

Welcome to the site, glad you have found us!

Have a good look around at all the advice available here.

We have all been there in one way or another and will help you all we can.

Once again, Welcome!

Kate x

11-03-04, 11:07
Hi Ish!

I 'chatted' with you on the forum the other night - was good to see your post here too! Good to meet you!

It's not at all nice, no, and we all know that :-( - not good to hear about you suffering though. You sound a tremendously strong person even through all that - it is difficult as you say, and your the time off, meds, councelling etc will all help, but the thing that helps the most is your determination - so very well done!! You will soon be back to work if you keep at it.

The thing is now to focus on what happens (positively) next and not what could or did happen. This site with all its tips and advice on coping strategies is the best I have seen - and the 'members' are all brilliant because they understand totally.

Again Ish - very well done - keep it up!

Take care


11-03-04, 11:26
Welcome Ish,

Well done for sticking with it and being determined .It is the only way .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-03-04, 18:26
Thanks Meg, Kate, Red and thanks to Nicola for creating this site! I'm sure there is alot of useful information on this site, there has been so far. If your around I might catch you in the chat room later.

Bye for now


12-03-04, 20:19
Hi Ish

Welcome to the message forum and great to see you in the Chat room.

You have come a long way and things will get better for you soon ok?

Chat later maybe if you are around.
