View Full Version : Swine Flu Vaccine Worry

21-12-10, 21:33
Hey all,

im 24 weeks pregnant and got the swine flu vaccine yesterday, was very hesistant about getting it but been reading stories of pregnant women not getting it and its been fatal so i didnt want that so i decided it was safer to get it.

Im now scared of getting a reaction to it or something been wrong with the baby. Just wondering if anybody has got it and if anything bad happened?

Everytime i get a little pain im scared it mite be a reaction.

Thanx guys

22-12-10, 00:02
I wouldn't worry to much about it you will make yourself sick.

22-12-10, 12:30
I had the flu vaccine (with swine flu included) on the 26th November. I haven't felt right since + I seriously regret having it. I think I'm the only one who seems to have reacted to it, everyone else who had it at work is fine. I asked my Dr (after convincing myself I had all kinds of neurological problems) and he said I was just having a bit of a guillain barre type reaction to it. I mainly just felt really dizzy + had headaches for about a 2 weeks afterwards. I still have the dizzyness.

I actually never get flu, I only had it as it was available for free at work. I would rather take the risk of getting flu to be honest!

I'm sure you will be fine, severe reactions are rare.