View Full Version : head/throat feeling strange when concentrating on something for a period of time

21-12-10, 21:45
When I concentrate on something specifically for a long period of time I.e knitting (I'm learning from my nan) I get weird tention at the back of my head/ base of my neck. I get it if I paint too. Is this usual for anxiety or should I worry? I also feel like my throats closing and I'm going to puke.

Rly worried. Does anyone else get this? Can anyone offer any reassurance?

Thanks guys x

Going home
21-12-10, 22:37
I get this every time i'm on the computer to be honest, especially tension in my neck. The throat feeling could be that it becomes dry while you're working and concentrating so much, then the swallowing reflex doesn't happen so much which means your mouth isn't creating so much saliva like it does normally.

Anna xx