View Full Version : so scared that i have swine flu!!!!!

21-12-10, 22:48
had my niece over the weekend and she was coughing non stop and once to the point she was sick!!!!, i woke up this morning with a tickly cough, which was managable!!!, helped my friend push her car out of the snow this evening and ever since my whole body has been aching, my eye's are stinging and my head is really hot but my body is cold!!!!!!!!, was offered a flu jab but annoyingly i have had cold after cold recently, but nothing like this!!!!!!!!!!!!! :weep:

21-12-10, 23:01
My son was diagnosed with the swine flu in August. To be honest I completely freaked but the doctor told me it is more common these days we just don't know it. The media hyped it up so much that it put fear into us all. In reality it is just the flu, just a different strain. My son had a week off school. Although he recovered earlier I just didn't want to pass it on to anyone. Fluids and plenty of rest should help you feel a lot better. Take care :bighug1:

21-12-10, 23:02
thanks shelz, do you think a hot bath would help????

21-12-10, 23:08
I know friends of mine that have it, but i'm not worried about it, both me and my little girl were so poorly last week, i agree with shelz, alot of it is hyped up.

di xx

21-12-10, 23:16
My son had warmish baths as his temperature was up and if it was too hot it made him feel dizzy and sick. I used heat packs and a herbal anti flammatory cream for any aches. I do know baths are a great relief for aches and pains but I guess its what you would prefer and what ever makes you comfortable. Hope this helps. As always, see your g.p if you get too concerned.

Going home
21-12-10, 23:43
I felt like this on monday morning after helping my partner get the car up the hill where we live...two other chaps came to the rescue but i also helped to push the car out of the snow and all day long my body ached.

As has already been said about swine flu, its just another strain of the annual flu virus and they all affect the elderly and vunerable people more. Flu is part of life in the winter unfortunately and swine flu is no different and doesn't claim any more lives than any other major flu outbreak to be honest...i'm not sure why the media choose to focus on it so much, its they who are making more of it. Try not to let it freak you out so much.

Anna xx