View Full Version : propranolol

21-12-10, 23:37
hi there just recently seen my gp who as upped my does of citalopram to 30 mg and told me to take them on a morning as i was taking them on a night, as adviced by my first gp and havent been sleeping properly for months, he as aslo give me 40mg of propranolol to take when needed but i am a bit wary due to all the side effects does any one have any advice for me thank you xxx:)

21-12-10, 23:54
Hey :) Yeah I was the same with my citalopram, hadn't had a proper night's sleep in ages! I 2 was taking them at night - taking them in the morning made a big difference for me!

Before I was prescribed citalopram I was on propranolol and I had no side effects with it at all. Now that I'm on citalopram, I've been told only 2 take the propranolol along with it if I'm feeling really anxious, just 2 take the edge of it. So I wouldn't worry about taking them together :)

Going home
21-12-10, 23:59
They wouldn't normally give you meds that worked against each other. Ive been taking propranolol for a few years now (80mg) and have recently been told i have an underactive thyroid so now have to also take levothyroxine and i was very worried about taking the two, but i had a chat with the pharmacist and he reassured me it was ok. Ive had no adverse reactions.

Anna x

22-12-10, 00:04
am also on both cit 40mg and prop 80mg no side effects

22-12-10, 09:44
Lower doses of propranolol tend not to have side effects, but at higher doses they can sometimes make you tired or give you cold hands and feet.

22-12-10, 11:14
I'm on 40mg Propranolol twice a day but was only given this dose at weekend they do make me really tired, I get a slight dull headache with them but thats probably with the tiredness and some feeling sick/dizziness the latter two usually wear off after about 30mins to an hour, I think the side effects do eventually wear off alltogether once your body has gotten used to them...i'm hoping anyway because the headache and tiredness are very aggravating especially when I have a 14month old to look after.
It is less scarey than the anxiety, palpatations and High Blood pressure though so i'm not complaining because they do help to relax me A LOT!

22-12-10, 15:28
thank you every one, i think im just worrying over nothing just have a niggling doubt about taking propranolol as i had mild asthma as a child and dont want to get any un wanted side effects, i am hoping i will start feeling better now i am taking my citalapram on a morning xxxx:D