View Full Version : cystitis - should I see GP?

22-12-10, 00:09
Ok, it's not full cystistis yet but its definitely coming - feel all irratated an itchy there and it's getting increasingly more difficult to go for a wee - uncomfy and I go into spasms! And its developing a nasty smell again. So yeah, basically the same symptoms I went through last year before having 2 weeks of a bad UTI over Christmas... Soo am thinking, as opposed to it getting worse over the next week and not being able to get medicine for it, should I just ring the surgery tommorow and see what they suggest? Or would that be a waste of their time and that?

Edit: Should add I tried the horrible cranberry sachets last year and they made me feel sick, plus did zilch for the other issues so not keen on relying on them again!

22-12-10, 08:10
H Daisy - perhaps you could ask them for a prescription on the basis that you'll only use it of you need it? I'm about to do something similar x

22-12-10, 08:34
It sounds very uncomfertable and if you had something similar last year for two weeks then you should ring the doctors so you don't have to go through the same thing this year. It's not a waste of their time at all, it's their jobs to help us with our health! :) xx

22-12-10, 09:36
Yeah, I phoned up and asked to speak to my GP (I'm at home from uni so cant go in) - at first they wanted me to see the doctor here but I can't do that, it's a country practice with one female GP who said a few nasty things over summer so cant trust her. So they relented and said they'll get my GP to phone me when she can get to work, which'll be tommorow at some point :) so not too bad! Thanks for the advice, really appreciate it xx

22-12-10, 13:21
Hi daisycake...Yes, I would definitely nip it in the bud.

I started getting cystitis symptoms just over 3 weeks ago and thought I could just handle it with lots of water and some over the counter stuff, but although it improved it kept coming back and going, and coming back again. I think the only real way to get rid is some antibiotics.

Hope you feel better soon hun.x

22-12-10, 15:27
It's one of those things that can either cure itself or needs antibiotics isn't it? Mine used to clear up naturally but nowadays I get antibiotics as they're worse. If you've had a bad UTI before (they're SO uncomfortable) I would agree with the above and see if you can get a prescription you will only use if totally necessary. Sometimes my doc does that if my salivary gland is blocked or a similar ailment. I'm always told to wait and see if it goes away and if it just keeps getting worse or coming back take the antibiotics.

Hope you're feeling better

22-12-10, 16:28
Yeah I am waiting until they contact tommorow and see, I think I'm going to have to swallow my pride and see a doctor here - it's more of a dry skin issue in that all the skin on the inside has gone a lovely red colour and has cracked due to being really dry.. I have had that before and they took swabs and said it was just excema so have used previous creams to see if that helps.. Goodness knows how that can be sorted out on the phone :roflmao:

22-12-10, 17:21
Well, still at least if I have to see another GP then I can get a second opinion on a few things - so I guess that's a positive!

23-12-10, 01:00
This is awful lol, I'd forgotten how nasty these things are - feels like I'm on fire! Lol. Going to be a long night!

23-12-10, 01:13
And it gets worse,?I now have a nasty green blood stained discharge :-\ loooovely.

23-12-10, 14:54
This is awful - noone seems to care, I phoned the doctor who snapped at me for asking for help then told me to go buy canesten cream. So my mum bought me a canseten TABLET as the chemist said that was better, and cheaper. Took it - and now I literally can't wee at all. If I do, it takes about 20 minutes of forcing coupled with dizziness, shaking and palpitations. I've had 2 cups of tea and a glass of water and now my mum wants me to have a glass of hot water - I'm so fed up. Cant see the GP here as have had run-ins with her before, .. Apparently everyone else just deals with these things and doesn't make a fuss - my mum told me to lie to the doctor about the bleeding last night as they can't take me to a GP... Which has now stopped, and I think its because I was so sore last night... I'm so fed up. Been told if I get tummy pain to phone dr tommorow but if nothing else happens I've to shut up and stop moaning basically. So what do I do now?!

Well; my mum's coming across not very good here - she didnt tell me to lie just that "there was no way I was bleeding and not to exaggerate to the dr"... lol. So it's not that bad but...

And then they all ask why I have low self esteem.
Hm, why indeed....

And now my mum's angry because I've taken a break from cbt, under my doctor's advice, that's all I needed.