View Full Version : uhhggg! worried sick (dental related)

22-12-10, 07:35
I had been doing so well lately! I had terrible phobia of going to the dentist for many years and FINALLY went last year. Actually, I went several times over the course of the last year getting fillings, deep cleanings, etc. My last apt was 6 months ago and I'm due for a routine cleaning now.

However, about a week ago I started noticing this bad odor and taste coming from the gums around one of my back teeth. If I push on the gums around it a bad taste comes out and the finger smells (so very attractive, I know). I am now completely terrified that it's an infection and I'm going to die. I've heard/read sooooo many horror stories about the pus getting into your blood stream, brain, etc. It doesn't really hurt. The gum around there is sensitive but it's hard to tell if thats because I'm poking at it constantly or what now. I also worry that it could be an impacted wisdom tooth waiting to kill me. I'm 31 and I only ever got one in. The dentist told me not to worry about the others and that she saw no evidence of them errupting. Basically she said there's no point having them taking out at my age unless they "cause problems". I'm worried this is the start of said problems. Then I start worrying about needing surgery and how I'm terrified of being put under.. etc etc etc. I've been spiraling pretty bad. Then of course today I started getting heart palpitations on and off all day.. which I fear is the infection getting to my heart.I havent been this worked up about something in a long time. :( I know I need to go see the dentist, but it's christmas and I don't have the money or insurance.. not to mention offices have weird hours this week and the rest of their schedules are full around this time.

UHHGG! someone give me peace of mind! :(

I brush twice a day, use mouthwash AND floss.. EVERY DAY! this is unfair! :(

22-12-10, 08:11
Oh bless, i understand your worry.

I've had loads done at the dentist and because i haven't been for a while now, the worry of going has started to sink in...................again.

Pop to dentist hun, i've had stuff like you have just described, its probably a little infection that will take antibiotics to clear up, it certainly doesn't sound anything major.

As for your wisdom teeth, mine took ages to come through, when they did i just had them taken out one by one as they were causing me problems.

I have to go back to dentist after christmas so i totally understand how you feel, but i also know the thinking about it is always worse than actually going.

Try and make the appointment and get the worry over and done with, the longer you prolong it the more you will worry and panic.

di xx

23-12-10, 03:08
called the dentist today for an apt and as soon as I said "pus" they said to come in for a "quick look" for free while I wait for my apt 2 weeks from now. They took an Xray. Said I have an impacted wisdom tooth that's pushing on the tooth next to it. She said theres a bit of infection at the root of the tooth and that I'd need to get the impacted tooth pulled at a dental surgeon as well as the TWO OTHER impacted wisdom teeth I have, of which there is no room for. I'm terrified. She gave me antibiotics in the meantime, which I will fill tomorrow, but I'm so worried the severe pain or major infection will start any day now with any one of these teeth. It's also going to be real fun paying for the operations without insurance. Likely means I will have to wait and worry like a freak until then. :( That whole side of my mouth and under my jaw feels weird now, but I'm HOPING maybe it's just from all the prodding.

23-12-10, 14:14
Hey Mandy - I had exactly the same problem as you - impacted wisdom tooth and infection. You will not die - this is very common with impacted wisdom teeth. I can't tell you how many people I know who have had it too. I had mine taken out at the dentist, and it was very very quick, and completely painless. Much quicker than having a filling or other work done.

If cost is an issue, can you have the infected one taken out first, then go back separately for the other two (if they aren't currently causing problems)?
