View Full Version : Came over faint/sick

22-12-10, 08:10
Last night we went to our neighbours for dinner. I was very tired, probably only had 5 hours sleep the night before. Their house was extremely warm :ohmy: (but to be expected as they have a baby).

After dinner we were sitting at the table and all of a sudden I came over all hot and just had a horrible feeling come over me, as if i was going to faint (but I didn't), I just felt as if I needed to lay down. I got up and had to excuse myself and wanted to get outside as I felt as if I needed to cool down.

I walked around outside I also popped home (we are only across the road), as i also felt I had to go to the toilet :blush: (not for a wee)

After all this I felt much better and went back to the neighbours so I really don't really know what it was all about.

Has this happened to anyone else, not too sure if I should be worried about it? Thanks

22-12-10, 10:29

Yes, I get exactly the same thing when I get too hot, and especially if I am tired. It can happen inside while I'm sitting down or even outside if I am walking and suddenly get too hot. I feel just like I am about to faint (light headed, nauseous and sweating) and it usually comes on very suddenly. I never experienced this before I suffered from anxiety so I guess it must be an anxiety symptom - or perhaps the anxiety makes me overreact to a normal sensation such as feeling hot, which I would have ignored before. It's a horrible feeling but it does go as soon as I stop and cool down.

It can also make me need the toilet too so I think that's a normal part of it!

22-12-10, 11:35
thanks for that, yes it's just as you said, as soon as I stepped outside and cooled down, i felt better and this morning I feel ok too.

I wonder why it makes us want the toilet too? :blush: Perhaps it's the body's way of dealing with fight or flight.......

22-12-10, 13:32
I've had this as well - I'd always thought it was just me. It seems to be triggered by getting too hot, or sometimes by eating a very large meal. Once I manage to cool down and go to the loo, it seems to subside, but it's quite alarming when it happens. I've seemed to get it more since I've gone into the perimenopause, so I'd wondered whether it had anything to do with hormones somehow.

22-12-10, 14:56
I recognise this. I always thought it was a change in blood pressure. Not a dangerous change though :) Don't worry, it's totally normal.

22-12-10, 16:30
It happens to me all the time for no reason
my bp is normally ok so it.must b an anxiety moment.once i cool down im normally ok!x

22-12-10, 21:22
I get this all the time when I have panic attacks, I get hot flushes then cant stop shivering, always need the loo too :-( its a horrible feeling