View Full Version : heavy chest and lump in throat

22-12-10, 11:48
I dont know why this has, yet again, hit me out of the blue :-(

I went to the ent over a enlarged lymph node in my neck a month or so ago, he told me last week the results were that its benign, so all good there. On one of my previous app's he put a camera down my nose and into my throat, he said everything was normal, no lumps or nodules etc so I was really relieved because one of my main symtoms for last few years is the feeling of a lump in my throat.

Anyway, over last week or so, I have had the feeling of the lump in the throat, and shortness of breath and constant heaviness in my chest so I started thinking, what if the camera hasnt covered all areas of my throat, what if the lump is in my eustachian tubes (I also suffer with fluid in behind my eardrum and get pains every now and then, my doc says its normal to suffer with this in this country!)...and so on. When the consultant gave me the results of the lump last week, I mentioned the lump sensation and he said the camera went quite far down, and that although he was concentrating on other things (he was looking for lymphoma etc), he would definitley have seen something elst ie lumps. he said it was more than likely globus which he said isnt caused by stress, but worsened by stress, he gave me some meds to help with the acid reflux, which I am getting and that he will see me in 4 weeks.

I have been off work lately poorly, I dont think this helps as my mind just runs away with itself :-(

Why have I let myself get like this again? Can globus hystericus really feel so real...like there is a growth or something? Does overbreathing give backache? And can it cause acid? I feel sometimes when I eat that it is just stuck in my throat....so guess what that leads to...yes.... cancer of the esophagus or something!

thank you so much to anyone who has managed to read all this and I would greatly appreciate some reassurance xx

22-12-10, 12:05
hi i have got the same symptoms as you atm, i recently found out ive got blood clots and then bam anxiety is back with a vengance ,i think when we are scared it makes it worse but it is just anxiety and we got to keep telling ourselfs that has the dr given you anything for it ?mine gave me promazine yesterday sometimes we need that little something to take edge off it hope you feel better soon amanda xx

22-12-10, 12:09
hi i have got the same symptoms as you atm, i recently found out ive got blood clots and then bam anxiety is back with a vengance ,i think when we are scared it makes it worse but it is just anxiety and we got to keep telling ourselfs that has the dr given you anything for it ?mine gave me promazine yesterday sometimes we need that little something to take edge off it hope you feel better soon amanda xx

Hi Amanda
Thanks for replying. I am already on Prozac, have been for over 10 years now. My family have had a lot of tragedy over last few years and I think Christmas stresses me out a little :weep:

Sorry to hear you are suffering at the moment too, it is a horrible, horrible thing. I do keep trying to tell myself its health anxiety, but sometimes, esp when I am on my own, my mind takes over!

Hope your meds take the edge off for you and you get your clots sorted, I am sure you will be fine xx

22-12-10, 21:43
Hi sorry to bump this post but just wondered does/has anyone else have these symptoms? I've had a rubbish day today :-(
