View Full Version : sudden palpitations when im not anxious

sarah jayne
22-12-10, 12:50
hi everyone ive been doing really well recently so i havent been on here much but since sunday ive been getting more and more anxious again. I was out shopping with my hubby and children we were having lovely day when all of a sudden i cudnt get my breath it felt like my heart had stopped and then it started again with a really huge thud it really scared me because i wasnt anxious at the time so im finding it hard to believe thats its anxiety and am now panicing that ive something wrong with my heart, ive been having palpitations ever since and i was so frightened i went to the doctors yesterday, he chesked me blood pressure and listened to my heart and he said it sounded fine he wants me to go back in the new year and have blood tests and an ecg and he said he wants me to have a 24 hour one aswell. He said he doesnt think its anything bad hes only doing the tests to help put my mind at rest but i cant stop worrying i think this is going to be another horrible christmas where im going to be constantly worried im going to die :(

22-12-10, 12:58
Hi There

I just thought that I should post as I was having the same issue. I wasn't stressed at the time or at least I didn't think I was and then all of a sudden I could feel it beat fast then skip a beat. It was so scary, previously to that I had an ECG and blood tests and everything came back ok, Palps can be due to hormones I think as I always get them before I am due on, caffine and smoking can also cause them. Please don't worry because if anything was seriously wrong then your doctor would know about it and would have sent you straight up to the hospital.

Try and forget about it if you can I havn't been thinking about it this month and touchwood I havn't had any, we are over sensitive when it comes to our bodies and this can make symptoms worse so the more you stress the more of them you will have xx

22-12-10, 16:31
Hello, i am new here, but i have the same symptoms and worries. My biggest fears about death and illness all stem from worrying about my heart. I get random palpitations, flutters and heavy beats, even when seemingly not anxious about anything at the moment. As for the holidays, this is the time I am most anxious for some reason, same as you. I have had my heart checked and everything appears normal ( I do have a slightly abnormal heartbeat, but the doc says it's nothing to worry about) but yet i still worry.

22-12-10, 16:36
Thats so much like me sarah.even wen i think im ok they happen.my doc said its nothin to worry about.he said most people have them but i just feel them more bcause of the anxiety. :)

22-12-10, 16:39
Same here jess.thats what triggered my health anxiety off.wen i had my first panic attack my heart was beating so fast i noticed all the thumps and missed beats.and the feelin of it stoppin and starting!do u feel for ur pulse alot jess?i do all the time.

22-12-10, 16:43
Hi There. I am also new. Just saw this post and thought I'd comment as I too have the same problem.
I was told a few years ago that I had a slightly abnormal heartbeat, but nothing to worry about. This got worse after a hospital admission for pneumonia a couple of years ago.
I was referred for an ECG, 24 hour tape and an echo. It basically showed that I was having abnormal beats and I have a mitral valve prolapse. Although I see a cardiologist yearly it's all ok and really common. I won't pretend that it doesn't cause me anxiety cos it does and at times I can be more aware of my heart beat but I am trying to reassure you that even if there is a problem palpitations very rarely cause you any problems other than discomfort.
Obviously once you are aware of the palpitations you become more anxious hence you have more palps but a 24 hour ECG should hopefully put you mind at rest.
Take Care :D

22-12-10, 16:45
Same here jess.thats what triggered my health anxiety off.wen i had my first panic attack my heart was beating so fast i noticed all the thumps and missed beats.and the feelin of it stoppin and starting!do u feel for ur pulse alot jess?i do all the time.

OMG yes, every few minutes when I am really anxious.

22-12-10, 16:49
I know it's hard but don't check your pulse either......you will just spped ur heart rate up cos ur anxious so you get a false reading anyway. I am a nurse and when I got to work the other week I was feeling really panicky. I went to one of the Drs and asked then to check my pulse.....the first thing he said was "are you anxious" !! How did he know lol !!
I used to check my pulse all the time but you must stop...it just makes it worse xx

22-12-10, 17:03
Thats right.wen i was at my worst anxiety wise i constantly was checkin snd countin it.but i was just mskin it so much worse and i was noticing more and more skipped beats i know its hard chick but u need to try and occupy ur mind with something else.i still feel myself goin to check it bcsuse my heartrate is faster than it should b.but i just stop myself and go and do something.im sure u can do it hun.xx

23-12-10, 00:05
i get them moreoften when im not anxious than when i am, i always figure its delayed reaction to something, i even get them when im in bed going to sleep,seem to be getting them alot more lately which does worry me more but then i have alot on my plate at the moment so it could be that xx

23-12-10, 01:56
I have also been getting a lot when being relaxed.. i think it could be down to indigestion or the fact that im just very stressed out at the moment.. there is always a niggling thought in the back of my mind and im always too aware of what my body is doing. i know how scary they are and am hoping they go away and dont spoil christmas! hope you feel better soon :)

sarah jayne
28-12-10, 10:13
thanks every1 for ur replies im still getting them and i cant help fearing its y heart ive had lots this morning but im trying my best ti ignore them but its hard i am quite stressed at the moment so thats prob not helping

14-01-11, 01:34
Hi just joined site.Not sure how it works.So glad to hear i am not the only one suffering with palpitations. They appear from no where as missed beats or a strong beat. I was constantly checking pulse but makes it worse. Have had ECG all normal.Feeling better knowing others have same symptoms.

sarah jayne
21-01-11, 13:22
my ecg was normal aswell but it doesnt make me any less worried :( x