View Full Version : blood pressure????

22-03-06, 22:54
Hello once again.

im scared everyone, my bp seems to be unstable- and im feeling so rough...please anyone that has knowledge help me.
one min my bp is 140/88 then its 149/62 and then its 128/92 and today it was 115/52 ... i am feeling terrible,sometimes i feel like ive had a sudden drop- and the feeling is nasty...dizzyness,feeling faint..im so scared i want my mum now and i cant have her.There is ovioulsy a problem with my bp, its high then its low,if it goes as low as 52... what the hell is it wheni am sleeping ... im not gonna sleep tonight i tell ya, but im so weak..please someone help me,how can it go so low ,when i am anxious and have been walking about


22-03-06, 23:04
Hi Ash,

My bp goes all over the place too, it's normal for it to vary. Mine can be 125/85 and the next minute 100/65 and anything inbetween. It depends on what we're doing as well as how anxious we are. Occasionally peoples bp can change suddenly if you say get up too quickly but it's not serious.
I have had readings as low as 52 before and my hubby has had 48. Mine is often lower at this time of night than in the day too, even if I am anxious. Bp is very often naturally low in young people and is far healthier than it being high. Bp may drop slightly at night but it won't hurt you, everyones drops as their bodys prepare for sleep. I think Meg replied to you about this and said that even 35/40 would be ok, so try not to worry, I know it's hard though.

Take care,

Lisa x

22-03-06, 23:20
Oh lis,
i do try but all of this is far too much now...i cant stand this feeling and all the rest of it anymore... im not joking...i want out

thankyou, thankyou everyone


22-03-06, 23:21
Hi Ash,

I know you try and I know how hard this is, but don't say you want out, this can all get better honestly. I really do understand how hard this all is but hang in there.

Lisa x

22-03-06, 23:41
Ash it isnt easy and my blood pressure is high when i am anxious so we do understand how it is for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

22-03-06, 23:55
if its not low its high, but mostly low and how can it be low ...when i have anxiety.
Eptopic beats, panic attacks, hypo,aches and pains, breathless,hot flushes,pains in my head, weird attacks with sudden confusion..angry..sad..depressed.
What next i cant take it anymore..seriously i cant ..thats enuff...fu****g enuff
im sorry,This is punishment for me when i was with my ex..who beat the hell out of me over and over and the last 2 times my kids see it, this is my punishment...i deserve it thats true.
I want out of this pain NOW

I want out of this pain


23-03-06, 00:00

It isnt punishment for you that is the last you deserve you deserve a medal with what you put up with. You coped and got out of a life style that you couldnt take anymore, you are bound to be bruised with what you went through it is only natural and i will help you all i can.

In this story you are so much the better person, noone should be given a second chance with what they did to you but they will but their day will come trust me and they will then only regret their actions but by then you will have built a life and be a better person and back to you again and that is what counts. People can borrow you for a while but they can never take you completely.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-03-06, 00:20
Thanx for being so sweet and so kind, your lovley.
Im just dun in and cant take anymore, seriously..i want so much to be better for my kids and make thier lifes really special..make up for the past..i love them so much.. but i have been trying to get better for too long... and its not working... i cant do this anymore- i truley cant...its all too much...
i have had enuff..im so sorry for that.


23-03-06, 01:00
ash ur a star and never forget that. If we are anxious which for me and u and alot on here is constant then our blood pressure will vary mine was in the 70's when it should of been in the 80s then my doc told me relax take deep breaths and he took it again and it was spot on its all about breathing and relaxing i cant talk cause i feel exactly like you but this is what im told. the dizziness/lightheadedness is causeing our blood pressure to vary its all connected ur not alone mate tomorrow is another day maybe of pain but its one step to being better BELIEVE ME BABE xx

23-03-06, 09:41
Arrrh bless katy.. thanx for that.I have had enuff of being sacred every sec of the day.. its so depressing... i want to feel alive again..not dead and i cant wait any longer..i need things to change and thier not-if i am trying and trying and nothink is changing then ,,, you tell me .. its all wrong

how can i carry on... ash x

i hate myself so much... so so so much, im just the pits and please dont tell me im not, because i am ...what mother stays in an abusive relationship ...hay ...that ant right..what mother (on 2 occassions) allows her children to see her boyfriend(ex) beat her to bits.. and please dont ay either ..its not that easy to get out ... theres always a way...what a great childhood i have provided for my kids hay... good one ashley ... and now all they see is a freak...they are better of without me i tell ya.. at least they stand a chance... i love them so much..

im sorry x

23-03-06, 10:54
Apologies if you have thought about this before but when my bp was all over the place I used to walk regularly, the exercise stabilised it within a few weeks. Don't give up things will get better Ashley.

23-03-06, 12:08
thanx for the exercise advice, i do walk every day to pick my son from school and thats 2 miles a way ... dosnt seem to make any difference .. im in such a state , and it just ant helpin.. i ant helpin... but i just cant help it anymore.. oh yes maybe i do sound sorry for myself, thats because i do ..

thankyou anyway x


23-03-06, 16:48
Sounds like you have been through a lot so I understand that you are feeling low. If your body is used to that kind of exercise maybe you could look at doing something a bit more intensive?

23-03-06, 16:59
i was going to the gym like a manic before xmas ,serious stuff.. but right nmow i would be freaking about my friggin pulse rate and having panic attacks ya know,well i guess i dont know that,but imsure that will be the case.
I will go back to it, as i love exercise it is wicked and releases ya natural endorvines(spell check ) i love it.
I am just very depressed, one min i am hypo and then i hit low all day its like that too excited a nasty feeling and then i feel shaky and low and dizzy...
i need a cuddle

ash x