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22-12-10, 16:20
Over a year and a half ago I was on Citalopram (20mg) and came off in August of this year...felt great upto December.

I had a few events that seemed to have set me back a bit, a panic attack related to a feeling of an illness I had that started this whole thing, stresses of the holiday season, major amount of work stress and of course roughly 10 hours of sunlight (much of which was obscured through rain)

So now is day one of taking 10mg Cipralex which my doctors says is a refined version of citalopram....

I am not quite as bad as i was a year and a half ago, I am sleeping well and have moments through the day where I feel fine. The big thing is my appetite, which has decreased signicantly over the last couple of weeks...which of course adds to anxiety / depression by decreasing the serrotonin in your system...(very cyclical events...)

I kept a journal of the first 22 days of my experience with Citalopram, and found reading over these entires I now remember how it wasn't as bad as I had remembered it being, in fact I am hopefull now that within two - three weeks I will be feeling much better (and building on that for the weeks to come)

Some of the things I have done over the last three weeks (when I found myself in this "funk') is getting out for walks and going to the gym, getting friends to listen to my problems and getting back to talking with my therapist.

I actually feel quite well after the gym workout (nothing extreme 20 mins on a cycle and then 20 mins on a treadmill and then if I can I do a 9 station weight circuit which takes less than twenty minutes) I try to do this 3 times a week. So 1 hour three time per week at the gym really does help...If by chance the sun is out then I go for a 45 minute walk, soak in the rays and fresh air, this is something to do as frequent as you can. I try to do it three times a week during lunch hour at work, it helps to destress from work as well...

I am looking at trying to add some meditation to my day, my therapists claims as little as five minutes a day everyday is all you need ...

So this is more like a journal of my experiences, and I hope to keep them positive but truthful too! It is my view that most people on this forum are here because they are struggling with various things, and if I can journal some successes/positives maybe I can help a few people out in the progress.

Good luck everyone, and lets get back to our lives...we all deserve it!

22-12-10, 18:44

You sound like you are really tackling your difficulties very, very well and undertaking lots of
activities and positive things to help which is great. I really think those kinds of distractions are esssential along with the meds (I also take 10mg Cipralex!) of course.:hugs:

I wish you well and keep us posted as to how you are getting on.xxxx

23-12-10, 13:53
Thanks Debs71, I am trying to stay positive.

Day 2 Cipralex(10mg) - Slept well last night, in fact the evening period was quite alright...I was however very irritable. Found myself being agitated with the kids... I forced some toast and jam into myself, as my appetite is still not there. Although this stems back to before starting the medication (nearly two weeks prior to medication) Although I managed to eat some potato chips later in the evening with my wife...I have to be careful as I love them but know they are not the greatest thing for me. I was using them to try to trigger my appetite to return.

The one thing I have noticed is that this med seems to bother my stomache when I take it...

So far as of Day Two besides the stomache upset I haven't had any side effects yet... In my opinion (which you can take or leave) when people are suffering from anxiety and meds are being used, the list of side effects can be a point of anxiety and then become pychosomatic which causes you to believe the side effects or magnifies the side effects that we are experiencing.... Sometimes I wish they didn't let us kow the possible side effects and then we wouldn't be so anxious on the meds that can help us...

I am not better today (so don't think after two days I am fine) just positive on the fact that I haven't gotten worse (side effects - lack of sleep...etc)

So hang in there all, help is out there just need to seek it out.

Remember, I have been told that there are four things we must do to get by the anxiety:
1. Exercise (not running marathons, but getting heart rate up for 30 mins at least three times /week)
2. Proper diet
3. Spirituality - not saying religion only, it can be more of an emotional outlet. Painting, singing, music, meditation, writing, nature walking, this is a broad category that could be different for everyone...
4. Peer support, at least once a week a person you can use as a sounding board, to share your frustrations/stresses/happiness with, so you can "Let it out!" as they say...

I promise this is the last of the preaching and my future posts will be more clinical in how I am getting along with the meds....

One important note here, it has been raining and dismayal here for over a month now, being dark when I come to work and dark when I leave to go home. It does seem infectous in that many people in my office don't have the hoiday spirit right now, and overall the feeling is more "blue" as compared to seasons of the past...

Hang in there everyone, lets get to living our lives again!

23-12-10, 14:16
mmm very interesting to let us know...i like it. im on 10mg cipralex , iv e been on them for 4 months now

24-12-10, 14:24
Day 3 Didn't sleep as sound as previous nights I also didn't take my 5mg of melatonin just before bed… was testing to see if my sleep progress was coming back.

I did a forty min workout yesterday at the gym and actually had a bit of an apppetite for supper.

Today I feel pretty good and had a smoothie with the medicine which seemed to abate the upset stomach. Or I am adjusting to the meds already.

I am still not myself, but getting there. Again evening time seems to be my best part of the day.

Hope you all are having a better day today.

Cheers and Happy Holidays

24-12-10, 20:58
I have been on 10mg of Cipralex for 2 years, most of the time it takes the edge off any anxiety. I think it keeps things on a more even keel.
From time to time I have run out for a couple of days and can tell the difference.
I go swimming a minimum of twice a week and mountain biking at the weekends, I never have any problems sleeping which is great for me and I also do relaxation/Yoga techniques on the ipod and drink camomile tea.
Hope things work out for you also.

25-12-10, 12:50
Day Four Christmas Day

I took my melatonin again last night, got a good night's sleep and woke with my family and had a wonderful Christmas morning. Still feeling out of it, the best thing I can do to describe it is saying I feel dettached for things. This makes me feel very sad as I have a beautiful family and can't understand why I am having difficulty enjoing them....

Evenings are much better though, last evening we had a great family time....

I am still struggling with no appetite which is the key to me feeling better. If I am eating I know I am getting better...

I am trying to meditate Mike, but I do find it difficult to quiet my mind. No surprise there... but I found an online site that gives you a 6 minutes on guided meditation which I am trying and seems to help me relax at the minimum.

I am hoping the meds kick in soon, as I really don't like the anxiety in the mornings that I am feeling.

Another note: I am quite a bit more irritable which puts some stress on the family.

So that is day four, I am travelling an hour by car to my family gatherings which is going to make for a long day and I am not overly looking forward to it...arghh just seem to want to withdrawal for things lately.

Well Merry Christmas all, hope we are all feeling better soon.

26-12-10, 12:44
Day Five. Morning time still anxious. Was feeling better being around family yesterday and had some appetite last night. Still struggling in the morning to eat which is when I take my meds.

I am a coffee drinker but have cut back on it a lot is the last few weeks having a cup this morning with a smoothie (fruit and yogurt mixed in a blender)

One side effect I think I am experiencing is a very dry mouth in the morning which I can't seem to fix.

Morning motivation is not here at all....

It is only day five but I am getting impatient for the meds to kick in.

Getting to the gym over the holidays is going to be a challenge.

Trying to stay positive is a challenge as well.....

Hope you all are doing well

26-12-10, 17:57
hi anxious, i find mornings very difficult too, i go to work cycling which helps me a lot. my main side effect i felt in the first week was difficulty to pee. but thats all

26-12-10, 22:16
Day five and I seem to be anxious in evening now, which hasn't been the trend at all.

I hope i can get by this soon, I may have been disillusioned in believing I would not get worse before I got better... I have been told it takes 6 to 8 weeks before the meds are stable and at their best effect but with citalopram I saw improvements all along....

Trying to stay positive want to get back to living again.

I felt like a zombie for most of the day today but did eat brunch at a gathering with friends. Seemed dettached from the conversations though, just not my self yet.

Well that is it for now i guess, just needed voice little frustration.

27-12-10, 12:28
Day Six doing a little research on escitalopram and I am seeing that most say you start to see results within a week or two. I am now wondering if 10 mg is a strong enough dose as it seems I am much like a zombie for the day and at the evening time I am feeling much better. Of course if could be my impatience to see results....

One of the more concerning side effects is the sexual sides... Decreased libido ... has anyone else has this side effect?

So it is morning again and I am feeling anxious, even after a meditation. Kinda get an about breakfast and taking my medicine. Part of GAD I know but tough...

Oh not sure if I mentioned this one but I wake in the morning with a severe dry mouth and throat. Seen this listed as one of sides too....

Well as you can guess I am still struggling with my anxiety

Hope you all are having a better day today, good luck!

27-12-10, 13:50
Thanks Debs71, I am trying to stay positive.

Day 2 Cipralex(10mg) - Slept well last night, in fact the evening period was quite alright...I was however very irritable. Found myself being agitated with the kids... I forced some toast and jam into myself, as my appetite is still not there. Although this stems back to before starting the medication (nearly two weeks prior to medication) Although I managed to eat some potato chips later in the evening with my wife...I have to be careful as I love them but know they are not the greatest thing for me. I was using them to try to trigger my appetite to return.

The one thing I have noticed is that this med seems to bother my stomache when I take it...

So far as of Day Two besides the stomache upset I haven't had any side effects yet... In my opinion (which you can take or leave) when people are suffering from anxiety and meds are being used, the list of side effects can be a point of anxiety and then become pychosomatic which causes you to believe the side effects or magnifies the side effects that we are experiencing.... Sometimes I wish they didn't let us kow the possible side effects and then we wouldn't be so anxious on the meds that can help us...

I am not better today (so don't think after two days I am fine) just positive on the fact that I haven't gotten worse (side effects - lack of sleep...etc)

So hang in there all, help is out there just need to seek it out.

Remember, I have been told that there are four things we must do to get by the anxiety:
1. Exercise (not running marathons, but getting heart rate up for 30 mins at least three times /week)
2. Proper diet
3. Spirituality - not saying religion only, it can be more of an emotional outlet. Painting, singing, music, meditation, writing, nature walking, this is a broad category that could be different for everyone...
4. Peer support, at least once a week a person you can use as a sounding board, to share your frustrations/stresses/happiness with, so you can "Let it out!" as they say...

I promise this is the last of the preaching and my future posts will be more clinical in how I am getting along with the meds....

One important note here, it has been raining and dismayal here for over a month now, being dark when I come to work and dark when I leave to go home. It does seem infectous in that many people in my office don't have the hoiday spirit right now, and overall the feeling is more "blue" as compared to seasons of the past...

Hang in there everyone, lets get to living our lives again! Couldnt agree with you more on the whole side effects thing ! Thats exactly why i put the leaflet in the bin and didnt read the part on side effects , anxiety can start to manifest these sensations not the drug . I started on cipralex over a week ago , took a half first few days before going to bed , now taking full 10 mg before bed , can honestly say no side effects , but couple of times my mind would start to go into analyse mode looking for any unusual activity , so i resort to distraction mode . Taking them at night to let my system get used to them , then hopefully all being well start taking them in the morning .. Good luck ..:yesyes:

28-12-10, 12:10
Day Seven last night was great, but the usual morning anxiety is still present. I did eat supper last night and had crackers for a snack so my appetite is ok in the evenings.

I take my meds in the morning which is when I am anxious and have no appetite.

I did my six minutes of meditation this morning and hopefully I can get to the gym today.

I am still taking melatonin to give me a deeper sleep and am considering not taking it to see if I really need it. Just don't want to become dependent upon it in order to sleep.

I hope today brings a better day, for me and all of you!

Hang in there

28-12-10, 18:47
Day Seven went to the movies with the family got somewhat anxious and then fell asleep for most of it

cathy s
28-12-10, 19:19
Hi there, I started 10mg citalopram six days ago and so it's very interesting for me to read your journal, thank you for sharing.
The symptoms I have in common is the tired zombie feeling. I feel better in the evening too.
I'll look forward to reading tomorrows entry!
Good Luck, hope we all feel better soon!

28-12-10, 20:30
Day Seven debating on whether to stay the course or increase up to 15 mg.

Seems like my progress has been plateaued … has anyone else experienced a plateau this early?

cathy s
29-12-10, 10:52
When you say you're reached a plateau, in my experience it can take another week or two to feel substatially better, but if you were planning to have a higher dose than 10 anyway your doc should be able to advise you about increasing. But if you want to see if 10 works leave it for a while.

29-12-10, 13:00
Day Eight. Thanks Cathy for your advice, ideally i don't want to be on anymore than I have to be. Sticking with 10mg is probably what I will do. I was on 20mg of Citalopram eight months ago which as I understand it is equal to 10 mg of escitalopram (Ciprolex)
Yesterday was a weird day where I was very anxious in the movie theater and then fell asleep through the movie. I didn't feel like going to the gym so instead got dressed and went for a 45 minute walk on a wintery afternoon.

I had supper, and ate well but appetite is still not there. I do have an appetite it seems once the kids are in bed but this could a comfort time for me as well.

I tested my progress of sleeping but not taking melatonin and fell asleep for several hours but woke up with my mind spinning abit at three in the morning. I took a melatonin then and has a sound sleep until eight. Guess i still need the melatonin which isn't a bad thing as it is a natural substance with no side effects ...

I still have six mode days of holidays before i have to return to work which is why I am concerned about the progress.

It is hard to really judge progress though as your mind tends to spin things around (at least the piece of responsible for anxiety) so until you are actually well enough to feel better you will always have doubts I guess.

I did meditate this morning for six minutes, and it felt great. In fact it is something I look forward to doing each day. Never really considered something like this before but billions of people must get something from it.

Trying to stay positive and get back to living again.

Hang in there everyone and let's get our lives back.

30-12-10, 13:19
Day Nine. I had a good day yesterday starting with meditation that seemed to help me. A visit with my mother. Didn't seem to have very much anxiety yesterday and went out for a thirty minute walk that really helped me. I was actually back to myself in the evening thinking about writing again (a passion I have had for my whole life)

I decided to test the sleeping thing again, going without melatonin and see whether I can sleep through the night on my own. It is my way of gauging my progress and to my delight I slept reasonably well, a good sign.

I am hopeful that the mess are starting to work, with the exercise and meditation. Just have to work on the bitching moaning and whining outlet. I cant use my wife for this as it will over burden her. So going to have to rely on some friends for this one.

Keeping positive and active is key for me, but also a challenge...

Hope you all are having a great day

Hey it is day full of sun out there today. YAY

30-12-10, 20:21
Hey Anxious,

I am from Toronto, and like you have been on Cipraplex for about 7 days now.
I have had some of the side effects but very mild, I have had no issues with sleeping at all, the thing with sleeping I find the melatonin is just a placebo for the anxious mind. Regarding apetite at the beginning I found that i had no appetite at all but then if i put the food in my mouth i was able to eat anyways and enjoy it.

I am happy to hear you feel some improvement in your anxiety it has certainly helped mine and also helped my anger.


30-12-10, 23:06
Hi Salt

Yeah I too can can eat but the appetite just simply isn't there
I didn't have anything with the meds this morning and found myself anxious over lunch... I do think they have to be taken with food.

You may be right about the melatonin it is a comfort none the less.

I fell asleep today for an hour in the afternoon, it just seems up and down with this med so I am hoping in a couple of weeks to be more consistent.

31-12-10, 12:46
Day Ten. Felt really anxious yesterday until later into the evening which seems to be regression so the meds are at least consistent in going up and down from day to day.

Guess I was hoping for more by now.

I did have something to eat with my meds this morning which might make a difference, which I have read in other threads...

We are going skating outdoors today in the sun which I know will be of great benefit.

I did meditate today but had a very active mind and struggled with focusing.

I took melatonin last night and slept very soundly, so much so that my back is stiff from sleeping in one spot.

Over I am still uncertain of the effectiveness/dosage of this drug.... Please tell me I am be impatient or dramatic....

Just want to get back to living again.

01-01-11, 12:43
Day Eleven felt a little of yesterday but ate ok. I went for a skate in the sunshine which was really nice.

I had a friend stop over and was able to talk over my frustrations with her that was good too.

During the evening I seemed to have not reached my usual calming evening mood. Stayed up a little later than normal to bring in the New Year. When I did try to sleep I wasn't my usual tired self, took 5 mg Melatonin and did eventually fall to sleep with my head being very busy...

I woke up five hours later and was wide awake so I put my Nature Music on my headset and drifted in and out of sleep for a couple more hours. Seem to be rested this morning but I really am confused with the up and downs of this med

I need to see my dr and determine if the dosage is right. Does anyone else have experience with the up and downs on this med? Does it kick in at some point and continue to get better? As it is only eleven days am I being impatient?

Well hoping today is a good day for me and you all n

Happy New Year!!

01-01-11, 13:06
Im on about my sixth day with cipralex , ups and downs most of the day , and like you seems to calm down in the evening , sleeping ok , though getting out of bed in the morning can be a struggle , maybe because im taking it before i go to bed .

01-01-11, 19:29
Hey Shorty

That is interesting, is it better to take in the morning or the evening time?

My Pharmacist told me in the morning is the best time... I guess once the drug is leveled out though it doesn't matter just as long as it is taken consistently at the same time....

I a decent day today, went for a power walk in the Sun! Good thing as the next few days don't look that promising .... Had brunch which was good, oh and has a yogurt drink and toast then took my meds ....

Oh and about sleep last night, I ate a bunch of candy a couple hours before bed which probably didn't help with quieting my head... It is so easy to get anxious about things and blame the wrong thing. Guess tonight will tell me the story as I dont plan on eating a bunch of sugar just before bed.

So far my side effects have been: dry mouth ( morning time mostly), a bit of jaw clenching, zombification ( low to medium), tiredness and lack of appetite ( which I had before starting the meds). All in all there hasn't been anything that difficult at all.

My concerns are more for the effectiveness of the medication/ dose than anything else.
If guessing I would say the dosage/ period of time I have been on it is probably the reason.

I am impatient at the best of times .....

Hang in there and remember that this is a powerful med that can effect everyone
differently. Side effects are usually temporary and the end goal is much more beneficial to getting back to ourselves.

01-01-11, 21:23
Thanks for writing this journal AIC :)

I've been given Cipralex by the GP and so far not taken it as I'm on antibiotics for an infection and didn't want to introduce two new drugs into my body.

I'm in two minds weather to use the Cipralex as I do get some benefit from Inositol and Diazepam. On top of this I do get about two good days a week out of seven which seems a lot better than some people on this forum. I also get good and bad periods during the day so not always down or stressed (worried and anxious)

I had a chat with a mate of mine who is a pharmacist and he said despite all marketing and Internet talk Cipralex and Citalopram will basically provide the same results.

Please continue with the updates and let us know how you are getting on.

All the very best. :)

02-01-11, 00:09
The only reason i took it at night was to sleep through any side effects and let the drug get into my system , but thankfully there doesnt seem to much in that side of things , i do get the jaw clenching and bit more tired than usual , probably start taking them in the morning seeing as the side effects are quite minimal . Glad to hear you are getting a bit of sun ! we dont get much over here in scotland , not even in the summer :shrug:... Keep up the good work .... paul ..

02-01-11, 12:49
Day Twelve. I am having a little difficulty with my sleep now where i am not getting tired around bedtime and I take melatonin and sleep for five hours very deeply and then wake up and can't get back to sleep. Seems to have happened over the last couple of days... Although I am probably subconsciously thinking about having to return to work....

I had a good day yesterday but this morning had a bout of anxiety so I got up and did a six minute meditation which calmed me a bit. I am not sure about the full effects of the meditations but they aren't hurting anything....

I still have no appetite at all in the morning, which makes taking the meds hard. It is also difficult preparing breakfast for my children.

Still have dry throat in the morning but read here that when anxious we tend push our tongues against the roof of our mouths. Which I can see I am doing as well as clenching my jaw a bit. So once I am stablized I am sure this will go away, which really makes me think it is more a product of anxiety than side effects of the meds.

I am still thinking the dosage is not enough but I have such a difficult time seeing my doctor as she is always booked up.

Wish I knew the symptoms of not enough medication versus too much... Guess I will have to defer to the experts ( my doctor)

Shorty - no sun, that must be tough. It is amazing how sunshine can lift the spirits. Have you heard of/ tried full spectrum lights? Or light therapy? Apparently it really works for some people. I was going to but funds are a little tight so I have been trying to get in the sun whenever possible... You can buy the full spectrum lighting and use them daily for twenty to forty minute ( not entirely sure of the duration) however they can be costly$$

Well keeping positive I think today is going to be better than yesterday so hang in there and let's enjoy life.

cathy s
02-01-11, 13:12
Hi There

With regards to too much meds, I've heard that too much would make someone very lazy and lathargic. I feel you will probably feel better after 2 weeks, definately after 3, and it's at week 4 I was told to see the doc who'll probably suggest an increase if necessary. It's hard to separate anxiety and the meds isn't it! But feeling better is just around the corner for you I'm sure of it. I'm tracking you're progress as I'm on day 11! I hope you still post as you start to feel better to give us all hope!


02-01-11, 14:06
Hi all ! First time taking med in the morning , Didnt feel anything untoward , so all good there . Thats a good point cathy ! it is hard to tell what is anxiety and what is the meds . Ile have a look at the mood lighting things ! Sounds good . I find if i waken early i lie there and cant get back to sleep with all sorts of thoughts going through my mind as well ..

02-01-11, 16:24
Just wanted to say that I've been on Cipralex for four months now and it's been really good for me. I still get anxiety but it's much more manageable and I get far fewer side effects than I did on Seroxat or sertraline.

Good luck to everyone. :)

cathy s
02-01-11, 19:14
Thats good to know lalala thanks.

02-01-11, 21:54
Day Twelve. Followup : seems my suppertime appetite has begun to return which is a really good sign. Serrotonin is produce in the stomach so once the stomach starts working better you will be feeling better too. At least that is how it works for me.... Of I have to feed it well too!

Did a lot today and only got tired briefly... So maybe things are on the up side....

03-01-11, 12:38
Day Thirteen I had a pretty good day yesterday with the family. We cleaned up the Christmas decorations, went out for a family swim and I ate fish and chips for supper. The evening was relaxing and I managed only to have a five minute cat nap in the car while my wife went into a shop.

I have a coffee in the morning and then I had a small one in the afternoon which I believe kept me from being too tired and needing that nap. This is good to have discovered as I am going back to work tomorrow and will need to NOT be napping at my desk.

I decided to not take melatonin for sleep last night again for various reasons. When I have taken it I seem to sleep so soundly that I don't move my sleeping position and wake up with a sore back. But if you are having sleeping difficulties that is a small price to pay for five to seven hours of deep sleep! So without the melatonin I went to sleep without difficulty and was having a wonderful sleep until my phone rang at 3:45 in the morning - Wrong Number! Argh that was frustrating.... I then actually got back to sleep some what and at something to seven the phone rings again - Wrong Number! What are the odds of this happening? LOL

The positive is that I would have slept well without any aide last night which is a great sign.

I laid in bed for awhile and tried the deep breathing exercise for this site under the "general anxiety" forum and that seemed to help as after that I did my six minutes of meditation and I seemed to be more at ease...

All in all I am still not quite anxiety free and find the morning the roughest part of the day. I still have the dry mouth / tonge pushed up tension ( again more the fault of anxiety not the meds) no morning appetite and lack of motivation. I also have very little libido which (not to be vulgar) is really unlike me.

Today is miserable out, really dark and raining so get some exercise in may be a challenge today.

I hope you find these posts informational and gain something beneficial from them as I am using them as my outlet as well. I suggest everyone try to journal their experiences as it useful to at least express your thoughts somewhere.

All in all I think the meds are starting to work but they seem to be slower in taking effect than when I was on Citalopram.

Hang in there and have a good day!

cathy s
03-01-11, 17:58
Thanks for the update, I found it very encouraging today!

03-01-11, 22:12
Day thirteen update. Having some anxiety now thinking about having to return to work after ten days off. Worried about the stressful day coming up and worrying about sleeping tonight.... Man I can really get myself wound up.

I will be fine after tomorrow once the day is finished but it is the anxious feeling before that I have to work through.... Regardless of the meds it is really important to have an avenue to deal with the anxiety. Going to try some breathing exercises once the kids are in bed and see if I can calm down a bit.

My wife and I really worked hard today to get the house cleaned and made a huge progress in getting some of the clutter out in the trash.

I do plan to get to the gym tomorrow after work so I hope that helps too.

Guess stress hits me harder now a days and my job is very stressful but also pays the bills. Kind of a necessary evil I guess, but still a major stress point on my life.

Well I have rambled on enough. Just needed to let it out!

04-01-11, 07:10

04-01-11, 10:03
hiya loving the diary entries.
i too on 10mg cipralex due back at work today in a few hours, am petrified the shakes are terrible and the nausea, going in to see the head too, so i can explain whats wrong.i know this will be good for me, but at the moment im in a complete nightmare :(

04-01-11, 11:58
Seems to be like that for me to ! Felt realy anxiuos yesterday , especialy the usual morning anxiety , thats the worst for me also , think its the the thought of whats the world going to hit me with today :scared15:. Got up this morning and feel ok so far . My libido is , well where is my libido is a better question !! :shrug: My girlfriend keeps asking if my mojo has come back yet ! If only !!! .. Hope you have had a good day ...

04-01-11, 12:45
hi im going to start on my meds tonight i am only on 5mg so hopefully wont get much side effects love your journal ?it has been really helpfull i used to take it years ago ?i hope you get on well at work speak later ?going to get ready for mine ?xx

04-01-11, 13:03
Day Fourteen. Well I wrote an entry last night when I had a high moment of anxiety. After writing it I was lying with my daughter and did the deep breathing exercise for ten minutes. I then felt so tired that I snoozed off and on for almost an hour. After that I felt good again...I need to focus on destressing more as it was completely related to me thinking about going back to work...

I slept well last night (again without the aide of melatonin) and woke up and meditated for my six minutes...which calm me for my shower. Mornings are stressful for me as I have to get the girls up and ready for school (dressed, breakfast and lunches made...) and this can be stressful even more if they want to give me a hard time....

All in all I am still not back to par, the meds are taking some time to work but the plus is that I am working with meditation, relaxation and exercise to help me through the bumps (which is actually a longer term solution)

Still no morning appetite and feeling anxious here at work, dry mouth thingy (anxiety related) and feeling a little tired today...

I am going to try and get an appt to see my doctor and hopefully she can put an expert opinion on my concerns, which I will share.

Have a great day and lets get back to living again.

04-01-11, 19:19
Day Fourteen. It is getting near quitting time and I had a busy day but didn't get completely stressed at work. A couple of co-workers commented that I seemed a little more cheerful, which is in comparsion to when I was working before my Christmas break...positive news for sure.

I seem to have developed a bit of a head ache but probably due to working after 10 days off...

My appetite is stil not up to par and I have to make sure I eat something otherwise it could impede my progress.

I plan on going to the gym shortly and do my exercising today, although it is sunny out today. I think this will help my mood as well. So you know, my gym session involves twenty minutes on a stationary bike while watching one of the TVs and them twenty minutes on a treadmill listening to music and then finished with (if I feel up to it) a nine station weight program that takes about 15-20 minutes. So really only an hour...three times a week.

hoping you all are making out well, and I am still seeing progress on the meds it is just coming on slowly....

04-01-11, 23:24
hi this is day one of my 5mg cipralex? i had to have my freind help me take it ? as i was getting myself so worked up about it ? i took it at 8pm tonight at my work as i work backshift ? i think i am better at work as it keeps my mind off it ? i was on it six years ago but cant remember what it was like ? i know it made be better though? i had a fall six weeks ago and really banged my head really bad and thats what started it up again? then i had urine infection that wouldnt go away ? so i ended up in hospital during xmas ? so that me me worse i cried all day xmas day as it was my grandaugters first xmas and i wasnt there ? ?but enough of thw whinning ? i will beat this ? i hope i dont get too many side effects but will lrt yous know how i get on ? xx

05-01-11, 11:53
hi anxious what that site you found that gave a 6min rexlaxation guide that you listen to i have just started 5mg cipralex and something else to see me thru not got doc till next wednesday x what is yhe time over in canada ? xs hope this post was not too early ? x

05-01-11, 12:23
Hi Panic52,

The site is here : http://www.meditationcenter.com/

Under core Meditation I do the Mindfulness Meditation Room (http://www.meditationcenter.com/connect/mind.html) where there is a video link where the instructor will guide you through it (about 6 minutes)...I find it useful, give it a try and hopefully it will help you too.

It is 8:24am as I write this post....don't worry about time, I will try to respond as soon as i can to any questions.

Hang in there, things will get better. Your past experience shows you were able to overcome what happened six years ago when you were on the meds before. Stay positive.

05-01-11, 12:33
thank you anxoius i will give it atry later? take care looking forward to reading more posts? i have got a burning sensation on top of my head is that just anxiety

05-01-11, 12:39
Day Fifteen. Well today I am very anxious this morning, seem to have the shakes abit...my daughter ended up coming into our bed last night which resulted in a poor sleep, which probably explains more anxiety this morning. I got up early, went downstairs in the living room in the dark and did the breathing exercises for fifteen minutes and then my six minute meditation... i did feel better after this... once the day gets going I am sure things will be good again. The morning lack of appetite is still here though arghh!

Yesterday I went to the gym after work (20 minutes on stationary bike and 20 minutes on treadmill) I felt great after it. I got home and actually had an appetite and ate quite a bit for supper. Had a small stomach ache as this is probably the first biggish meal I have had in a while. Don't want to eat like that all the time but I think I am in need of calories of late...

I am tired this morning, and will have to have a cup of coffee or two today. What are your thoughts on coffee? I kinda have been avoinding coffee but used to be a two cup a day person...has anyone any thoughts on coffee?

It does seem like the meds are not strong enough, as later in the day I am feeling so much better but sometime over the night they wear off til I take them again in the morning...again an unprofessional opinion so Monday I want to run this by my doctor.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with my therapist, which I am looking forward to... although I was supposed to do the "Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" I couldn't find it at a couple book stores and am still feeling the money pinch of Christmas....

That is today's post...keep positive and hang in there all!!

05-01-11, 12:45
Hi Panic52,

It more than likely is anxiety.... the dosage you are on is very low so it should be easier on you for the side effects. Try the breathing exercise posted on this site too, lay comfortably take deep breath through nose hold for 4 seconds and exhale through nose. Do this for as long as you can ten - twenty minutes....it may help you with the burning on top of your head.

Hang in there you will get through this before you know it...

cathy s
05-01-11, 16:13

I have always heard coffee was bad for anxiety as is anything with caffeine.

Good luck with the therapist.


05-01-11, 17:24
Thanks Cathy, I actually looked it up online and you are right. Caffeine can act as a trigger to anxiety, it is not a cause directly but triggers the anxious thoughts which with anxiety sufferers starts the "Anxiety Cycle"

Of course in moderation caffeine is OK, as everyone reacts differently to stimulants ... of course knowing the what moderation is can be a challenge too. It could be half a cup for some or two cups for others... I think I am going to try and cut back on it. I have already decreased to one cup/day, maybe I will go half decaf and regular for a little while and see if that helps as well.

05-01-11, 17:34
Day Fifteen update - went for a walk at lunch and felt OK, then had an upset stomache, probably due to being hungery and not having eaten that much at breakfast, this of course lead to me becoming anxious. I put my head phones on and did the 6 minutes of meditation at my desk and it helped....

I have read a few sites now and the common theme is that "Deep breathing" training is an essential key to living with anxiety. It is training you to breathe from your diaphram rather than your chest (chest breathing is shallow breathing).

I guess help is out there we just need to challenge ourselves to work at finding it and using it....

So this med is simply an avenue to help get us to a spot where we can get focused on dealing with these issues and getting better...

Sorry for preaching again, I am just putting down my thoughts here to be able to review them again when I need them. This may not be for everyone ...

cathy s
05-01-11, 19:24

I don't think you're preaching, it's good to have new info and just as good to be reminded of it. There's nobody better to give advice than someone going through it right now! Your journal is comforting and interesting to read, so thank you for doing it!


05-01-11, 19:36
Thanks Cathy, I appreciate your positive response...today has been a rough day actually, good for a couple hours then not....good then not....up and down to simplify.

I am tired that I know, so hoping tonight for a much better sleep than last night.

05-01-11, 20:20
You are not preaching ! Its a help to all of us going through this . I also feel my anxiety rise if i dont eat enough . Had a good day today , very very little anxiety ! god to feel like that every day would be a dream :D.. I dont know weather the medication is giving me that bit of confidence to challenge my fears or its my own determination to get better ..

cathy s
05-01-11, 20:24
I'm on day 14 of 10mg citalopram and I'm also having a very up and down day, and feel very tired. I also need to eat regularly.

I do think the medication is helping to lessen the physical symptoms of anxiety, negative thoughts don't stick so much and things that were anxiety provoking are less so. So thats good!

We'll get there!

05-01-11, 22:43
Hi there day two of mty tabs had a no bad day just waiting on the side effects kicking in ? i hope i dont get them too bad as i have interveiw next week ? for my charehands job ? as i am only a releif just now ? and anxious you are you are not preaching i hoe you have a better sleep tonight and a better day tomorow take care goin to have my tea ? xx

05-01-11, 23:25
Hi panic

I doubt you will have any side effects as you are on a low dosage.

Hang in there and good luck on the job interview.

06-01-11, 10:41
HI anxious thanks for your reply and hope you slept better last night ? i said yesreday was day two it wasnt as this is only day two ? got up this morning with a tight band round my head feels like it is burning ? but i know it is just the meds kicking in ? just going to try and forget about it ? and do some houswork go for a bath and do some mediation before i go to work? but have a good freind at work she listens to me and supports me so it not that bad going now ? i help her and she helps me ? hope you feel better this morning i have along way to go yet ? take care ?x

06-01-11, 13:02
hi anxious i was looking forward to reading your post today but i cant find it ? it is so comfo rting to read ?xx

06-01-11, 13:42
Day Sixteen. Really rough morning - anxiety is very high....had a pit in my stomache this morning and had to force some cereal in as I have to have something in my belly before I take the medication....

I didn't sleep well again last night, so I am planning on taking some Melatonin tonight as I think lack of sleep is contributing to my morning anxiety and stress. Additionally my youngest daughter wakes up early and comes into our bed to "snuggle" which makes it hard to sleep as she tends to have trouble lying still...

Again evenings are better, I have a bit of appetite around suppertime and then a better later into the evening...

I still have the dry mouth mouth/clenching jaw thing...(probably realted to anxiety)

I got up and went downstairs in the dark living room and practiced "Deep Breathing" exercise for ten minutes then did my 6 minutes of meditation (which I found difficult to ignore my racing mind)

I have an appointment with my therapist today, I always enjoy talking to him...and find I feel better afterwards. I then plan to go to the gym after the appointment....

I am getting impatient though, would have thought the meds would have been progressing faster...I know it is only 16 days....

One thing I do note though, is negative thoughts are not as bad and I don't seem to be depressed just anxious...and over everything....

So maybe the antianxiety piece of the medication takes longer to mature...another good question for the doctor....

Well I hope you all are having a good day, trying to stay positive and focus on keeping on my program: exercise, meditation, relaxation and conversational outlets...

cathy s
06-01-11, 16:30
Sorry to hear you had a rough time today. You're doing so much to help yourself, that's great! (You aren't overdoing the excercise are you, and getting plenty of rest too?) And I notice you keep noticing the positive points too which will obviously speed up recovery. I'm sure feeling better is just around the corner. Someone else said they thought the anxiety part of the meds takes a little longer - it was the lady who writes the citalopram survival guide on this site. My son comes into bed to snuggle too - sometimes earlier than I'd like!

I was expecting to feel a little better today (on day 15) but today has been tough for me too - very tired, very heavy feeling, negative thoughts and anxious feelings. It may have been the dark and rainy day or I might have overdone it yesterday. I'm just pinning my hopes on the three week mark. After that I'll think about increasing to 20mg. Mind you I'm sure the ups and downs are all part of the recovery anyway. I remember the last time I went on citalopram I was feeling much much better at my doctors appointment four weeks into 20mg then but I was also much worse when I started them. I'm overthinking today!

Here's to feeling better tomorrow X:)

By the way I'm really interested in hearing about your appointment with the therapist, can't wait to read your post! Thanks for sharing.

06-01-11, 16:59
Thanks Cathy, i just went for a walk at lunch here in the sunshine. I managed to eat some crackers to rid myself of the empty stomache feeling.

I too am awaiting the magic three to four week mark, as I am believing that the medication will be nearing its full effect. I too was on Citalopram 20mg a couple of years ago, and found after two weeks I was feeling awesome (I too was really in a bad state then...) myabe it is because this med is subtle in its progress that the first few weeks are difficult for people who aren't as bad off as they were before...just a thought.

I will post my outcome with my therapist, he is such an interesting person. He too suffered through the worst of Anxiety and Depression but has conquered (or in his words "accepted them in his life") them. He was in a much worse state than I was so gives me confidence that we all can get better....

I don't think I am over doing, however I may be eating too much in the evening when I do get an appetite. Hmmm something to be conscious about....

06-01-11, 22:30
My session was very interesting to say the least....

We talked about the reasons for my anxiety and is something that is a learned behavior. Babies are born anxiety free and that somewhere along their life they learn anxiety. So the bad news is I am suffering from anxiety BUT the good news is I can unlearn anxiety... Again reaffirmed with my mantra: exercising, eating right, meditation and talk therapy (someone who is empathetic that you can bitch, whine and moan to....)
Seems pretty easy.... Lol of course it isn't but working at it everyday will help. And this medication will allow us to get to a place where we can work on it!!

I actually feel really hood right now and had supper! Now just need a good nights sleep and things will be great tomorrow.

There were so many things we talked about it was very positive.

Hang in there everyone there is hope for us all

06-01-11, 22:57
Hi anxious glad your feeling better sorry you have not had agood day mines wasnt that good either ? mabe just the way i was feeling tho ? but keep in you have not got long to go now ? till you hit the majic spot ? i hope you have abetter sleep now ? i went for training test tody and my mind was all fuzzy but got there in the end ? take care xx

07-01-11, 13:54
Day Seventeen, After two nights of reduced sleep I decided to take a Melatonin just before I put my head on my pillow...I seem to have slept pretty well and woke up tired which in a way is a positive as usually I wake up very alert but still tired.

I got up did my deep breathing exercises (which I almost fell asleep doing) and then did my six minute meditation (and again almost dozed off during)

I feel less anxious this morning, but still no appetite...and my clenching/dry mouth seems to have subsided a little...I sound sleep is probably the result of this, so I hope another sound sleep is on the way tonight!

I didn't make it to the gym, as my appointment ran long and traffic was bad...probably a bad decision and I should really have forced myself to go...

I am going skating tonight so will get some exercise from that...

I do feel better this morning so I am hoping the "sweetspot" is coming soon...

Trying to keep positive and have a good day....

Hang in there everyone!

07-01-11, 14:17
That's good glad you are feeling better ?. Mabe the tide has turned for you I hopeso thanks for your understanding ?take care enjoy tonight ?I wish I had your energy ?xcp

cathy s
07-01-11, 14:52

That was a positive journal! The fact you nearly dozed off while meditating and relaxing is really encouraging as when that happens to me I know I must be feeling more relaxed and calm, always a good sign! I followed your lead and did some formal relaxation today, it really helped with the anxiety I was feeling at that moment and I was left feeling very tired but peacefull and quite happy actually! I'm going to aim to do 3 lots of 20 mins per day as I have to start dealing with stressfull college work again now after the holiday!

Enjoy skating, sounds like fun, here on the south coast of England we have a temporary skating rink put up for February only! I wish we had one all year round!

Looking forward to reading your next entry.


07-01-11, 17:11
I am happy you you were able to find some calm and relaxation, I think in this day that we are all too stressed and don't take enough time to relax.

We don't get much chance on the East Coast of Canada to skate outdoors either (global warming I guess), but we are fortunate this year that we are hosting the Canada games and have an outdoor rink setup for public skating...

Hang in there and try not to stress over the work, you will get through it as best you can. that is all you can do...

07-01-11, 19:21
whats the formal relaxation ? please?

07-01-11, 19:50
Hi Panic, here is something I grab off the web: Try doing it for ten to twenty minutes (3 times a day at first til you get use to it) and then once a day or as you need it...

How to do Deep Breathing Exercises:
Sit up straight. (Do not arch your back) First exhale completely through your mouth. Place your hands on your stomach, just above your waist. Breathe in slowly through your nose, pushing your hands out with your stomach. This ensures that you are breathing deeply. Imagine that you are filling your body with air from the bottom up.
Hold your breath to a count of two to five, or whatever you can handle. It is easier to hold your breath if you continue to hold out your stomach. Slowly and steadily breathe out through your mouth, feeling your hands move back in as you slowly contract your stomach, until most of the air is out. Exhalation is a little longer than inhalation.

After you get some experience you don’t need to use your hands to check your breathing.

You can also do the above breathing exercise lying on your back. Deep breathing exercises can help you to relax before you go to sleep for the night, or fall back asleep if you awaken in the middle of the night.

Hope this helps.

07-01-11, 23:55
hi anxious thanks will try them tomorow ? have a good night ? xx

08-01-11, 12:33
Day Eighteen. Yesterday I was only slightly anxious in the morning and had very good day. I have been focusing on getting exercise and doing my breathing and meditation.

I slept pretty well last night but did take Melatonin just before sleep. I also had some of my libido return which is a positive!!

Still must be clenching my jaw as I am starting in get tension headaches but a couple of ibruprofen help with that. My appetite is returning slowly it now starts to kick in mid afternoon. Progression.

My sleep is the concern now but as i think about it it is getting gradually better as well.

In my opinion I am starting to get better it does seem this medication has a much slower progression rate when compared to the only other med I have taken Citalopram. The noticeable difference is less and milder side effects with this one.

Of course the progression is different for everyone some are more/less anxious or depressed. Some people are differently shaped with different metabolisms ....

Hang in there as the benefits will be coming soon and you will start to feel better.

08-01-11, 12:48
glad to here you are feeling better? i am so pleased for you ?did you enjoy ice skating last night ? looking forward to hearing more on your progress? take care?its something i have to look forward to ?xx

08-01-11, 13:02
Hi Panic

I did enjoy skating very much. As much as I have been exercising I realized how out of shape I am when playing hockey with young ones last night. Lol

I hope you are having a better day.

09-01-11, 13:14
Day Nineteen. Yesterday was a pretty good day with two exceptions. We had company over for supper and I felt agitated or maybe anxious at having so many people around. I then later in the evening got a call from work which really set my stress level high....

I kinda felt anxious in anticipation of having everyone over and having to cook for them. Guess I still need work on dealing with these anxieties.

I woke up this morning after having a good sleep I actually took double the dose of Melatonin just before bed and seemed to have gotten seven hours of very sound sleep.

This morning I meditated and then got up for breakfast. A bowl of cereal which was not as difficult to eat as a few days ago. I think the morning anxiety is starting to subside a bit. Or maybe it is because of it being a non work day....

I did eat a turkey dinner last night and it felt good to have a home cooked meal in my stomach. So again my appetite is coming back.

I do have to get some exercise in today but we are expecting a snow storm today so I better get out for a walk soon if I am going to get out today.

My jaw is not really sore this morning which is another positive as usually I wake up with it being sore from clenching in my sleep...

I am not back to my "normal" self again but I am making progress slow and seemingly steady. A common consensus is that six to eight weeks is the sweet spot so I am almost half way there.

Trying to stay positive and focus on the good things throughout the day, a challenge of late but I am working on it.

Hang in there everyone and let's have a good day today.

09-01-11, 22:10
Day nineteen update. Had an on and off day today but ate better today.

Went for a short walk in a blizzard and fell three times which is why is was a short walk. Nothing serious just a little sore in the rump. Lol

So things are shifting is another observation I am noticing it seems just before suppertime is my most anxious period now. So either the meds are starting to stablize or the dosage isn't enough. I do have an appt with my Doc tomorrow so hopefully she can put an end to my theories. Lol

Did deep breathing before supper and it did ease my anxiety somewhat so I am happy to know that I do have something I can use to help me through a rough period of the day.

Hope you all had a good day today.

09-01-11, 22:33
Sorry to here you had an on off day hope doc can answer your questions take care xx

10-01-11, 12:39
Day Twenty. I had anxiety this morning...and found it difficult to eat something which I have to do in order to take my meds.

I did meditate today and breathing exercises, had a good night's sleep (with the help of Melatonin) probably anxious because of having to return to work today. Mondays are a very busy day...

I have my Doctors appointment today so I will discuss the progress with her, overall I am progressing but it is not a fast progression, which may be the way these meds work...

I am going to try and get to the gym today to get some exercise in it has been three days since I really had some sustained exercise....

I also got stressed this morning with my daughters as they gave me a hard time with just about everything...this doesn't help the anxiety.

Well I hope you are all having a good day today. May post something later after my Dr appt.

10-01-11, 16:01
Day Twenty, update. I had my appointment with my doctor and we discussed the her opinion on the effectiveness of Cipralex (Escitalopram) versus Citalopram. The brochures proclaim that Escitalopram is a more refined version of Citalopram and therefore is proceived to be better and faster than its mother drug....she said in her experience and patient base she has found it to be slower progression where the best response is around the four to six to even eight week mark... So we decided to stay the course for another couple of weeks to determine if the dosage is enough. One other note she did mention is that this med is also one of the better ones that help out against anxiety (antianxiety benefit).

The importance is that you want to be on the least amount that is still beneficial to you...

So as far as the lesser side effects for this drug, that part is appears to be true for me so...a little challenge with sleep, clenching jaw (which is probably due to anxiety and not the drug), lack of appetite and libido issues...

So taking these meds to get out of that rut and get back to living, the above side effects are a small price to pay...

So a positive and informational visit.

Hang in there

cathy s
10-01-11, 16:44
Hi Canada (can I call you that it feels better than calling you anxiety! - talk about labelling!)

Again I am glad to read about your experience, and what the doctor said. I check in here a couple of times a day at the moment for updates! I want you to know that I really appreciate your posts even if I don't usually have any useful replies!

It's tough waiting isn't it, so hard to be patient. I'm in the same boat. Although as I've written already I'm a day behind you and on Citalopram instead. I gave in to the anxiety today and missed an informal meeting at college. It was hard not to beat myself up over it for the rest of the day. At least I am recovered enough to be distracted by Sex and The City 2!!!! I will try to go in tomorrow, and every day after even just for a little. I can't help feeling that I'm in a certain mind state that means I won't cope so well. (I know that's a defeatist attitude) I'm having trouble (as always) deciding how far to push myself while not overdoing it and making myself worse, as I feel this has been my problem all along. My councellor keeps telling me to be kind to myself, but if I do that all the time I would never challenge myself and end up on the sofa watching dvd's all day!!! I find it hard to find a balance. I think I will challenge myself a little most days.
It's good to get my thoughts down, sorry to use your space to do it!

Have a good day, and night.


10-01-11, 16:53
Hi Cathy,

please be kind to yourself...that is sound advice. Before long you will want to do the everyday stuff...a gentle push isn't bad either LOL

Please feel free to add anything here, it is important to have people to talk with, especially those who are having similiar experiences...

BTW when I was on Citalopram I was feeling really great after 22 days and stopped posting here on this site....so a few more days my be all you need too!!

hang in there and enjoy the DVDs, get rested up and prepare for feeling better.

cathy s
11-01-11, 08:48
Oh thanks Canada, that is really encouraging! I am only on 10 mg is that what you were on? I was on 20mg years ago but as you said in your other post I'm trying to get away with the lowest dose possible.

I'm going into college now, it's a fine art degree and very flexible so I can leave when I want so long as I do the work at home, so the pressure is off. I'll take it in stages - just get to the car park - just walk to class - just stay for 10 mins - 20 mins - an hour. I'll see how it goes. I know I can deal with panic, what puts me off the is the energy it takes to deal with it. But hopefully it will be easier than I'm expecting and I can regain my confidence that every day doesn't have to be a struggle!

How are you getting on today?


11-01-11, 13:23
Day Twenty One, Today started much like yesterday no appetite, a bit anxious and with me thinking about the dosage level again....

I went to the gym yesterday and came home and had an appetite for supper which was nice. I felt fine in the evening and relaxed with one of my daughters as my wife had the youngest daughter out to Karate class... I was in a better mood overall last. Slept really well.

I did have a headache yesterday and it seems to be from jaw clenching which is more related to stress and anxiety than the medication.

My doctor gave me a prescription for Xantec (stomache acid reflux med) which I did take last night which really calmed my stomach down...who knows maybe it will help with the morning appetite.

So I am still practicing meditation (6 mins a day), deep breathing (20 mins a day through out the day) and exercising 3 -4 time /week. The only thing I am missing from my mantra is getting out to whine, complain and moan with someone at once a week...

So as far as progression goes I am better than twenty one days ago, and when I think about it I don't have any signs of depression. My big challenge right now is the anxiety, and I hope at some point to be able to accept it and not focus on it....

Cathy, good plan to take it at a pace with no real urgency as long as it doesn't impact things. Again be kind to yourself. You will progress to being able to do more and more... I was on 20mg of Citalopram (which is a low dose to normal dose according to my doctor) I started right away on 20mg and had side effects for nine days then around 13 days I was feeling great...for a few weeks during the year I was on it I increases to 25mg and then to 30mg during some stressful times but dropped back down to 20 mg. I also took four months to ween myself off dropping 5mg every six weeks which I never encountered any withdrawal symptoms... I say this because unless you stop too fast or (as Sue has stated before take the yo-yo approach day on day off) then there should not be any concern coming off the meds...so if you do find yourself needing to increase the dose don't sweat it, remember you just need to get to a therapuetic level to help you get to where you can deal with the anxiety and find ways to counteract it. Hope this helps.

Hnag in there all brighter days are coming soon!

11-01-11, 18:24
Glad your starting to feel improvements AIC, you say the depression has lifted now but the anxiety is still there. Is the anxiety worse than when you started the Cipralex, better or about the same?

I finally bit the bullet Sunday evening and started my Cipralex, I've begun on half a pill (5mg) as the GP said this would be easier on sides and to ramp it up to 10mg in a week.

I've been taking them in the evening but had problems sleeping so today I took it at lunch time and then tomorrow I will switch to breakfast time.

So far I'm about the same with anxiety levels, have a dry mouth, delayed orgasm, loss of appetite and a general feeling of being rough.

Any idea if I will get increased sides when I ramp up to 10mg in a few days time?

Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on.

11-01-11, 19:02
Hey Diver, my anxiety is better than it was but still some way to go.

I too have the dry mouth (but again this can be related to anxiety more than the meds) I too have delayed to no orgasm, loss of appetite (but that icks up in the evening - I take my meds in the morning) Mornings are my rough period...

My tiredness in the afternoon seems to have gone as well...

I started right away with 10mg andhad very few sides...so taking 5mg for a week will hopefully minimize them for you too!

12-01-11, 00:41
Hey Diver, my anxiety is better than it was but still some way to go.

I too have the dry mouth (but again this can be related to anxiety more than the meds) I too have delayed to no orgasm, loss of appetite (but that icks up in the evening - I take my meds in the morning) Mornings are my rough period...

My tiredness in the afternoon seems to have gone as well...

I started right away with 10mg andhad very few sides...so taking 5mg for a week will hopefully minimize them for you too!

Thanks for the reply mate, keep us updated as to how you get on. This is an excellent thread.

All the best :)

12-01-11, 12:42
Day Twenty Two. Interesting start to the day, I seem to be less anxious today by a noticeable amount.

Last night my wife and I went for a power walk for 45 minutes while our daughters were in a program...again my appetite was ready for supper, and after the walk I was very hungery...I decided last night to skip the Melatonin (for sleeping) and I seemed to have slept ok except for my wife's seven snooze alarms....so I am a little tired...

I got up and meditated (which I drifted a little, sleepy) and it felt great, then did some deep breathing exercises and must have dozed off a few times as I suddenly realized I was late .... I scrambled to the shower and got the kids ready for school .... but my anxiety didn't really kick in like yesterday.... one important note here too, I took a yogurt drink and a Xantec (acid reflux / heart burn med) just before the shower. When it came time to eat breakfast it wasn't as much of a struggle to eat some cereal...then I took the my cipralex...so far I still seem fine this morning.

I do hope this is the start of the meds working their magic.

We are supposed to have a major snowstorm today, so I will be getting some exercise keeping the driveway shovelled clean of snow...

Still clenching my jaw a bit, and seem to get a headache just around suppertime...and the sexual side effects are still there...but nothing world ending at all.

Hope you all are having a good day, keep positive and let get on with living!

12-01-11, 14:39
hi, i ve been reading your thread since day 1, i love it. why don t you try in increasing meditation time? i d0 15/ 20 minutes a day and find it very helpfull


12-01-11, 15:28
Hi dabrucru,

Thanks for the suggestion. I will give it a try, I am new to meditation so don't know enough yet. I will have to find an MP3 with meditation type music. The six mintue one I do has a bell ring at the end and the instructor bringing me out of it...how do you come out of it?

Thanks again

13-01-11, 09:57
I downloaded a program called lifeflow. its brain wave entertainment. in the end the music just fades away.

13-01-11, 12:31
Cool I will look that up, thanks dabrucru

13-01-11, 13:38
Day Twenty Three. Today I am feeling a little anxious this morning (still not as bad as a few days ago) I also seem to be progressing on a morning appetite (not hungery bt can eat without issues) and I slept well last night (without the aid of Melatonin).

I have had a headache though for the last four days, and have been taking ibruprofen to combat it, I think it could be more related to a significant decrease in caffeine though...

Jaw still clenching but dry throat seems to have abated quite a bit my libido is not back to normal either....

Again I am making progress, slow and steady...

I have done a lot of research on the breathing exercises and overall stress management in the last few days and there certaintly is a correlation of breathing and anxiety...very interesting theories/explainations out there to read about. One point that interested me was the fact that of all the body functions that are essential for living (blood pumping, digestion, immune response etc.) are not within our control they are program from the brain EXCEPT breathing! We can control and regulate our breathing, it does function on its own but at any point we can take control of it....anyway, just a interesting point to ponder.... Sorry got a little off track here.

I am tired this morning, which is good actually because it means my sleep is coming back to normal, as i am guilty of not going to sleep early enough to get a full eight hours of sleep (I personally require 8 - 10 hours of sleep) last night a got a little less than seven.

So today seems to be starting like yesterday, giving a positive feeling I am starting to come out of the worst of it...

Going to the gym after work so that should help too. So as I have stated before, my mantra is: exercise (at least 30 mins x 3 / week, meditation (6mins 5 times a week), breathing exercises (10 - 20 minutes everyday) and "whining moaning complaining" sessions with a friend....at least once a week and eating a well balanced diet (which I have just added) Folllowing this plan should lead to be able to live with my anxiety without it being a hinder...

I hope that you are having a good day and stay positive, we can get better just have to find a way to deal with anxiety that works for you.

13-01-11, 17:56
You are doing great !!! Im roughly on fourth week now , and feeling pretty good and positive so far , getting plenty sleep , still bit anx in the morning but not as bad as without the meds , appetite is normal , labido bit low but still works with a little encouragement lol ,, . Would say so far the medication is helping , still takes a bit of effort on our own half to push on through the worst of this , but there is light at the end of the tunnel now :D .

cathy s
13-01-11, 19:13
Interesting post about breathing!

13-01-11, 19:36
Day Twenty Three update, been battling tiredness and anxiety this afternoon...not sure what has changed but this morning was feeling pretty good...still planning on going to the gym and hopefully some exercise will help out.

It is funny that it kinda is like a roller coaster throughout the day with these meds, at least the headache has seemed to disappeared...

A little less positive at the moment, but have to deal with these ups and downs can be challenging (I guess I have to learn to though!!)

Dabrucru, the LifeFlow, is this the brainsync stuff? With the alpha brain waves and low fequency tones to energize the brain? If so how does it work for you?

hmmm...haven't eaten very much today, probably not helping my mood...(random thought) LOL

13-01-11, 20:31
I have been on citrompram 20mg fro a week and i have never been so ill in my life. i haven;t taken them 4 a couple of days and have been given lower dosage of 10mg but am very scared to take them after they made me feel so poorly (dizzy/faint/tired/lathaergic/nausea/fever) my doctor told me i have to give them a chnace but i have a job and i don;t want to take any more time off, i have also been feeling very anxious is this normal and do you think with a lower dose there will be lss side effects??

Great journal just sat here and read it all very positive ::))

I am also doing yoga and reiki and am going to try meditation.

Take care appreciate any opinions in my lower dose and side effects xxx

13-01-11, 22:51
Hi Beckyboo

20 mg of Citalopram (?) if so then yeah a couple of weeks at 10 mg could lessen the side effects ( but everyone reacts differently) the hard part is that you have been on it for a week and another week could be all you need for you to feel better.

Only you can judge how you are feeling, so cut it back to 10 mg if you need too.

When I was on Citalopram (20 mg) around day twelve I felt really good and never looked back from there..... Again everyone is different.

Hang in there you be through the worst of it very soon.

13-01-11, 23:10
hi anxious sorry to hear you are not feeling too positive today ? you were doing so good too ?hang on in there you are nearly there? take care ?

cathy s
14-01-11, 08:58
Hi Canada

It's only a blip - to be expected, you'll feel better today i'm sure of it.


cathy s
14-01-11, 09:05
To Beckyboo 83

I have had both experiences - I went strait onto 20mg citalopram 5 years ago and it was the hardest time, I had all the side effects you had, but I carried on and at 2-3 weeks was feeling much better. This time I have started on 10mg and felt much better for the first couple of weeks with a view to increasing to 20 in the next couple of weeks. I would recommend going down to 10 for as long as you want and then increasing as a friend on here did the same as you - started on 20, felt rotten, went to 10 for a week and now she's been on 20 for about a week and she is feeling great. Being on 10 at first has made it possible to carry on with the day quite normally.

Hope this helps, good luck.


14-01-11, 14:20
Day Twenty Four, morning anxiety seems to have abated quite a bit now. Still clenching which I think is related to the headaches the last few days (but no headache last night or so far today). I slept fairly well last night again without the aid of Melatonin....

I got up and spent twenty five minutes on meditation, trying a few youtube videos in mindfullness meditation...which was quite relaxing and stress relieving. I am no expert at it but by practicing there are moments I am at ease which is really beneficial, honestly I never really was a person who believed in this BUT then again until a couple of years ago anxiety never really effected me either....I honestly believe that we all are under so much stress in our lives that these stresses (if not released) are carried with us, added to and eventually overwhelm us...I really have to work on releasing them. Meditation seems to be one avenue to help with this...

My appetite in the morning to about suppetime is still not there....this is a bit of a concern as I know food calms the belly and serotonin is prodcued from the belly....but progress is still happening so I guess I will see what another week brings...

Libido and other sexual side effect are still there...which may or may not go away...but that is OK because I have to get better which is the important thing.

I did go to the gym last night and that made me feel good in the evening, probably helped with the sleep and I awoke not so tired this morning...all positives!

Overall I am progressing even though I have rough periods BUT hey life isn't always about being up and happy, we have many emotions which are all useful too and I have been told that anxiety is NOT an emotion, it is a thought. Generated from a portion of your brain that grew to be about two to four years old and never matured beyond that. It is useful because it gives us the flight or fight response which is important for our survival. But it is very immature and irrational, and some people struggle with for different reasons....

I am an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) which about 20% of people on the planet are. HSPs are more sensitive to things as they sense more things around them and of course this is more data the brain has to process...so one of the fallbacks to this is that we HSPs fall into many molds, mine being a perfectionist/egotist. Of course no one is perfect and the hardest person to please is myself...so I am so self conscious at times and worry about being inadequate that this fuels the anxiety and stress. Sorry just putting this out there more for my benefit...

Just skip over it if it isn't for you...

So my plan is to use this medication to get to a point where I can use other tools to battle my anxiety/depression. I think that the more I understand about myself the more I can accept myself and that will eventually be the cure....won't be easy or quick but can be accomplished.

Hang in there all, keep positive and hope you have a good day!

15-01-11, 11:58
Day Twenty Five. Yesterday I had another on and off day with a good evening. Not sure why the change though. Just frustrated today as I am doing everything to help myself but still have these ups and downs. Sorry frustration is setting in this morning

I am still clenching and have an on and off appetite. No headache again today though !!!

I slept ok but not getting enough sleep. I guess I am a bit negative today amd grumpy.

Just not sure If the meds are keeping me like this or if they are at the right dose. I know I am being impatient but it is nearing four weeks and it feels like I am only half way there to feeling better Has it taken this long or longer for anyone else?

sorry for the grumpiness, hope you all are having a good day.

15-01-11, 14:24
Thanks everyone for advice and this jounal is great :)

Been put on 10mg still having side effects but not as bad am on week 2 now so am going to keep going as i have heard so many good stories come out of cit and i want to be one of them people that said yes cit worked for me, i am doing other stuff alongside this yoga, reiki and am starting counselling so hope i can get rid of this awful anxiety!!! Thanks so much for everyones comments they are really appreciated. Hope 10mg works 4 me will keep u posted xxxxx

15-01-11, 15:02
hi canada you are not being grumpy im having an off day today aswell all the negative thots are comming back ? i was feeling so good yesterday too i dont know whats wrong ? xx

15-01-11, 15:24
Day Twenty Five update just went out for a walk after a big argument with my wife. We sorted it out me being a nut case and apologizing for it!!! My mood has been so off and on the last week she is a saint for putting up with it. I am lucky to have such a supportive person in my life.

I have been following my mantra but I have not been doing the complaining whining and moaning to a friend which I think is making keep the feelings in and of course anxiety feeds off pent-up emotions.

Have to work on it.

It was sunny our during my walk so that was nice. I wish my appetite would return though.

Well here is to turnig the day around, trying to stay positive and living life.

15-01-11, 16:07
sorryyour having a bad day ? i hope you do trun your day around it is so eay to argue when you feel like this i too felt like that this morning ? my man is asaint aswell ? i just wish i could get rid of this burning sensation in my head i still think back to 7 weks agoo when i banged my head pretty bad ? i know the ospital said i was ok but i still fear they have missed something ? but thats what anxiety is all about ? if you want tmoan and gripe st someone you can private message me if you want ? take care /

16-01-11, 13:00
hi anxious hope you are feeling better today ? did you have a good night last night ? take care speak soon off to work now as it is 1pm i start at 1.45 ? till 10pm tonight

live for today?:hugs:

16-01-11, 13:33
Day Twenty Six

Panic thank you for the offer and I might do that.

Well last night was a date night for my wife and I. We went out for dinner and I ate a really nice meal and felt good afterwards. I honestly think for me that once my appetite returns fully I know that I am feeling better. BUT my morning to suppertime lack of appetite tells me I am not there yet.

I slept sound for about six hours last night and then kindA faded in and out of sleep for a couple of hours... so I feel rested

My jaw clenching is still here, and had a headache yesterday for a bit... Probably related to the clenching.

I meditated this morning actually twice ( so for twelve minutes) and myvmind to be scattered and very unfocused.

I do seem to be less anxious this morning again, it does seem my anxiety has shifted to the mid afternoons... Not sure why

Ok ladies you may want to skip over this paragraph One thing I did notice this morning was that when I woke up from the six hours of sound sleep I had a morning erection the first Ina while. So guys I am taking this as a positive sign of libido changing to the better.

Again I find the progression of this medication very slow and I think it has really helped the depression side but the antianxiety piece is not coming along as fast. I am trying all my exercises and they do help but because I am so impatient they don't seem to be working fast enough. Of course this is why I am such an anxious person I guess....

So I am nearing the one month mark and am looking at whether to increase to 15 mg or stay the course. Decisions decisions...Although my wife says she thinks I have been getting better ...

I know I have asked this already but has anyone else had any experience with it taking this long for the meds to work? Or am I being my usual impatient self.

When thing that seems to be bothering me is I have to go away on business for a week after next week and don't look forward to feeling like this and being away from my family...so this is probably looming in the back of my brain too. Man this anxiety thing is a devious little bugger...

I have been reading some stuff around foods and their benefits. Banana for example or food for boosting your spirit, whole grains are good in the evening for promoting sleep... Plus many more things like fish being brain food which is true because it has the omega fats and helps boost seratonin levels... Just trying to put some information out there for you to consider...

Well that is it for now, I may post an update later.

Hope you all are having a good day.

16-01-11, 13:53
Congratulations !! Good to see things are on the up and up ,,lol,, .. Good few days for me , then hit a bit of a downer two days ago , seems to have lifted this morning though , gotta take the good with the bad i guess . Went to a fortieth birthday party last night , felt the anx come and go all night , but not to bad considering a month ago i wouldnt even have walked into the hall .. Keep up the good work everybody .....

16-01-11, 16:43
Day twenty six update

Well this morning was a little anxious after all but did six loads of laundry. This is a constant battle in our house. That kept me busy but now noon time is on us and this now seems to be my most anxious period followed by extreme tiredness.

I really wish I felt as good as I do in the evenings in the daytime too.

I am getting frustrated again I guess probably the reason for this update.

Well must go and have something for lunch. Lack of appetite really does suck!!!!

16-01-11, 22:54
hi anxoius sorry to hear you are getting frustrated ? hang in there ?and yes bananas are good for anxiety ? i eat them every day ? good to hear your meal went well last night ? i was supposed to go to a 30th on friday but the thought of it made me shiver? but i will get there ?hope you have had a better night ? take care speak soon ?i hope tomorow is better for you ?:hugs:

17-01-11, 13:17
Day Twenty Seven

Well things don't seem to have changed very much since yesterday...I was a little more anxious this morning getting ready for work (but I associate this with Monday going back to work after the weekend)

I actually had on and off anxiety yesterday pretty much for the enitre day, even during the evening run when I am usually feeling pretty good...found myself deep breathing quite a bit. I also noticed I was quite sleepy yesterday for most of the day, I probably should have tried to go to bed early and get a really good night's sleep.

I have a sore right side of my jaw this morning from clenching....I am stressing about things I guess.

My morning meditation was really good this morning (found it quite relaxing) and managed to stay calm getting the girls ready for school this morning....

I have a massage scheduled for right after work, so hopefully that can clear some of my muscle tension. I need to get out for a walk or some exercise today but probably won't have time to....will have to make certain I do something tomorrow though.

I am really considering going up another 5mg as discussed with my Doctor, but am still thinking I am being impatient...

the upcoming business trip is constantly on my mind as well, which could be the underlying stressor at the moment....

Well not quite so positive today, but I will get through it. Hope you all are having a good day.

17-01-11, 14:36
Hope things improve again soon mate, from what you've written it sounds like things are better than before you started the meds so hang in there as they obviously work for you and I'm sure things will get better.

I did six days at 5mg with very little to no sides other than delayed ejaculation and ramped up to my full dose of 10mg Saturday. I've noticed a difference in that I'm clenching my jaw more, feel a bit more spaced out and the delayed ejaculation is still there. I have also noticed a bit more free floating anxiety.

I wonder if it's placebo but so farther Cipralex appears to be helping in that my mind isn't going off into odd story lines that cause me distress and I get windows/periods where I feel happy.

I'm hoping thing settle down and I continue to improve.

Good luck with your journey and keep writing the updates.

One thing; I've been taking 12g of Inositol powder a day as this is reported to lessen the anxiety side effects from the early days of Cipralex.

17-01-11, 16:57
Day Twenty Seven Update

Seem very spaced out so far today, must be tired. I think having a full day of meetings isn't helping...even when I am not anxious it is a huge challenge to stay awake in them LOL...

Well must run to have a nap err.. I mean a meeting... cant wait to head out for my massage....then I will fall asleep for sure!

18-01-11, 13:12
Day Twenty Eight

Went for a massage yesterday and felt really great after it. I had a pretty good evening, and slept well last night.

Seem to have some anxiety this morning though, think I am stressing to get everything done in the morning, might try and think of somethings to prepare the night before to take some of the stress out of the morning.

I am still clenching my jaw, that is more apparent now that the massage worked out the tension in my neck...

I did wake up tired this morning and would have loved to stay in bed a while longer, I did go to bed earlier last night but still not early enough.

I am still debating the increase of the medication, might try another week to see where that lands me...

Going to the gym tonight, have to get some exercise in as I haven't gotten much in the last few days, and I believe it is very important to help me progress.

I did my meditation this morning and that is actually quite relaxing and I look forward to it so much now...

All in all I am feeling much better than I was before Christmas, and at times seems to be back to myself. It is a lot of ups and downs though throughout the day which once I get a handle on can actually be a benefit to coping after I am off the medication...dealing with the ups and downs of life. This is what my therapist and many others consider mindful acceptance, that life is a gambit of experiences not just complete bliss and all the other experiences are what makes life beautiful.
We will feel happy, sad, angry, love and fear throughout our life it is what life is all about. It with the acceptance of this that we can live with our emotions, and again anxiety is not an emotion it is a thought, sometimes very devious and fuels itself when we pent up our emotions or feed it more thoughts...

A friend of mine got a tattoo that reads "Live Laugh Love" a pretty good mantra, but missing some of the base emotions: it is ok to be sad and cry, it is ok to be angry and shout and it is ok to be fearful and run...these are human conditions that we need to accept with compassion... well I guess I just typed my thoughts out here (probably more for me than you) but if you like it please use it...

Well I hope everyone is having a good day and hang in there....

19-01-11, 13:07
Day Twenty Nine.

Yesterday afternoon I was exhausted, nearly fell a sleep at my desk, I was listening to some relaxing music and reading documentation though so it is understandable..

I had a really good night, didn't get to the gym but went for a power walk with my wife, worked up a good sweat and felt nice to be in the fresh air.

Had a descent sleep last night, and no morning anxiety yet....kinda feeling pretty good this morning. appetite is still not back though....also my jaw is not as sore today which i am taking as an indication of the jaw clenching easing up....Yay! So definitely some positives!

So with that I would say the medication is starting to normalize/level out and maybe I am on the downside of the hill now...

So keeping up with meditation, deep breathing exercises, exercise and attempting to start monitoring my diet in attempts to keep it nutritional and healthy. Want to start to cut the comfort food out as much as possible....the ONE thing I am still trying to get to is the talking through my stresses with a friend at least once a week...I do need to try and get this going, plus a night out for time to myself (meeting with a friend or doing a school course of some type...)

So a bright spot today, I am feeling better so far and this is dispite the rainy gloomy day outside!!

Hang in there all!

cathy s
19-01-11, 15:51
Great that you're having a good day!:)

19-01-11, 22:53
That's Brill news I'm do glad for you ?keep it up ?x

20-01-11, 12:32
Day Thirty,

Thank you Panic and Cathy for your encouragement and support :)

Yesterday was a good day, and today I don't have morning anxiety...still no appetite and my libido still hasn't returned (but it is early in the starting to feel good stage...)

I notice that my jaw is a lot less sore and the clenching seems to have subsided quite a bit.

I am still not getting in bed early enough, only getting around 7 hours of sleep a night which i know is my own doing...it is hard when feeling really good (which is especially so for me in the evenings) to want to go to bed...I will force myself to though sleep will mean feeling good in the morning too.

I have an appointment with my therapist today and am looking forward to chatting with him.

After the appointment I am planning on going to the gym to get some exercise in, really need it.

So all in all yersterday and the start of today are positive signs that I am improving.

Hang in there all and have a good day.

20-01-11, 18:19
hey canada that is brill news about this morning ? glad ou are getting there ? it will be me soon i hope hospital went well today ? just glad it is over ? xx

21-01-11, 09:33
Morning Canada how are you this morning hope you are good ? Xx::hugs:

21-01-11, 13:01
Day Thirty One

Well I had a really good day yesterday, and a great appointment with my therapist (I actually found myself laughing in spots!)

I do have a few little blips of anxiety but nothing severe at all, and my appetite has progressed a bit, I am now a little hungery for lunch now...getting better though...

My clenching is still there but not as severe.

I am sleeping much better too!

So looking back at the last couple of weeks I can say it was impatients on the meds progression, they seem to be getting stablize...

All in all I am feeling better.

I can't state enough that tlaking out your feelings is a real benefit, getting exercise, breathing exercises and meditation are paramount to helping me feel better...

I hope you all are getting better too!! Hang in there!

21-01-11, 19:25
Brilliant stuff ! Ive been feeling pretty good this week so far , Even the morning anxiety hasnt been so bad lately :) .. Must admit talking with my phycologist does make me feel better , even though she can be brutally honest sometimes , but i guess we need a wee kick up the ass sometimes to get us going again . Started back at karate last week also , felt great to get out doing something again :D.. My favourite way to doing breathing exercise is the sigh !! deep breath into the diaphram and sigh out through your nose ,, feels good .. Keeping my fingers crossed we all get some peace from this curse ...

21-01-11, 23:27
yes i hope so too shorty before long good to hear you are feeling better take care speak soon:hugs:xx

22-01-11, 12:25
Day Thirty Two

I had another good day yesterday. Very little anxiety and almost all other symptoms are gone. I even had a little appetite this morning... Still clenching my jaw but it is not as severe as before. Libido seems to be perking up too

It took a while but I think I have started to hit the therapeutic stage of the meds so I am relieved about that.

I meditated this morning and plan on getting for some exercise today

I know that the anxiety is not completely gone but once I gain some confidence of feeling better I am sure I will then be able to deal with the anxious moments as they come.

So some very positive news here and I hope those of you just starting out can find some hope it this post.

Hang in there we can get back to living our lives again. We just have to work on it.

22-01-11, 18:51
Hi Anxious i am so pleased for you that you are feling so much better ? it gives me inspiration of how i am going to feel whe i reach that stage ? keep it up ? take care speak soon xx:hugs:

cathy s
22-01-11, 19:24
Brilliant post - well done!

23-01-11, 13:07
Day Thirty Three

Had a good day yesterday, ate well, the only remaining side effect (which could be related more to anxiety...) is clenching of my jaw. It has subsided considerably from a week or two ago though!

I slept well but again guilty of not going to bed early enough, it is difficult as when you finally get the children in bed you really enjoy the quiet adult time and find it difficult to go to bed...my wife and I are having issues getting our girls to bed where it takes an hour+ of reading books and then laying down with them and making sure they are asleep...we really need to fix this as bedtime has become a stressor in our household...sorry a little off topic BUT important to note as if there are stressors in our life we can minimize/alter then we really should work at reducing them...I think stress and anxiety are one in the same....

I am in a very grumpy mood today, things are easily making me irritated, probably because I leave the country for a week tomorrow. I am not really looking forward to the business trip ... but it is only a week... Monday to Friday... then I will be home again. I haven't gotten much exercise in the last five days and I think that is something I really have to focus on this week...

So all in all, I am feeling better. The meds are starting to help me out significantly (Cipralex 10 mg taken in the morning) and I am greatful. Looking over my journal entries I can see that at times my impatience and anxiety had me thinking the dose was not strong enough, the effects weren't helping BUT that I believe was my anxiety doing what it does best...lying to me...

If you can stick with the meds and do other things to help fight the anxiety I think you will see positive results (some in two weeks some in two months and many in between ...) So hang in there, you are on the path to getting better. It will be hard work BUT it will be worth it!

23-01-11, 22:49
well done anxious i am so pleased for ? go and enjoy the peace and quiet of being away i know it will b difficult for you but you will manage it and feel a lot better for it ? take care and i hope to hear from you soon ? by the way where are you going ?xx:weep:

24-01-11, 12:15
Day Thirty Four
Yesterday was another good day. Thought I would be anxious because of the upcoming trip but had a good day dispite that...

Jaw clenching has almost vanished. Appetite is coming back too and libido is better as well. All in all I think I am so very close to being back to myself

Panic, I am going to the United States to visit one of my company's customers a very little known city nothing too exciting.

Still doing my breathing exercise (10 mins a day throughout the day), meditation for six mins and trying to get exercise in at least three times per week. Still working on the talk session of thirty mins per week to whine moan and complain. Have started to watch my nutrition too trying to keep it balanced.

Well I think another positive post and I hope you all are seeing better days too

Hang in there you will get there.

24-01-11, 12:20
Hi Anxious glad to here you are doing well ? there is hope for us all reading your journal ? take care hear from you soon xxx:hugs:

cathy s
24-01-11, 14:29
Hope indeed! Yay!

24-01-11, 22:47
hi canada how did your first day go away from home i hope it went well take care speak soon ? xx

24-01-11, 22:48

25-01-11, 13:00
Day Thirty Four

Well things are returning to normal, my sense of human/sarcastic nature are back...

I slept a lot yesterday during my travels which resulted in a restless sleep last night. Things are getting better though, appetite is back, clenching of jaw has almost disappeared and very little anxiety....

Things are very positive right now, and I hope I am giving you all some hope. It is important to know the downside of these meds but it is important to hear about the positive sides too!

Panic, my travels went well but it is freezing cold here (-17C wind chill -35C)....a challenge to get out for a walk...

Hang in there all, better times are on the way.

cathy s
25-01-11, 18:55
Thats brilliant news!

I feel things are improving too. Doing 20 mins of relaxation a day has had a big impact on my sense of wellbeing and stress levels. It feels so good and helps me so much I have no clue why I let myself get out of the habit of doing it! It might just be one of the keys to managing anxiety for life.

I did do mediation for a long while but I was wondering if it was making me think about myself too much. When you meditate what do you focus on, your breathing?

I appreciate the other information you post and I think I'll get that book about being a sensitive person.

Here's to a bright future.


25-01-11, 22:33
well done Anxious its great to hear that you are getting there ? i am so pleased for you keep up the journal though ?take carepeak to you soon xxx :hugs:

26-01-11, 13:13
Day Thirty Five

Another good day ... a great trend.

I am not sleeping well but attribute this to being away from home and having my schedule off...I may try a melatonin tonight. Got a tension headache which is common for me...

When I meditate I do the mindful meditation which is about focusing on your breathing. It teaches you (with practice, and I am not there yet by any means) to focus on your breathing and accept the thoughts as they come but bring yourself back to your breathing and eventually it will result in your thoughts being there but not distracting...I agree Cathy, the relaxation period is a wonderful thing and everyone should take the time to do it. It is not selfish nor does it make you think about yourself too much. Think of the benefits to the people around you if stress levels were cut back some, we may all be a little more compassionate with each other!!

I have not been able to get any exercise this week so far and that is starting to get to me a little...I really have to get some in soon.

So another positive post, and hopefully it gives those starting out some comfort in knowing the meds do help you out. Again not a cure but an assistant in dealing with anxiety through your own mantra. My mantra is exercise, deep breathing exercises, meditation and talk to someone you can whine, moan and complain to....Hope you all can develope your own mantra, with work everyone can live with anxiety....

Have a good day all!!

26-01-11, 20:55
Looking good :),, Had a good day today , even ventured into the shopping centre that i havent been in at least five years , feels good to do the normal things in life . Even started back at karate two weeks ago and loving it again :D.

26-01-11, 22:53
Awesome news Shorty, glad to hear things are getting better for you!!!

26-01-11, 23:22
Hi anxious. Glad to here you have had a good day won't be long till you are ba k home now ? Take care speak soon xx:hugs:

27-01-11, 12:50
Day Thirty Six

Another good day. I am eating very poorly though, being away from home....restaurant food is not the healtiest of foods...

I am really feeling the lack of exercise, even though I wasn't doing marathons I was still getting my heart rate up regularly which I am missing quite a lot.

Doing my meditation everyday, and deep breathing....hard to whine and complain to co-workers so have been lacking that too...oh well I head home tomorrow.

So even though the meds are working, it is still very apparent that the other things are important to helping to get better, really important as I have stated before. Meds are an enabler allowing you to feel better and help you get to where you can do things that can cure the anxiety....

I hope everyone's day is going well, hang in there you will feel better soon.

27-01-11, 17:44
Glad to hear you are beginning to feel the benefits of the meds :D . You are rite in what you say , we have to put the effort in to help ourselves , and not expect the meds alone to get us back on track ...

27-01-11, 23:45
thats brill anxious your right on track ? take care xxxx

28-01-11, 10:28
Hi cathy glad to here you are doing well keep it up take care xx

28-01-11, 14:29
Day Thirty Seven

Another good day yesterday even though I had a stressful day at work. Didn't get enough sleep last night. My own fault for not going to bed earlier ....

Had a bit of anxiety this morning which I know is directly related to having only 5 hours of sleep. Good news is I am on my way home!!!!

Pretty much all side effects are gone and I feel like myself again.

Need to get some exercise and more sleep. Have not missed a day of meditation since i started ( again only six minutes a day)

Can't wait to get home and see my family...

Hope you all are having agood day too.

28-01-11, 21:06
Hi Anxious thats good then glad your getting there you will feel better whe you get home and see your family again take care speak soon xx:hugs:

29-01-11, 12:26
Day Thirty Eight

Well yesterday and today seem to be a bit of a set back, I am a bit detached and a little anxious. I really think that lack of exercise and not enough sleep are contributing to this though.

I am home and feel good but my morning no appetite symptom may have returned.

Hoping things get better as the day goes on.

Again I really need to get back into my mantra of exercise, meditation, breathing exercises and talk therapy ( whining and complaining to an empathetic person)

The meds can only do so much.

Well hope you all are having a good day.

30-01-11, 12:19
hi anxious sorry to here that but it is only a blip mabe you too anxious to get home to your family? i hope today is a better day take care speak soon xx:hugs:

30-01-11, 16:37
Day Thirty Nine

A pretty good day after all. Everything is back in one level or another. Slept well, no jaw clenching, libido healthy, appetite is back, and little to no anxiety today.

Went out skating today and tomorrow back to the gym so I am getting some exercise YAY!!

I am getting there, just have to get comfortable with the blips of anxiety when they arise!! Again it is not a cure with these meds and we need to develop ways to live and accept our anxiety ...

Hope you all are having a good day.

cathy s
30-01-11, 21:23
Thats great news!

31-01-11, 14:49
Day Forty

Today I feel pretty good, either though I haven't been sleeping that great the last couple of days. Things seem to be back to normal, although I do have moments of anxiety still which is going to be the norm...

I am actively practising my meditation (6 mins a day every day), deep breathing when going to sleep and anytime I feel anxious (this does help with keeping anxiety to a minimum), I am trying to get exercise at least three times per week and then do some whining/complaining/moaning to someone who is empathetic....

I have read so many blogs/books/webpages on people successfully battling against anxiety/depression and how they got better. Each person will have a different recipe for their success BUT there is one for you. It will take work though...I wish you all success!

Hang in there and lets start living again

31-01-11, 23:24
Hey Anxious thats brill news im glad you feel so good you have been through a lot ? take care speak soon xx:hugs:

01-02-11, 11:00
Glad to hear you are on the mend !! Im still having wee moments of anxiety , but seem to fade as i dont dwell on it the way i used to . I have even started going into cafe etc on my own , Wouldnt have done that before . :) ...

01-02-11, 12:13
well done shorty xx:hugs:

01-02-11, 13:46
Day Forty One

Glad to hear you are coming along Shorty, it is important to continue on through the rough periods and with time they become less and less rough....

I got to the gym yesterday and it felt really good to get some exercise. I had a really good evening. I slept well last night and woke up this morning feeling really good!

Again exercise, sleep, deep breathing, meditation and talk therapy is really a good thing to helping me get better!

I hope you all are having a good day, hang in there good times are on the horizon.

01-02-11, 23:06
Way to go Anxious wish it was me ? take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

02-02-11, 09:42
Way to go Anxious wish it was me ? take care speak soon xxx:hugs:
Hi panic ! Have you started on the medication ?

02-02-11, 11:37
Yes I'm on day thirty ?xx

02-02-11, 13:48
Day Forty Two

Another good day! Slept well, appetite on the mend...jaw clenching a little (but so much better than before and probably relate to stress at work) and libido is back, and very little anxiety (only one blip through out the day that is easily managed)

I am starting to gain confidence with my exercises in mastering the anxiety, so am very hopeful that I can maintain this through the course of the meds and them after I am off them!

Keeping positive is key too! It is difficult especially when starting out on the medication. But be kind to yourself, and try your best, don't expect success immediately, it takes time and work to get there. (some longer than other so don't compare it with others as this can be discouraging too) My personal experience shows me that the hardest person on myself is me!!! So again, be kind to yourself, be hard on yourself fuels the anxiety. We are who we are, like it not.

I really hope these post are beneficial, as they have been incredibly for me. I encourage everyone to journal their story, as it is great reference for yourself as well as others...

Hang in there, and work hard, you will get to feeling better.

02-02-11, 22:58
Hi Anxious that is true im glad i did a journal as you can look on it and see how you have progressed? glad you are getting there im glad i am at my work too as it takes my mind off it ? take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

03-02-11, 13:28
Day Forty Three

Another good day, seems like I have gotten to the meds sweet spot....

I had a good day yesterday and slept well last night, but didn't go to bed early enough...my bad.

Things are going really well right now, so I am really taking the opportunity to enjoy the good times.

Hope you are doing well ttyl

04-02-11, 18:10
Day Forty Four

Very busy day today....had another good day yesterday. Had a massage to loosen my jaw and neck tension, it was simply wonderfu and envigorating.

I do need to get after myself for the xercise thing though, have been neglecting the gym and really need to get back in the groove. Ironically I am starting to be lazy, which means I am returning to my normal self ! LOL!

I slept soundly but shortly last night as my daughter came into our bed last night, which usually results in a restless sleep.

Appetite is still not as it used to be in the morning, but it is improving...I have gone back to one cup of coffee a day, which really helps me with the afternoon tiredness.

Hope you all are doing well, try and have a good day. TTYL

04-02-11, 21:10
thats good anxious ? xx

05-02-11, 13:31
Day Forty Five

Another good day yesterday, had one moment of anxiety after lunch but was easily dealt with. Got to the gym and the exercise really helped and I felt much better afterwards.

Going out skating today in the sunshine! So that will be fun too.

So pretty much everything seems back to it's norm, so it is positive for me now!

I hope you are getting there too! Good luck and ttys

05-02-11, 18:24
Fantastic thread Canada, an inspiration, I hope you keep updating this post as I have just started out on 20mg a day of prozac day 4 and it's tough going, I know it's a different ssri but I am hoping that reading your posts will help me through the rough patches.

Regards Buster.

05-02-11, 19:22
way to go Anxious i feel im getting there now which is good for me hope you enjoy the skating and have a good day again take care and speak soonxxx :hugs:

06-02-11, 15:40
Day Forty Six

Yesterday was really good, unto last night. My youngest daughter has the flu and was throwing up all night. My wife (bless her soul) took care of her in our room which meant I got to sleep in her bed.... Needless to say I didn't sleep well...

I am not feeling so great this morning, a bit detached and no desire to do much. I know it is a blip with anxiety, I really feel it when I don't have a good enough sleep. Plus one other thing, I had a drink of beer last at a social event not sure how this plays in with my mood this morning, but I normally don't mix alcohol with meds. This certainly can be part of the off mood this morning ... So that settles that, no more alcohol for me for some time.

Another thing I notice too is that I might be feeling under the weather as well it is hard when dealing with anxiety and these meds and then add a flu into the mix. It is difficult to discern what is causing the feelings....

Well off to meditate and then some deep breathing.

Hope you all are having a good day

06-02-11, 16:34
hello Anxious in that lovely country Canada ,

You know sometimes we are so finely tuned to our bodies we forget that others have the same symptom and it is just they perceive them differently .
my husband has always said to me that he feels vulnerable and shaky the day after a night out .
and if you have flu coming as well ? no wonder you are a bit vulnerable .
think you are doing so well x
dont put this feeling unwell into the anxiety box . it is what it is .a bit alcohol with meds ...and a virus in the house .
ha ! I still have a drink with friends but post myself a note for next day reminding me why it is not a good idea !! so when I feel panicky next day I know there is a reason for it and promise myself not to have that glass of wine .
but hey ho ..as long as we know why and dont go mad eh?

Your journey and story has been hugely helpful so thank you

06-02-11, 17:11
Well on you anxious, cipalex 10 mg is what i am on for the past 2 years. Was not very good first few months. I would say it was worse. Doc said for some it takes 6 m to start benefiting from them. It did good to me. Hope you will be ok with them. Thanks

06-02-11, 21:25
Day Forty Six Update

Still somewhat of a rough day, but again thinking related more to ill feelings and lack of sleep.

My appetite was a little off too so I am thinking it is due to feeling ill.

I really appreciate the encouraging posts from snowgoose and thumbalina. It helps to get positive reinforcement, it really does.

Hope you all are having good days.

06-02-11, 21:51
I do so hope you are feeling a bit better,
lack of sleep is awful and draining..........I empathise hugely .

be gentle with yourself eh? you have travelled through a
long journey .very arduous at times ....but with so much strength that has underpinned every step.
I do think it is being very tired and perhaps getting a bug that is making you feel shaky . normal Anxious xx VERY normal .
do your meditation and centre yourself in the moment .
look at the real reason why you feel off............flu and cold and lack of sleep .
you are doing so well . no worry there x
keep strong .

06-02-11, 22:52
hi anxious hope you feel better soon it will be the lack of sleep and the bug you may have and yes you have been doing well you are my inspriration? and i love reading your posts just keep doing what you are doing and you will get there ? i hope your daughter wll be feeling better too i feel like that too epescially the weekends just keep going ? i had the flu bug aswell and it does knock you for six and you feel like not eating hope you have a better day tomorow take care speak soon xxx :hugs:

07-02-11, 13:16
Day Forty Seven

Last evening things came around again, I slept in my oldest daughter's bed with her (she has a double bed and full sized) I got a good sleep surprisingly...

This morning I seem to have lost my appetite again and have some anxiety this morning. Morning always tend to be the worst period for me anyway...

Have a busy day, hopefully it will keep my mind preoccupied, and then I plan on going to the gym after work which will help too. I am feeling rather tired so I may need to catch up on some sleep as well. Guess it was a rough weekend, and I should not have tested things this soon(a small drink of alcohol) guess live and learn...

My meditation this morning was actually really refreshing, at one point it felt like I was almost out of my body, quite relaxing and euphoric...it was like for a few seconds only but was an awesome feeling...

I am going to try to get to bed rather early tonight and try to get a full ten hours sleep and see if that helps..

It is going to take time and effort to be able to deal with these moments when anxiety has gotten some fuel and is all fired up again. It is hard not to treat it like an enemy but it is just thoughts, devious as they seem but thoughts none the less. They are thoughts from a part of the brain thast is no more mature than three years old....many people can shrug them off and carry on, but I am an HSP (hyper sensitive person) which is more difficult for me. Again, I need to gain the confidence back to be able to cope with anxiety, it is never going to go away but can certaintly be minimized so it doesn't consume me....sorry for getting a little deep here

Hope you all are having a good day, hang in there with work we will get through this!

08-02-11, 13:44
Day Forty Eight

Well yesterday I was anxiuos for most of the time at work, of course I ate very little which really seems to effect me and makes me anxious. I went to the gym but was exhausted so I did 25 mins on the bike and the weight circuit, cut it short a little. Wasn't so bad as i went for a 20 min walk at lunch time in the sun....When I got home I was feeling a little down, but ate some chicken stew I had made the day before and that seemed to really perk me up. My evening was pretty good, and I went to bed earlier than normal and slept well.

This morning I again seem anxious, had to force breakfast in and seem to have a bit of a cough...I seem a bit tired even though I slept well...

I have an appt this evening with my therapist, hopefully as the weather is quite nasty out there right now (snowing). I do have an appt with a skin specialist tomorrow to look at suspicious mole, didn't think I was too worried about it but I have been thinking about it lately, perhaps the reason for my morning anxiety...

Man, anxiety is insidious it takes the smallest seed and mkaes it grow into the biggest weed so fast....the more I think about it the more I think I am worried about tomorrow....well time will tell I guess....

Hope you all are having a good day, hang in there we can get to living better I am sure of it.

08-02-11, 18:50
Day Forty Eight Update

Been a rough day, in a funk for sure. Can't seem to shake out it, hoping this evening gets better...

Not sure why the setback this week, was moving along really well. Could be I am still suffering from the flu/cold or I am subconsciously anxious about the specialist appt tomorrow...or this is the normal course of the meds, and still need a little more time to completely level out.

I hope to see my therapist today but the snow storm may make the drive treacherous...I left a voice message to confirm the appt is still on but haven't heard back from him. Think I could use the chat with him, so hopeful he will be there if I attempt the drive...

I want to be honest with my progress, so although I have seen some positive progression I want to also relay my struggles....because when we encounter hurdles we may think it is only us experiencing them, sometimes it is of benefit to know we are not alone and people have gotten by them (as I am sure we all will get by our struggles)

Trying turn the day around, hang in there!

08-02-11, 18:58
Hi Anxious,

Just wanted to say thank you for being so supportive towards me. Sometimes (actually most times) i get so caught up in my own world of anxiety I forget that you / panic etc are sometimes suffering to.

I hope today turns out a better day for you and its just a "blip" because of your appt.


09-02-11, 12:26
Day Forty Nine

I found my appointment with my therapist really rushed yesterday and seemed to go no where, really disappointing....I felt really tired last night and had anxiety for most of the day yesterday. My wife is coning down with the flu my daughter had and I think I may be feeling it too (hopefully it is the flu that is the reason for the aniety of late)

I went to bed really early and slept quite well til 3 in the morning, and then drifted in and out of slept til six....another symptom of being anxious.

This morning my anxiety was there again, man this is one of the roughest patches I have had. I do have my appointment today with the specialist so maybe that too is playing into the anxiety. Man I feel like I am going to have a break down today...can't seem to shake it...at work now, going to try and keep busy til my appt after lunch.

Considering upping the dose to 15mg, my doc and I discussed this before and my perscription is actually written for a 15mg dose...seems that 10mg is the norm anyone on 15 mg or more?

Arghh I am frustrated as I was doing so well and now feel like I have gotten worse than before i was on the meds ... another question, has anyone else experienced a major "blip" as I call it this far into the meds?

09-02-11, 13:02
HEY Anxious sorry to hear your having arough time off it and you were doing so well too ? it will probly be a mixture of those thing but hang in there you will get through it i know you will as you are astrong person you have brought me this far with your encouragment i hope your day gets better take care speak soon and your appt with the specialist wil, go well think positeve xxx :hugs:xxx

09-02-11, 17:22
Day Forty Nine Update

I noticed that when I have eaten something I am getting nauseous which is different than before as I just didn't have an appetite but could still eat. I has me thinking it is the flu that is bothering me more than anxiety. At Least I hope it is, pretty bad when you hope for the flu over anything else...

09-02-11, 23:04
Hey Anxious i wouldnt worry about too much as i think it might be just the flu bug ? how did your appt go to today i hope it went well just have plenty of rest and fluids and it will shift in its own time hopefully very soon take care speak soon hope you have abetter evening ? xxx :hugs:xxx :hugs::flowers:

10-02-11, 12:00
Day Fifty

Well I thought I would be feeling so much better with fifty days in... I do think it is the flu right now as I don't have the typical indicators of anxiety.

I was ready to up my dose today to 15mg but decided against it. I called in sick today to get some rest hopefully that will help. I did sleep well last night but wake up early and then drift in and out of sleep...

Man this is difficult not knowing if it is the flu or anxiety.

Well I hope you all are having good days hang in there

10-02-11, 12:40
Hi anxious i too am feeling a bit off today back really sore today going to see doc at 3pm today? just hang in in there the flu bug is bad enough without having anxiety to go with it ? have a restfull day and dont worry too much take care speak soon ? xx :hugs:

10-02-11, 20:52
Thanks Panic

I slept most of the day and had a tea and piece of toast. Still lethargic but better I am still hopeful this is the flu.

I guess I will know in a few days if I am feeling better.

Don't want to scare anyone, I still believe these meds work and help so many people.

At least you should be aware that if you do get sick that you can be able to tell the difference.... I am sure if this flu happened three months from now I would have gained enough confidence to know it was the flu and not anxiety

Hang in there all, we can get through this

10-02-11, 21:22
I am sure you will be fine Canada.

10-02-11, 22:47
Hey Anxious glad your feeling a bit better mabe the sleep helped hope you feel better tomorrow ?take care speak soon ?xx:hugs:

11-02-11, 13:17
How are you feeling now? hope you are ok and starting to feel a bit better :D

11-02-11, 21:09
Day Fifty One

Well not sure what is going on, so I took 15mg today but am thinking I will see how I am tomorrow to determine if I continue at that dose.

Still battling the flu and spent the day home with my daughter who is suffering the flu too poor thing, she feels miserable.

I did manage to meditate today which was good. Just feeling really detached and not motivated to do much.

I do hope it is the flu, having some toast and tea to see how I feel after that.

Take care and talk soon.

11-02-11, 23:07
Hey Anxious > sorry to hear your daughter is not very well hope she gets better soon? are you sure you wanted to upt the dose as you were doing so well as you were i think it is the flu you are battling against i had when i first started cip and it was horrible ? yes it was good news the doc says and encouraging but still think i have something else wrong with me ??/ but i think that is just the anxiety ? that is good news that you started mediating again today ? but you still have to eat ? toast is only good for a short while ?i hope you get well soon take care speak soon hang in there i hope it works upping the dose hang in there xxx:hugs:

12-02-11, 11:38
Day Fifty Two

I spent yesterday in bed with my daughter, she was not well at all. I slept for awhile when she slept. I felt ok in the evening but still not as great as I normally do. I took Melatonin last night thinking I wouldn't sleep well with all the sleep through the day. It really knocked me out so got a good night's sleep.

I feel a little off this morning but have to get up and take the car in for mainentance so going to try and eat some cereal.

I am still debating the dose. Wish I knew the right course here but there has been a few things to consider over my blip. I started a new multivitamin from the health store and it contains a lot of natural substances so I stopped taking it, could be an interaction with the meds ( started taking it a couple of days before the blip) second consideration FLU which has run through my house, and hit us hard. Third consideration is the appt with my specialist that turned out to be nothing...

For anxious person that is quite a bit to think about. I think I may stay at 10 mg and see how the weekend progresses.

Hope you all are doing well

12-02-11, 11:39
Day Fifty Two

I spent yesterday in bed with my daughter, she was not well at all. I slept for awhile when she slept. I felt ok in the evening but still not as great as I normally do. I took Melatonin last night thinking I wouldn't sleep well with all the sleep through the day. It really knocked me out so got a good night's sleep.

I feel a little off this morning but have to get up and take the car in for mainentance so going to try and eat some cereal.

I am still debating the dose. Wish I knew the right course here but there has been a few things to consider over my blip. I started a new multivitamin from the health store and it contains a lot of natural substances so I stopped taking it, could be an interaction with the meds ( started taking it a couple of days before the blip) second consideration FLU which has run through my house, and hit us hard. Third consideration is the appt with my specialist that turned out to be nothing...

For anxious person that is quite a bit to think about. I think I may stay at 10 mg and see how the weekend progresses.

Hope you all are doing well

12-02-11, 17:10
Hi anx ! I have been up and down a bit lately to , I also feel like im coming down with the cold or something which doesnt help matters . But i do agree that the meds do help , and i was considering uping my dosage , but ile wait and speak to the doctor and see what she thinks .

12-02-11, 18:45
Hi Anxious hope you day has got better ? i dont think there is aright couse to take as i think it all depends on how you are feeling ? and with you not feeling very well i think this has made things worse for you ? could have been the mulivitamins aswell ? i had a drink last night well four ? and was ok this morning ? and all day if you take it easy you should be ok ? but the choice is yours ? hope you feel better soon take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

12-02-11, 21:09
Day Fifty Two Update

I feel better today, got out for a walk been reading "The Secret" and had a good supper. Shaky after it ( chicken and salad) but the first bit of food other than toast and cereal in three days... So my body is adjusting to it

I stayed at 10 mg and decided to give it til next weekend before upping it again that way I am sure to be over the flu.

Rough week, but I survived it! Hang in there all!

12-02-11, 21:41

13-02-11, 13:31
Day Fifty Three

Yesterday was a good day, but not back to where I was a week or so ago. I may be expecting too much with just getting over the flu but I am a little discouraged at being where I am nearing two months of the meds ...

I got out for a brisk walk this morning in the sun and ate a bit better this morning. I realize it is my impatience that is causing the discouragement but I had such better results on Citalopram a year or so ago.... I am going to give it another week to see if I can get back to where I was a week ago. If not I may either increase the dose or see about an alternative med ....

Had a good talk with my wife this morning and one thing she did say was that she thought I have gotten better and that I am expecting too much to soon ( impatient) and that she lloves and me will support me through anything. Pretty nice words.

I am reading the secret which is a motivational tool on thinking positive, pretty interesting and many swear it is very powerful. I am trying to be open minded so if I can maybe it will work for me. Sorry just getting some thoughts written down here, out of my head...

I hope you all are having good days, hang in there we can get through this!

13-02-11, 13:58
Give it another week, you have felt good on these meds up until recently and im sure its more to do with the flu than anything.

If after that you don't feel any better, I would try an increased dose (up to 20mg) before changing meds. That really is a long and horrid haul, coming off one and onto another.

Be strong as you have been x :winks:

13-02-11, 23:12
Hi anxious glad you are feeling a bit better i would give it aweek or two aswell as it be like starting over at the beginning again if you start on new meds and you dont want to do that you have to be strong ? you have some good encourgement for others try some on your self please ? and listen to your wife she has been there from the start too even if you dont feel you are getting better at the moment your wife will see a diference straight away with they way you are to the way you were 8 weeks ago ? i do beleiveve it has been the flu that has knocked you back with your system being so low you will have been hit harder with it sorry it is such a long post i am just trying to reasure you take care speak soon ? x xx:flowers::hugs:

cathy s
14-02-11, 10:58
Hi Canada

I too have suffered a set back this week after my third cold in two months and a college deadline. I had already increased to 20 mg citalopram 3 weeks ago and was sure I'd be feeling lots better by now. I went to see the doc this morning for a check up and we talked about my next step deciding to stay at 20 as things should settle down again now my deadline is gone and my cold will get better. It's a rough season, once the spring comes and we've been on the medication for that bit longer I think things will look brighter. They say it takes 6 weeks to START getting better, with big ups and downs even after this time.
I remember making quicker progress on 20 five years ago but I was literally doing nothing for about 6 weeks, so the fact that we are trying to continue with normal life isn't allowing our nervous systems to rest as much as it could be.
Cut yourself some slack after your trip away and remember flu will hit everyone hard and takes time to get over. You were doing well, there's no reason why that won't continue again soon.


14-02-11, 13:43
Day Fifty Four

Thank you all for your words of encouragement, I really appreciate them.

Yesterday was tough as I was still feeling a bit detached....I am still feeling some of the flu though, little appetite and such...

This morning I took my time getting ready for work, and tried not to stress over getting the girls ready. Staying calm and collected, seemed to help a bit.

I have taken 15 mg this morning, and have decided to continue on this dose to see if it helps. So I hope tho see some progression again (and not got through the ups and downs again...oh well hopeful thinking.)

A couple of times last night I did have thoughts of things I want to do when Spring arrives, so that is a good thing. Starting to look forward to some things...

Hope you all are doing well, and don't get discouraged by my struggles. Remember these meds work differently for everyone, and most people go on these meds feel better and never look back. Ups and downs are part of life and how we deal with them is a individual interaction.

Take Care

14-02-11, 14:15
Its funny isnt it how we can come on here and support each other when inside we are feeling the same. :D well... similar.

Hope you have a good day x

cathy s
14-02-11, 14:36
I think it's interesting that other people see the strength in us that we can't see ourselves.

14-02-11, 16:53
That is so true!

I think that anxiety is so good at keeping us doubting ourselves, and it is peculiar that we can be so hard on ourselves and yet be kind to others...

That is why most therapists use the phrase "Be kind to yourself!"

14-02-11, 22:47
HI Anxious yes you will get through this we all will we just have to be strong ? i know it is hard but we will do it ? spring is just round the corner and that will make us feel better it has been a rough winter very frosty in scotland tonight ? i hope you feel a bit better tmorow take care speak soon hope the rest of your day is good xxx:hugs:

15-02-11, 12:54
Day Fifty Five

Well felt good yesterday for the most part. I am not at a 100% but am doing better than I was last week....so maybe the flu has finally left my system.

I am still on the 15mg dose now and will probably stay there.

Been getting stressed out with my little one, she is a "spirited" child and exhibits many of the traits I have, another worry of mine...but she has a way of behaving that can completely stress my wife and I out...very stressful morning with her this morning for instance.

I slept ok last night, went to bed a little too late...but found I woke up at 6 and was tired but could fall back to sleep. May try Melatonin again tonight....

It is snowing here again! Man like every day we have a snow fall amount of some type. Very depressing at times in itself, I really can't wait for spring!!

So progress is back it appears so some positives!

Hang in there all and have a good day.

15-02-11, 23:21
Hiya anxious that is good news that you are feeling better i am glad for you as you have had a rough week just hang in there you will get back to where you were last week again ? take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

16-02-11, 12:36
Day Fifty Six

I am still taking 15mg, had a good day yesterday. Slept well last night, and ate a lot in the evening! Too much!

I think the blip last week was really the flu, eating and keeping seratonin levels up are very important. I had difficulty eating last week and consequently I think that dropped my seratonin production. These meds are design to maintain seratonin levels but if you are not supplying seratonin they can't maintain the levels as well....my unprofessional opinion though...

So I am not experiencing any ill effects from the meds, even with the increase in dosage from 10mg to 15mg.

Mornings are still a little rough , no where near where they were though! I really have never had much of a morning appetite, but can eat ok so not an issue. I do notice that I am tired in the middle of the day, not exhausted but tired. So maybe that is the only effect i am feeling from the increase in dosage.

there are parts of the day that my interest has returned to the things I enjoy. I starting searching a local site looking for a used canoe for the upcoming fishing season...so a positive.

Getting there!

Hope you all have a good day too!

16-02-11, 12:54
Hey Anxoius that is great news ? glad to here you are getting better again take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

16-02-11, 13:57
Thanks Panic, can see progression!

16-02-11, 15:53
Great news Anxious. Well done.

cathy s
16-02-11, 19:58
That's great news - really positive. I'm properly happy for you! I hope I find the same upsurge in mood after a rough couple of days after a bad cold. I agree about the eating affecting things as I haven't had my usual appetite and I feel much better after I eat a good meal. I will remember the seratonin levels in future, that will help, I usually try to eat little and often.

The most positive thing was your news about interest returning to things you enjoy. This is a great sign! We may not be hearing from you anymore soon!!

17-02-11, 06:29
Hi all,

I am post-menopausal, and have been suffering from intense symptoms like hot flushes, heart palpitations, memory loss, etc. I am also a breast cancer survivor, which means that I cannot be treated with HT. I tried Venlor and Aropax (anti-depressants that also help minimise hot flushes) but had horrible reactions to them - anxiety attacks so bad that I passed out once. A clinical psychologist suggested that I try esitalopram/Cipralex, but I am so terrified of the side effects that it might have. But I am also so desperate to try and get some sort of quality of life back!

Any advice? Thanks for sharing.

17-02-11, 14:31
Day Fifty Seven

Cathy that is funny, I thought about that the other day how when you feel better many people stop posting here....guess that is a positive as well though. I do want to touch on this, as I think this is a trap I fell into last time. I started feeling better and stopped doing the things that helped me get there. I have to make sure I continue with exercise, meditation, deep breathing and talk sessions (otherwise I just become reliant on the meds...)

I had a very long day at work yesterday (16 hours) major issue and I actually dealt really well with it. Didn't get stressed out or feel off, felt quite good...of course I got home late and didn't get a lot of sleep, or anytime to wind down...

So far today I feel good which is a bit of a surprise as I was anticapting the worse because of yesterday....lack of sleep is still a worrisome thing for me....

I do feel more and more like myself again, my humour has returned and my sarcasm.

I don't have any side effects, that I recognised anymore (so they must have minimized...)

Trixibella - you have been through a lot... If escitalopram can help you then it is worth trying them. The side effects on these meds have been very slight for me, the progress of the med is the only issue I would say I would complain about. it seemed like it took a long time to feel the benefits, but they are here now! I can't say they will be great for you, but if your Doc is suggesting them I would try them and see if they help. Don't worry over the side effects, if you do experience any they do go away ... I hope this helps you, hang in there. You will get through this!

Hope everyone is having a great day! Take care

cathy s
17-02-11, 15:59
Hi Canada

Yes I do that too, not carrying on with the things that helped me get better. I've been really lazy this time around, not excercising and keep going to bed late for similar reasons you have mentioned about feeling better and wanting to enjoy the evening for longer after the kids are in bed. I was worrying today about the meds not working so well the second time round as others have said this. But I have decided to be positive and choose to believe the couple of posts that say it does work but just takes a bit longer to reach it's full effect. If we are doing everything to help ourselves get better anyway the meds are just helping us along anyway as you say, so it's important for me not to put too much emphasis on whether they are working or not. Especially since I have had virtually no agraphobia lately and the only thing bothering me has been these silly worries. If I could get rid of worry I'm sure I would be cured. I'm sure we all feel like that!
Any tips from anyone on how they deal with worry?

17-02-11, 16:43
Hmmm...worries (aka anxiety) not an easy solution I am afraid.

The process of getting you better and the tools you use to get there are the ways to battle worry. It is about living in the present (not the past or the future) kinda Budha philosohpy... focusing on the now and train the mind and then it can't jump to oh I did that yesterday (past) or this going to happen tomorrow (the future)...cause you can't control the future or the past ...

Look into the mindfulness (mindfulness acceptance, mindfulness meditation...) topic, you might find some information that you can use.

Worry is the struggle we all are battling to some level or another...

Hope this helps some...

cathy s
17-02-11, 17:04
Thanks, I will check out that topic. :)

18-02-11, 14:31
Day Fifty Eight

Another good day behind me, things have been going really well. I am still on the increase to 15mg and have had no side effects because of the increase in the dose. In fact I think it has helped me!

I have to get back to exercising though...again the meds are to help me with developing a regime to combat the anxiety. Today I actually did 18 mins of meditation and felt so good, I really look forward to it and find it very relaxing. My mind still wonders a lot, but it is getting better. It will takes time and practise to get it full effect but is certaintly helping now...

Well hoping you all are having a good day. Take care and talk soon

19-02-11, 13:12
Day Fifty Nine.

Another good day. Had a little twinge of anxiety yesterday around lunch but it was minor.

I feel I can handle the blips now and I am gaining confidence too.

Today is going ok seem a bit grumpy and have a tension headache, probably from the stuff at work but trying to let it go until Monday.

All in all I feel much better and have no side effects at all that I can notice so for those starting out it takes time for these mess to work but you will get there stay positive and use whatever you can to get through the rough period.

Tale care and talk soon

19-02-11, 19:08
Hi anxious ? Cant type on my page dont know what
swron as it comes up like this and it is ve
ry anoying glad you a
re having ggod

days again i having abit of a
rough one to
day ? Take
re speak soon

20-02-11, 12:37
Day Sixty

Had another good day, and slept well last night. Didn't wake up and toss and turn for an hour stayed asleep....

I am starting to get my appetite completely back which means I should really focus on my exercising! Lol

Hey Panic hang in there we need these blips to make us realize that life isn't alway bliss and that we can feel down a bit BUT we can't dwell on them when we feel down.

Hope everyone has a good day. Take care

20-02-11, 23:42
hey anxious thats great news take care xxx:hugs:

21-02-11, 13:37
Day Sixty One

A little stressed this morning (but it is a Monday) and tired as well.

I really need a coffee! Yesterday was another good day and had fun sledding with the family.

I meditated a few times yesterday which felt really good.

Trying to get to the gym today, went for my big walk yesterday and felt it in my legs so need to concentrate more on the exercising.

Well hope you all are having a good day, take care and talk soon

22-02-11, 17:48
Day Sixty Two

Had a good evening and a good night's sleep.

Morning was good, and having a good day.

Things are really going well, so I would say I am in the sweet spot of the meds..

Hope for all!!!

cathy s
22-02-11, 21:03

22-02-11, 23:09
hey anxious thats fantastic news im really pleased for you ? you have been though so much well done just keep up the good work ? take care and we will speak soon xxx:yesyes::hugs:

23-02-11, 12:31
Day Sixty Three

Had another good day yesterday, feeling pretty much myself again.

Sleeping well, eating well, no adverse effects from the meds that I am aware of... I do admitt that I had my momnets of doubt and anxiety during the course of the last several weeks... again I think a lot of the sides are related to anxiety and depression rather than actuall side effects of the med...if you think you are going to have side effects then your anxiety will make it so...

I have been meditating daily (6 minutes/day at minimum), doing some deep breathing exercises (especially around times of anxiety), getting exercise (at least 3 times per week for 30+minutes), talk therapy too, at least 3 times per week (posting here counts!!!) So I hope that through my journey and postings you can take something of benefit away to help you on your own journey. Anxiety and depression can be beat, just takes time and hard work.

Now that the meds are working I am at the point where I can start to really battle the anxiety, again I view the meds as a temporary aide, but that is my opinion. You will have to determine how you used them.

Well I hope you all are well, take care and talk soon.

23-02-11, 16:33
Thats really great news and so pleased for you. My doc advised to stay on the meds for at least a year AFTER you feel better, he thinks most people come off way before they are ready.

Well done x :D

23-02-11, 23:15
hi anxious yes thats great news yes it is good to hear of the positive time epecially when you are there from the start with someone and yes it is good to beefeling ourselfs again had atense day at work but got through it machine problems ? glad you had agood day take care speak soon? xx:hugs:

24-02-11, 01:35
Good news. Don't overdo the coffee. I have a kind of schedule of coffee that gets less caffeinated. By 4PM, only decaf.

24-02-11, 12:36
Day Sixty Four

Had another good day yesterday. A little anxious this morning, I am going to visit my grand mother who is suffering with dementia, she was like a second mother for me so this is going to be sad and difficult. Probably the reason for the morning anxiety...

I agree Tero coffee should be limited, I usually have one to two cups a day and in the morning period. Once in a while I may have a cup in the afternoon... But probably should make it decaf!

My mother is in for a few days visit and the kids are off school on break. I have two days booked off as well. Going to try and rest up a bit.

Meditation was great this morning, actually had time to do twenty mins...

I agree that these meds are best to use for some time to make sure you are feeling better. A year or longer may be required to allow yourself to deal with the up and down of life, seasonal changes, work stress....etc. The very minimum I have been told is six months but it has taken two months+ to get to feeling better so it is sometime yet to go before I would consider coming off of them....

Well I hope you all are having a good day, hang in there and take care.

25-02-11, 12:12
Day Sixty Five

Seem a little off today, tired and the weather is gloomy. Not severe though.

I am having my one cup of coffee, boy do I enjoy coffee. I think it is the caffeine fix that I look forward to...

My mother is heading home today and my visit to my grand mother was good. Sad but good. She did recognize me which gave me a boost, it is the cycle of life though. At least she is not suffering with pain, dementia just let's her live in her own world...

Haven't gotten much exercise in the last couple of days and I can feel it need to get out for a walk today for sure !

Again a little gloomy today with my mood but life is about ups and downs.

I did do twenty minutes of meditation which felt really good.

Well hope you all are having a good. Take care and talk soon

25-02-11, 16:51
Update having a very anxious morning this morning....

Not sure if it may be related to my increase of dosage...I will look back and see when I increased it. Hopefully just a minor blip!

Just frustrating being well then having a bad day...

25-02-11, 20:20
Sorry you're not having a good day. Just try to view for what it is.. Its just a bad day and tomorrow will be better.

Enjoy your walk and hopefully it will do you the world of good.

Keep fighting!

25-02-11, 21:44
Hi Anxious sorry you are having an off day it is prop down to the weather ? with it being gloomy when the sun is shinning it makes you feel better hope you feel better soon tomorow is another day ? and yes i will leave will work at work thanks take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

26-02-11, 12:44
Day Sixty six

Was very tired yesterday, down for most of the day and had a decrease in appetite until the evening. I felt better in the evening. Of course I didn't het to bed early and my oldest ended up in our bed. Which means a very poor night's sleep! My fault though, as I should have went to bed earlier.

I seem fine this morning and we had a major wind and rain storm yesterday which turned to snow over night. It is now cold and sunny (not a cloud in the sky) so I need to get out for a good walk!

I am thinking I am still adjusting to the dose increase so maybe a couple of weeks before the high and lows are aren't so extreme (although the highs aren't extreme itis more about the lows)

Meditation was good this morning.

One thing I am noticing is that I am agitated fairly easy of late. Seeming grumpy and irritable... Need to figure that one out, and let things not bother me as much!

Panic and SMB thank you for your encouraging replies, I appreciate them. They help a lot!

Hope you all are having a good day, take care and talk soon.

26-02-11, 22:39
Anxious, each week at councelling I have to complete a "core" evaluation sheet, one of the main questions is about temper / irritability. My score is always 4/5 out of 5. I have noticed that since suffering anxiety, my patience is virtually nil. I lose my temper so easily, especially with my daughter (who being a teen is testing the boundaries anyway). The fact this question is on the form suggests how much this is associated with anxiety.

For me its almost that i am trying so hard some days just to deal with my own head that I can't deal with anything getting in the way of that, therefore I often lose my temper. Sometimes over the slightest things.

I don't have any advice other than to try and accept this is just another sympton of the condition. Now that I am aware of that, I try to be more mindful of it, not always possible but a working progress.

27-02-11, 12:35
Day Sixty Seven

Had a really good day yesterday. Got out for a walk, ate well and went swimming with the family. Very little to no anxiety...

Woke up this morning with very bad head ache, seem tired too. A friend and I are supposed to go out for a walk just waiting for his call. It is very cold today though and no sun...

My daughter has a major head cold so it may be running through the house again.

Meditation was great this morning.

I did take melatonin last night which maybe the reason I am tired this morning.

So a bad day on Friday followed by a wonderful day yesterday. Good with the bad as they say.

SMB interesting comment on the irritability it makes sense that anxiety would do that. I do find that silly things bother me, and honestly I should try to work and that. Again allowing the anxiety gremlin to control me... Can't wait til I am able to accept the anxiety for what it is and not let it consume me.

Hope all is well with you. Take care and talk soon.

28-02-11, 16:30
Day Sixty Eight

Had a up and down day yesterday, but evening was good. Slept well last night...

I woke up this morning, and felt great after doing twnety minutes of meditation (it was very relaxing). Feeling OK today, but again Mondays are hectic and the girls are back to school so morning rush is back as well.

My appetite is in off and on as well, again still thinking it is the increase in the dose. I upped the dose 2 weeks ago, so I suspect another month before it really stablizes. So I will take the good and bad as long as there is still the good there!

Hope you all are feeling better take care

28-02-11, 20:01
I have had the odd instances of feeling a bit panicky last couple of days, although overall I have been ok. I guess we just have to learn to live with it.

Stupid as it sounds, I got panicky when I saw how grey my roots were growing through! that ought to cheer you up.. how stupid am I :yahoo:

28-02-11, 23:20

01-03-11, 14:27
Day Sixty Nine

Had a good evening, didn't get to the gym because of major winter storm!! I am tired of winter now, can't wait for Spring!

I got a good night's sleep, and started the day well. Got a therapy appt tonight so I have written down a list of things I want to talk about, should go well I think.

Seems to be shaping up to be another good day, so maybe the ups and downs are subsiding a bit.

Meditation is really starting to be relaxing, I look forward to it now.

Please don't be discouraged by my struggles, as these meds do work. In retrospect it has been a little over a couple of months and I feel much better than before I started. I am but one example though, there are so many that try these meds and they work quickly with little side effects and never look back, everyone is different so if I am in the worse case scenario then it really isn't that bad anyway!!
Have faith and courage you can get through this, everyone can.

Take care and talk soon

02-03-11, 16:52
Hope your appointment goes well x keep faith, u are doing good. Ups and downs are part of the parcel aren't they. Just as long as you have more of the ups!

Take care x

02-03-11, 18:49
Day Seventy

Much better appointment last night, and had a great day yesterday too after all. Good night's sleep last night and woke up with little anxiety this morning.

Meditation really has relaxed me in the mornings, work is stressful but I am dealing quite well with it all!

So i am doing great again...hope yoiu all are as well!

Take care and take soon!

03-03-11, 17:03
Day Seventy One

Another good day! Appetite is back big time, eating anything and everything!

Haven't been exercising enough though...

I am feeling pretty much myself again, and am very happy about it.

Yeah positive news!


03-03-11, 21:23
hi anxoius glad to here you are good again keep it up take care speak soon xxx:hugs:

04-03-11, 14:52
Day Seventy Two

Another good day! Although I am eating too much now and not exercising enough! So back to my normal self LOL!

It is good to be feeling better.

Hope you are as well.

cathy s
04-03-11, 15:53
That is great news Canada. I'm glad you are still writing in even though you feel better. I have been on 20mg citalopram for 5 weeks and was getting on well; out and about more, even joined the gym! But today I nearly had a panic and feel pretty drained and grotty, which has made me fearfull again and I am worried that I'm not doing everything right to help myself. I always seem to overdo it. It is great that we can all see your up's and downs, I feel reassured that blips can happen and normality will soon return.I still have bothersome unwanted thoughts though. I am practicing not worrying in general which is hard as I don't always catch myself doing it; it's that automatic! If you don't mind telling me, how do you deal with troublesome, unwanted or negative thoughts?

Glad to know you are doing well, you are a beacon of hope!


05-03-11, 23:39
Day Seventy Three

A tardy post, as today was a very busy day and a good day too! Didn't have a great sleep (because of my youngest daughter coming in our bed at 2 in the morning...) which normally would have meant a bad day was coming, BUT it didn't I was good!!

Hi Cathy, 5 weeks in my opinion and experience hasn't gotten you to a norm yet. That is at least what i experienced... it has only been the last week that I am really getting some good days together.

Negative thoughts are always going to be with us, unfortunately, but eventually with work we can minimize them and their impact. I am using something called Mindfulness Acceptance as part of the treatment for them. Exercise (which by joining the gym you are starting YAY! That is a positive for you) is a good way to help use up adrenaline, which when in surplus can fuel the anxiety...like a broken record, meditation has been a big help too!!

You will have ups and downs, just try not to let the downs consume you like I have experienced myself in previous posts...it is a like learning to live all over again. We get down and anxious and the flood gates open, but with time they won't open so wide and we will start to accept them as part of our life cycle. Everyone has these thoughts, some deal with them better then others.

Another thing is to remember to be kind to yourself, you are human and sometimes you will have rough periods. During these times do what helps you get through: nap, read a book, go shopping, go to a movie, go out with a friend and talk about it, do whatever you like to do.

I really hope this helps, you are doing so well. Be proud of what you have gone through in the last while and have worked to get out of it.

Take care all! We all can get through this, honestly we can!

cathy s
06-03-11, 09:35
Thank you Canada, I will revisit this post when I need to be reminded and encouraged. I do hear a lot of people saying to me; 'don't be so hard on yourself', or 'don't fight anxiety so much'. Acceptance does play a big part in all this and I find it difficult to walk the fine line between doing what is needed to recover and accepting how I feel and letting it be, knowing that, if left, feelings and thoughts will evolve and change as everything in life does. I think I take full responsibility for how I feel and therefore blame myself when I take a step back. It's funny how I don't have an issue with anger, I get angry sometimes, no big deal, it comes and it goes. But I relate to fear differently, as though it is a threat to me. It a matter of striving to put fear back into it's benign place.

Thanks for your message. Glad you had another good day.


07-03-11, 13:39
Day Seventy Five (missed a post for yesterday)

Had a great weekend, got sleep, felt well and ate well!! Yippee things are getting better!

I want to make sure I give the good story here too, people are on here looking for help to get through their struggles, and it is important to let people know that their is success stories (using medication and other things) to live with anxiety. I think it is important to know that we can get better and live our lives...I truly hope my posts do help...

Cathy, interesting about anger, anxiety likes to feed off of emotions and in my case anger is bottled up and feeding it quite often. I think we are taught to repress our feelings, crying being scolded (cry babies) which is just an emotion of being sad, laughing and being joyous and rambunctious - calm down - stop being loud..., love and fear (don't be a fraidy cat!) These things are our emotions, all are beautiful in their own way and make us human. Let them out, fear is one of the tools anxiety uses to give us the flight or fight response, which can be a very important response! It is a primitive response, back in the day when there were sabre tooth tigers and we were food we needed a mechanism to respond quickly -anxiety. Now a day we are not prey and really don't have as much need for this, but there is still some need...moving out of the way of that speeding bus....

It does get back to accepting Anxiety as part of who we are and not letting it consume us. Easy for a lot of people but difficult for us here...

That is my take on it, (completely unprofessional opinion) so take away from it what ever helps you.

Take care and talk soon.