View Full Version : health anxiety worries

22-12-10, 16:24
Hi everyone.my name is kirsty and i have suffered GAD.depression and panic attacks for 4yrs now.i have good months and bad months.probably more bad than good.at the min i am having anxiety management and counsilling and am also trying homeopathic remedies.my worst problem is the health anxiety.as i alwayz feel unwell nearly everday i can not believe there is nithing seriously wrong with me!if i have a headache or i go dizzy its a brain tumour,if my heart starts racing or the palpatations start and i get chest pains theres something wrong witb myheart and so on as u can imagine!how do i stop these thoughts!if i can control the panic attacks why cant i control the thoughts!!:lac:

23-12-10, 20:04
Hi Kirsty so glad i read your post i am suffering exactly the same thing its so scary. Deep down i know there isn't anything wrong but my mind tells me otherwise! Is there any reason in particular that triggers this ?? Ive just had my 3rd baby so i think mine has arised from that .. the thought of not bein around 4 them. R u taking any medication?

23-12-10, 20:17
Hi hun.i will never b sure of y this all started for me.it was just a massive panic attack that sort of triggered my health anxiety.i had a yr of feelin loads better then my mum suddenly had a massive stroke so that triggered me ofc again.i dont take meds anymore.i took fluxotine for about 4 months.but as i have been so bad over the last few months i have been prescribed a homeopathic treatment called tarantula tabletz!sound scary haha but im assured there not actual tarantulas hehe xx

23-12-10, 21:44
Hi just wanted to reassure you that i know exactly how you feel. Firstly you have just your 3rd child (this is when i started with my anxiety). I was terrified and i also kept it a secret for years as was so afraid people would think i was mad.

So let me tell you what i have learnt in the past 6 years

You have a million hormones running around your body trying to drive you insane, you have three children to care for and a home to clean tea to make etc.

To top it all off you are EXHAUSTED ! That is what did it for me, the exhaustion made it worse, my body was ready to give up but my mind was stubborn and it would not let me rest!

PLEASE REMEMBER .......... You are not now and will never be SUPERWOMAN! You WILL have to ask for help. If you are Tired...sleep, forget the housework it will still be there tomorrow!

The one thing i did not realise for many years and still have to remind myself on my worst days I AM IMPORTANT TOO!

Be kind to yourself, rememebr to always ask for help if you need it and don't be too hard on yourself, they all need you but your no good to anyone if you do not look after yourself. Hope this helps xxx