View Full Version : Something really scary happened, can't stop thinking about it

22-12-10, 16:41
Hello, i am new here. I have been a Hypochondriac since I was a preteen, and it has gotten worse since then. i am 25 now. Anyway, onto what happened.

I was bringing up the laundry from my basement to put it in my car. i am overweight and have been out of work for a while, so i am not in shape in the least and the laundry was rather heavy, so i was a little winded. After i brought it up, I went into my bedroom to look for my keys on my bed. it's a low bed, so i had to bend down a bit. When I straightened myself up, my vision did something so odd. it looked like my field of vision was dropping down and being replaced my blackness. i was also hot and sweating and dizzy and my heart was pounding. I layed down on my couch in the living room and felt a bit better, but ever since then I have been so anxious.

i went to the doc's later on that day. My blood pressure was a little high, 140/91, but I was really anxious and when i am not it is normal, so she wasn't too worried about it. She listened to my heart and breathing, and checked my eyes, it all seemed normal.

She also had me take some blood tests. All came back normal ,except my white cell count was a little high. They want me to retake it after the holidays. Now on top of worrying about my heart and blood pressure, i am worrying about my white blood count :unsure:

I also have no insurance, so while i want to have more tests done, i cannot afford them, adding to my anxiety :weep:

22-12-10, 16:49
don't think whits blood call count would do this sounds like you had an Adrenalin surge

22-12-10, 16:55
Pls dont worry about ur bp.doin this made me so ill.i made tbe mistake of buying a bp machine and it bcame an obsession.i was checkin it 40 odd times a day.and of course it was never perfect.but i kept doin ii until read 120/80.but the begining of this yr my mum had a massive stroke and her bp waz a factor towards this so i decided to check mine a few days after and it read 187/98.i was so scared. But my doc assured me there was nothing to b scared of.and 6months latef i had it checked again and bcause i was so scared of what it would read i had a massive panic attack so my bp read 160/89.but ten mins later wen i had calmed down it was checked again and it was pretty much normal.i know its easier said than done but try not to worry about it otherwise it will occupy every thought u have xxx

22-12-10, 16:57
Ps ur blood will b fine.i also had high white blood count and it turned out to b nothing :)

22-12-10, 17:09
Kirstyt, thank you for your response :)
I too was checking my BP multible times a day until I got rid of the damn machine. I had to for my own sanity. I am starting Prozac again today. I was on it a year ago when i had another episode of severe anxiety, and it really helped. Although meds also cause me to worry, so it was hard to even reconsider going on it again. I worry too much about possible side effects, but I dont think i can face this health aniety on my own.

22-12-10, 17:29
My best friend took mine off me.if she hadnt i dread to think what i would b like now!i did it that many times,always on my left arm that i know have slight nerve damage!findin this group is helpin me no end.knowing that peopls are sufferin just the same,makes u feel like ur not alone.:)

22-12-10, 22:47
My blood pressure is completely normal but if I bend down for too long or rush up stairs then I will also get the going faint feeling - its normal. My poor husband has low bp and nearly every time he bends over for something he nearly faints when he stands up - it happens to him every day!