View Full Version : phobias

22-12-10, 17:21
Was just wondering what phobias people have developed if any since they have had GAD!

22-12-10, 17:50
Severe Hypochondria here, more focused on heart and blood fears than anything.

22-12-10, 17:57
Same here!!but i also developed a phobia of chocking.so i now dont take any type of medication.im scarec of any kind of nutz.im petrified of bees!anything i can have an alergic reaction to that would cause anaphylatic shock.i also take hourz eating cause i have to cut my food really small!:weep:

22-12-10, 18:49
I developed emetophobia (fear of being sick)

22-12-10, 18:52
:DAwww good for u chick. Im slowly tryin to rebuild mine! Xx

22-12-10, 19:38
My main fear is choking.

Out of that, I also fear my airways closing up etc. so I'm scared of anaphylatic shock etc.

22-12-10, 19:43
So it appears we r sameys zman!it scares me so much.even without eatin anything i can convince myself that my throat is closing up and that my tongue is swellin up and i cant breath. :weep:

22-12-10, 19:50
So it appears we r sameys zman!it scares me so much.even without eatin anything i can convince myself that my throat is closing up and that my tongue is swellin up and i cant breath. :weep:

I'm the exact same, in 2010 I've been to hospital three times because of that fear - the latest one was only days ago because I was very ill with tonsilitus and I had convinced myself the back of my throat was swelling up.

I actually had an ENT appointment today which to my surprise only lasted 5-10 mins, he had a quick look down my throat with a nasendoscope - he said my throat was perfectly fine, no lumps, bumps, or any cause for concern. He also said he thinks my tonsils will shrink naturally. That helped reassure me but my fear of choking is a very strong one, luckily it doesn't prevent me from eating, but of course there's not a day that goes by that it doesn't worry me at one point.

I'm only 19 and don't want it ruining the rest of my life so my new year's pledge is to 'get my arse in gear'. By that I mean, head to my docs, explain what she'll already know (I'm a major hypochondriac), I'll mention the fear of choking etc. hopefully we can talk through it or she can pass me on to someone so I can rationalise it and put it to the back of my mind and I can live a relatively panic free life.