View Full Version : Would Hypochondia be considered a type of OCD?

22-12-10, 17:52
The intrusive thoughts about health and the focusing on symptoms and checking things like blood pressure and pulse over and over and over again. It seems like the two might be related.

22-12-10, 18:09
It is jess.my physchiatrist told me it was cause i was doin it constantly.and if i didnt do it my anxiety increased!

27-12-10, 20:42
yes ocd and health anxiety are related ive got a book about it if a person has ocd they are more likely to suffer from health anxiety i have both ocd and health anxiety x

28-12-10, 18:34
i know all about this,i used to check my blood pressure about every half hour and my pulse constantly,if i didnt check it id wind myself up so when i checked my blood pressure it would be reading a little high (nothing too bad tho) so then id be checking it more until i got a reading that was acceptable to me!! then id be ok for a little while ,then the urge to check it againb would appear and off id go again on the samw cycle,i still check it at least once a day,i still have my days when i check a lot but its nothing ;like i was, ive been having cbt and it has seemed to have took the edge off checking constantly.I had a great week few months back when horror of horrors lol my blood pressure machine wouldnt work!! instead of losing it completely i was like oh well cant check it now can i,,,i had a lovely relaxed week and hardly thought of my blood pressure at all ,then for some reason i decided play about with the machine and i got it working again :-( ,i keep telling myself i dont need to do it as i proved i can manage without it but...... am getting there slowly i guess