View Full Version : Scared to exercise.

22-12-10, 18:16
I have been out of a job for over a year, and pretty lethargic from depression. Just going up stairs makes my heart pound now (i used to be pretty in shape) I know that the best thing for my physical and mental heath would be to exercise, but I am scared to! I just feel like if i exercise, my heart will give out, or my blood pressure will spike to the point of stroke, or i will have blood clots travel to organs. Can you believe it? Scared to do the very thing that I need to. There are some days where i just hope that I drop dead, i don't want to worry and be paralyzed by fear anymore :weep:

22-12-10, 18:20
Omg jess.we r so much alike!my doc said to me monday"kirsty wot do u do wen ur heart starts racing"and i said nothing i dont move bcause im scared of makin it go to fast!and she told me wen it happens u neec to get up and do somethin to get rid of the adrenaline!

22-12-10, 18:26

Have you tried distracting yourself with some music? I find if I don't have my ipod on I feel terrible exercising but with music on I am fine. I also have a packet of mints in my pocket when exercising and suck on one of those when feeling a bit anxious. You could try a small slow walk down the street where you live and build up from there.

I am pretty sure your heart won't give out or you won't have a stroke from the exercise. Like you have already said it will do you good, it will make your heart stronger. Of course this is easier said than done but you can do it. Last point, don't hope you drop dead things will get better for you with time.

Hope things pick up for you and your fear lifts soon


22-12-10, 18:33
Its true.my mum had a stroke this yr.and my bp was thru the roof.but for a stroke to happen ur bp would b constantly high like my mum.she had hypertension for ten yrs!my bp is up and down like a yoyo!:D