View Full Version : eyesight problems

22-12-10, 18:46
I wad just wondering if anyone else has funny eyesight problems wen there anxious!

22-12-10, 19:13
Yes i do, my eyes feel very sensitive to the light, find it difficult to focus, little bit blurred and struggle to see clearly accross a room x

22-12-10, 19:17
Phew.thought if was just me!haha.i get alot of floaters too!its awful isnt it!:mad: x

22-12-10, 19:19
I think they are pretty common anxiety issues, i have had them on and off for ten years, i also find it very hard to tolerate electric lighting, i makes me feel so dizzy, especially the kind in shops x

22-12-10, 19:23
Me too.i hate goin into tesco cause there lighting is so weird.i always end up goin dizzy and havin a panic attack!xx

22-12-10, 19:57
I haven't managed to go to a shop in about 2 years, but it used to always bother me, it was horrid, somedays were worst than others always wondered why the light affected me so bad, heard lots of other say they had the same problem too x

22-12-10, 20:04
I have had a lot of floaters for the last 1.5-2 years now - I hope they are caused by anxiety and stress and nothing else. Eyes also sensitive to light and get blurry. I don't know which happens first - notice the eye problems or have anxiety. Which is causing which??? I would love to know from anyone on the forum if they

22-12-10, 20:04
have ever had floaters which cleared up after a time? I hope so....

22-12-10, 20:10
Well i was told the reason us sufferers are so sensitive to light is bcause our pupils are more.dilated so we take in more.light.dont know how true it is!i do know floaters are normal but mine r really big amd.t:weep:hey scare me.

22-12-10, 20:30
Mine floaters are also quite big - well, they are cloudy and spread across my field of vision - and I seem to notice them even more when I am away from home - like on vacation in the bright light of the beach or snow (as I am now). I think they are definitely worse than they were two years ago but I have had them checked a few times and the optometrist keeps telling me he can see them in my eye and that they are normal. I am so hoping that they are going to break up one of these days. I remember having some when I was about 25 (I am now 38) and they eventually went away for about ten years. I have heard that there's a theory that a hormone that keeps us from seeing them gets off-balance when you're stressed, so that could be what causes us to be bothered by them....

22-12-10, 20:34
Ohhhh that kind of makes sense cause mine always seem worse wen iys "that time of the month" so they can actually see them in ur eye!wen i last went to my opticians about it he never said he could see them!

22-12-10, 20:48
I have 1 huge floater BKF in the shape of a monkey, right where my focusing point is and I see it alot nowadays and I always see it looking at the sky, wall or misty window. We definately notice them more when stressed, there are many theories why. Thats a good one about the hormone though.

15-12-11, 21:44
I think they are pretty common anxiety issues, i have had them on and off for ten years, i also find it very hard to tolerate electric lighting, i makes me feel so dizzy, especially the kind in shops x

THank you Thank you Thank you, Thought I was going mad! Everytime I went into a shop/supermarket/airport feel the same dizzy, blurred vision, wobbly.
I am sure must be the lighting:)

16-12-11, 10:41
My vision has been weird for years. I have something called Holmes Aides pupil, which is quite harmless, but makes the pupil in one eye not react to light as it should do. I also get a lot of flashes of light and kind of slow moving blobs of light, plus a flickering at the top of my vision and a kind of shadow, all in the same eye. I went to see someone from Moorfields and was told I have something called Posterior Vitreous Detachment which is something that happens with a lot of people as they get older and quite harmless apparently. I also have something called a Schisis which is a thinning of the retina and also apparently quite harmless. It takes no time at all for a specialist to dilate the pupil and have a proper look in the back of your eye and put your mind at ease :hugs: