View Full Version : hi - getting to new all time low

22-12-10, 18:53
Hi everyone -

Im 30 and a male i have been suffering with anxiety for as long as i can remember and i have reached a new low - i thought i was getting better but i now feel at the end of my tether and don't know what to do to get back to normal

I have experience some stress lately a recent change of job and my GF is expecting our first in a few weeks time and i really want to get better to support her

i had some health anxieties before like numbness and dizziness about 2 years ago and i got through it and felt better, i have been a bit up and down for most of this year but over the last few months i have been experiencing a lot of vision problem which have really scared i get flickery vision and see spots even when my eye are closed now im really worried i have something seriously wrong with me and have started obsessing about things like cancer and CJD even to a point where i spend most of the day worry and testing my symptoms like looking for spots or anything else that may indicate a serious mental problems such as hallucinations or delusions

I just cant stop thinking about it - i hope im not the only one
thanks for reading and sorry for the long post

22-12-10, 18:55
Hi dc100

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-12-10, 18:59
Hi..i also get these black spot.or floaters.mine r quite big anf appear all of a sudden.theu do scare me but my optician said there nothing to worry about.:)

22-12-10, 19:21
thanks for the replies - i have floaters but i also have a flickering and visual snow on certain backgrounds and i see to be focusing on it all the time and stresses myself out

22-12-10, 21:40
Hi dc100,
I'm new to this as well. I've been anxious for the last couple of years which did get better but has got worse over the last couple of months. I have been so bad on a couple of days I was pacing the floor telling myself I was going mad. I have definately got health anxiety as well as a general social phobia but without a doubt in my many hours of googling symptoms you can fit any symptoms into any diagnosis. I would deffo say you should go and see your GP who will hopefully be able to rule out underlying health problems. Thats got to be better than sitting worrying about it. Mental health is very closely linked to physical health so it's no wonder we convince ourselves we are seriously ill. I've had all sorts !!!
Having a baby will be the most fantastic thing but don't put too much pressure on yourself, it is also the most stressful as well, which again can increase anxiety.
I wish you all the best and take a trip to the GP to rule out any underlying problems :D

22-12-10, 22:23
thanks for the reply midgey - ive had all sorts of test before and ruled everything out and i know its stress and anxiety but just cant shift it this time find myself focusing on symptoms with my eye then try to understand what causing it then i go off searching Dr google for answers and the latest one is cjd before its been bowl cancer and throat cancer and i know its not the right thing to do just so hard to pull my mind out of it im really stressed with the new baby arriving and so want to be able to enjoy it and support my mrs

22-12-10, 22:27
Don't know if u've had any counselling? It should be available through your GP...I only ask because my counsellor said I MUST NOT google.......It is hard but it really helps.

22-12-10, 22:34
hi midgey - i am in councilling at the moment and she doesnt seem to think its anything serious and i need to find ways to relax she really does help and i know i need to do a bit more work on myself to recover site like this really help and talking to people who had the same issues

23-12-10, 23:10
Hope you've kept yourself busy and no googling????

08-09-13, 14:59
:hugs:the more you focus the more they appear your brain sees them all the time knows they are no threat and allows them to be, theyare little particles that have broken away from the back of the eye nothing to worry about and the snow like thing sounds just like a high anxiety have you seen an optician they can tell everything about your health through your eyes a good place to start.
hope everything gos well for you soon :hugs:

08-09-13, 16:01

I joined a month or so ago but this is my first post. Health anxiety is new to me, roughly a year now and I know how awful times can be. I too get blurred vision and light-head when I am feeling more anxious. I have to tell myself that this must be part of it but I do find myself being reassured when someone else says that they are going through same symptoms. Having your first baby will be wonderful. I am trying to start a new project at the moment to really focus on and this is helping a little. Why don't you try to think what special thing you will be able to do just for you and the baby (which could also give your partner a rest!).

Keep us posted and let us know how things are.

This site is wonderful and without it I would definitely not be able to cope as well.

08-09-13, 16:17
Please note the original post is nearly 3 years old now