View Full Version : 'Missed' Heartbeat

22-12-10, 19:33
Had it a few times, now I try not to worry about it when it occurs, but this one was slightly different..

Basically just lying in bed on the laptop, been ill for a few days with a viral/throat/chest infection. Got the missed heartbeat feel, which I recognised straight away, tried not to worry about it and knew it would be straight back to normal... but straight after the missed heartbeat something a bit like 'an electrical shock' occurred in my body and it feels like this is what restarted my heart at this point - I know that's unlikely but that's the only way I can describe it, I could feel the pop from the 'shock' in my ear a bit like a rish of blood in a vein going past my left ear, very weird, and after this jolt, the first few heartbeats were of course a bit heavy, worrying stuff. :weep: