View Full Version : really scared :(

22-12-10, 20:12
hi everyone,
for a few months now (i'd say since about...august maybe?) ive had a strange left sided pain which i've been told is muscular, but i can't help but think its my spleen rupturing or something!
the night before i got this pain though i remember reading a bit on lymphoma and the spleen swelling up, then of course the next day i had the pains and have now diagnoised myself with lmyphoma/lukemia.
i just can't seem to believe it's muscular as surely it would've gone? sometimes i'll get the odd twinge but its not overly painful.
feels like a pulled muscle sometimes when i've slept funny (sleeping next to my boyfriend is the worst :p). nothing FEELS swollen and it doesn't hurt if i press down, the logical side of my brain is saying it IS muscular or even just a bit of IBS however the other side of my brain seems to disagree and tells me its my spleen and i'm inevitably going to die from it :doh:
i'm literally scared stiff at the moment
please help somebody? :( xxx

22-12-10, 20:36
I'm sure you are going to be fine! One of the worst things I used to do was reading up on symptoms, aches and pains, used to do it all the time. According to the internet I had everything in one way or another but nope, I'm still here :D As you said, you were told it was muscular. I pulled a muscle a few months back and still get pain from it so it can take awhile to heal. Hope this helped, take care :bighug1:

22-12-10, 20:36
I have pain on my lower left side and it's ibs. I have gone through bouts of it and have been scared that it must be something else. But I have experienced that it subsides (when I stop eating heavy, greasy foods). Don't worry, I am sure what you have is muscular or some kind of indigestion. You can have pain in your torso for so many reasons, and a dr. once told me that pain in your torso doesn't always match the ailing location. Don't worry, you are fine. It's amazing, the tricks our minds can play on our bodies!

22-12-10, 20:40
thank you so much :)
was just about to go into a mad panic attack until i read both of your posts!
at the moment my left and right hips are hurting me and have done since i woke up this morning. argh i really do hate HA, its such a nusiance! :( xxx

22-12-10, 20:54
Good to hear you managed to keep the panic attack away:)

22-12-10, 21:02
I've got a strange left sided ache too. Mine is next to my left breast and the dr has says it's muscular too. It went away but today has come back again. It's like a deep aching squeezing type of 'pain'.

I'm convinced it's heart or cancer and no one us taking me seriously, I dint know what to do about it as they don't seem interested.

22-12-10, 21:18
Hi dodo, mine's like that too! some days it comes and goes, but doctors aren't really concerned as they think i'm too young to have anything life threatening as I've been checked over and last year I had my bloods taken and literally everything came back normal. i just feel so rubbish because of anxiety all the time :( and its coming up to christmas, im going up to my boyfriends this year i cant be miserable in front of him and his family! :( xxx

22-12-10, 21:33
Is yours in your chest or tummy? I wasn't sure where when you just said left side.

I think I'm in the same boat. I'm not young but not old either so they kind of rule out anything being wring due to my age or put it down to anxiety. But it's really getting me down now.

It's not there all the time and isn't overly painful but just worrying when it starts up.

22-12-10, 23:10
usually in my chest most of the time, its not always there and its not horrendously painful but its like a dull pain, i've not really noticed anything that could trigger it off either apart from running fast.
it's so irratating trying to accept its anxiety! xxx