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22-12-10, 20:56
hi i ve just joined up im emma and im 32.everytime i google a symptom this site always seems to come up!!!

i stated getting panic attacks after a misscariage 10 years ago and i got so bad i didnt go out for a year.

i had these for 7 years then i seemed to get better.

2 years ago these returned and i had to leave my job as they got so bad.

i went back to my old job in march of this year and never felt better.

this month we unexpectedly lost my father in law and now we are under alot of stress things i cant really go into as they will take too long lol.

on the weekend my husband had to call out a dr at 2 in the morning and i seem to be having the attacks worse than before with added symptoms mainly being tingly lips and face???i was being sick where i was in such a state i ve only ever had one that bad and that was years ago.

i cant say i ever totally got over these attacks as things like taking my son to school or collecting him i avoid at all costs and my husband does it where ever possible.

i have so many symptoms when i have an anxiety attack mainly the thought im having a heart attack and a dr has to talk me down

look forward to talking to you all emma x

22-12-10, 21:35
Hi Emma :welcome: Sorry to hear what you are going through. You'll get loads of support on this site, everyone is amazing!

22-12-10, 21:44
Hi Emma,
I'm new as well. I can relate to everything u are saying. I answered a thread on here yesterday where someone said they panic taking their son to school.....I couldn't believe it as I have exactly the same thing...I feel like I'm going to faint.
I also posted that I have a fear of the hairdressers (not having my hair cut but being trapped in the chair)...then I found there were loads of people here saying exactly the same thing.
It helps me to know I'm not mad...hope it does you too, Michelle x

22-12-10, 21:48
thank you for the replies :O) i cant go to the hair dressers because i can see people in every angle of the mirror i think they are looking at me!!! its so nice not to feel alone in this.i have got a drs appointment in the morning as not feeling too good at this moment!

22-12-10, 21:51
Good luck....I went last week a crumbling wreck.....escorted by my mum who said she thought I was having a nervous breakdown !! Luckily the gP is young and said...."no, this is classic anxiety". She gave me diazepam which I didnt take and now im on amytriptelline........I'll think of u in the morning and u can think of me at 12.30 when i go to the hairdressers xx

22-12-10, 21:56
aww thanks i was on 40mg of citalopram with 2mg diazepam then i went onto 15mg of mirtazapine i think it was instead of the diazepam.im now on nothing but i expect that to change tomorrow!

22-12-10, 22:18
I think symptoms seem to come back at times of stress. I lost my dad just over a year ago, along with being diagnosed with a couple of medical problems and now it's nigh on impossible to work....i'm currently off sick.
Xmas adds to the pressure too. I feel ultra panicky cos lots of people are saying "when are u in over xmas? we'll pop in"......it's not that I don't want to see them, I just panic !! :blush:

22-12-10, 22:30
same here we are delivering things after drs tomorrow but then we ve got a big get together at my mums saturday which i want to be able to enjoy thats why im going to the drs tomorrow just to be checked over and re assured.i always feel like im wasting their time because as soon as they confirm its anxiety im fine!i just get that feeling one day im going to brush it off and something will be wrong!hope you get through christmas ok

22-12-10, 22:50
Thanks, and you too.....hope u get the all clear from the GP tomorrow. I know on christmas day there'll be lots of us who will be quivering inside and smiling on the outside....I'll let u know how the hairdressers goes x

paula lynne
22-12-10, 22:56
Welcome Emma, youre not alone. Nice to meet you x:welcome: