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View Full Version : I really need some advice please!

22-12-10, 23:07
Ive been on citalopram 10mg 4 about 4 months and i decided to come off them last week.... and since ive been feeling so wierd and up and down... it feels like my anxiety and depression is back!!! so tonight i took half a tablet of 10mg to see how that might help..... and to make matters worse i have no faith in the counciller i was seeing or my gp... things are REALLY bad.... advice would be muchly appreciatted... and does anyone constantly feel hot flushed??? x

22-12-10, 23:08
Hi dominic10

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-12-10, 00:22
Hi dominic,

welcome to NMP, if you read the medication forum, you will see that your should come off Citalopram under medical advice it is staggered to reduce withdrawal symptoms, I would advise you to see your GP if you are unhappy with the treatment you have been recieving.

again welcome to NMP


23-12-10, 10:22
Hi and welcome
To echo Lynann did you come off the cit gradually? With anti d’s you have to gradually reduce the dose over a period. If you are not happy with your doc or therapist change one or both as these are the people that will ultimately help you get back on track. :)