View Full Version : I really need some advice please!

22-12-10, 23:21
Ive been on citalopram 10mg 4 about 4 months and i decided to come off them last week.... and since ive been feeling so wierd and up and down... it feels like my anxiety and depression is back!!! so tonight i took half a tablet of 10mg to see how that might help..... and to make matters worse i have no faith in the counciller i was seeing or my gp... things are REALLY bad.... advice would be muchly appreciatted... and does anyone constantly feel hot flushed??? x thankyou x

22-12-10, 23:32
Hi dominic10, sorry to hear you're feeling yuck. Are you able to see a different Gp and explain your concerns? When I was on Citalopram I did feel flushed alot of the time. Take care x

22-12-10, 23:33
Hi Dominic, its probably not a good idea to come of them cold turkey, ie, stop them without gradually reducing. Most ssri's lead to withdrawal symptoms of some sort, for some that is increased anxiety, for others it is feelings of flu etc. What made you decide to come off them in the first place, were they not working or were you feeling better? Is there another GP you could see to discuss your concerns with. ? x

22-12-10, 23:47
i was feeling alot better and thought i was strong enough to tackle life on my own... but i was very wrong!!! i feel really bad and im absolutley scorching hot and my mouth is dry all the time and my concentration is really bad and i feel really hyper all the time.... it dosent feel normal lol... tbh i feel exactly the same way i did before i started the tablets and its scary as hell.... im gunna go see the doctore and explain whats going on but he dosent fill me with confidence tbh.... i took half a tablt tonight because im that worried.. i saved a pack just incase this happened but i never thought i would return to being like this! its horrible! and i got taken off my ema because they said i was fit for work noe i feel worse than ever! :(

22-12-10, 23:55
Life can throw yucky stuff at times..I hope you get a good response from your GP x