View Full Version : brain tumour absolutely terrified and sure, please see if you can relate?

22-12-10, 23:54
id gotten over my HA a little bit.....or so i thought, but the past few months iv still been scared of a brain tumour. This week has been beyond a nightmare for me and im sure i have one now.

my symptoms

for the past year i have had a numb patch on my leg.. doc said its summat to do with a damaged vessel, but im sure she said it would go ithin a few months..it hasnt

i get shakey ALL the time. sometimes its like i can feel something insdie me shaking, other times its visible shaking. when i lie on my side in bed, my whole body is subjected to movement because of the shaking going on in my legs.

right now im so dizzy, but like vertigo dizzy. i eel like im constantly tilted to the left and that il fall over. if i look at the floor it appears to tilt that way and when im walking i feel like im walking up or to the side when its flat.

im feeling randomly nauseous

visual disturbances.....my vision physically shakes (VERY WORRYING ANYONE HAD THIS??) for a few seconds, and i get sparks in my vision that are random too.......

help me please :(

(oh and as a note iv just started taking roaccutane, but its my second dose and the first didnt affect me at all so i dont think i can blame this, plus many of my symptoms started WAY before it.......)

please god someone help im loosing my mind :(

alex x

23-12-10, 00:03
Hi hun.i dont suffer all the same symptoms but i do suffer visual disturbances and very scary head amd neck pains.i went to my doc convinced i had a tumour and he told me unless i have terrible headache which stay in the same place-have double vision and actually throw up and pass out i have nothing to worry about!:)

23-12-10, 00:06
thanks for your reply..eek i do have a pain in my head thats the same place, its sensitive to touch sometimes to..... :S im convinced.. iv been here before with the brain tumour worries but this is so much worse :S the symptoms are so real :( bleh just dont wanna go docs til after christmas so i dont ruin in for everyone :'( xx

23-12-10, 00:24
At this moment in time i have shootin pains in my neck and stabbing pains and a numbness on the right side of my head.but im tryin not to worry cauze i have bad sinusez and my nose is blocked up.plz try not to worry!ps me and my boyfriend suffer with leg problens sonetimes i can actually see my leg pulsating!!

23-12-10, 02:06
I suffer from every one of those symptoms. I hate the dizziness and nausea. I get the visual stuff too. I can tell you that I was told the visual stuff is because we are breathing too shallow and depriving ourselves of oxygen. As for the other stuff all I can say is that I can relate and have had these symptoms for at least a couple of years. I wish I had a better answer for you but I don't. The symptom that really freaks me out is the random weakness. For what seems like forever I have been getting very weak forearms and leg muscles. My arms and legs ache and I swear I am going to topple over at any minute. Please try to relax but don't feel bad if you can't because I can't either. Know that we will listen and care and not judge. Take care and God bless.

23-12-10, 10:00
Just saying same again - you have all the symptoms of anxiety and tense neck muscles but none of the signs of a brain tumour. did you know most brain tumours first symptom is a seizure in an adult and alot of tumours are picked up during an eye test so have you had your eyes checked recently???? if you have then thats a great mot for brain tumours.

I have loads of your symptoms and they are mostly caused by my neck muscles being in spasm because I have genuine damage to my spine but you don't need any damage to your spine you just need to be anxious which will tense your neck muscles. I have had attacks of vertigo for over 15 yrs and often feel as if I am walking over to one side and my husband who does not have ha has had these problems as well because he has got wear and tear with age in his neck and tense neck muscles.

Have you discussed your fear with your GP - I have found after many years of trying to hide my ha that I tell my Dr the symptoms and listen but I will then tell them my fear so they can explain why they think I am wrong or what they can do to reassure me and sometimes this means they send me for a test but not always.

23-12-10, 11:51
Can I just say firstly thank you SO much for replying to me, I feel so alone right now but reading these this morning has made me feel so much better :) I know what you mean about the weakness in your arms and legs, hen i touch mine when they feel like that they often feel numb too, usually when im having a panic attack, its awful :S

And the last time I had an eye test was just over a year ago (maybe a year and a half) for that reason exactly, thats what im guessing the doctor will do when I go, im really worried though :S Also, how long do your vertigo attack last for? Mine started and were just a few seconds of it severely, but these past few days its been near enough non stop..... i dunno if its just my brain exaggerating it though, you know when you over think stuff? its awful though!
And with the doctor thing, the last 2 years I used to go near enough every week, this year iv tried to be better, i thought my anxiety was more controlled, but right now its back more than ever except this time im completely the opposite in that im genuinly terrified of going! i was off work recently and had to explain this to my manager when she asked why i hadnt been :S


27-12-10, 01:23
oh my god :( can anyone else physically feel their pulse in their head hen they lie down? and my vision keeps jumping :( im so scared im gonna die tonight:'(

27-12-10, 01:26
You are not dying at all!

It is all normal anxiety.

27-12-10, 16:20
Hey, i'm no doctor but i had a belief i had a brain tumor due to spinning sensations in my head and what not, i was convinced, but it turned out it was a problem to do with my ears, i had 2 different diagnoses, one doc said it was labrynthitis, another doc said is benign positional vertigo, or something like that. Eventually it went away, but i still get it every so often, the room will just start to spin like i'm drunk, and after that happens i get very edgy, on edge, difficult to sit still, just a constant tipsy feeling. I'm not sure about you other symptoms you have, but i just wanted to try and reassure you that your dizzyness could be an issue with your ears, hugs

27-12-10, 16:23
Hi hun.its perfectly normal to hear ur pulze in ur head.i went to my docs about that and he said its very normal.uts just cause ur anxiety iz heightened.xxxxx

27-12-10, 19:16
Might have already of seen this but pretty interesting..


27-12-10, 19:58
i'm not a doctor or anything or studying anything medical but, my dad had a brain tumour and his symptoms were REALLY bad you'd honestly know if you had one especially if you've thought you've had one for a while
he thought things that were close up were far away if that makes sense, he was sitting on people because he couldn't see they were there at all, whenever he clenched his fist he had to literally prize his hand back open because he couldn't open his hand back open again, he kept on crossing and uncrossing his legs over and over again,he couldn't really talk or walk properly before his diagnoisis and we were told his brain tumor was the size of a golf ball and he'd only had it a couple of months and already his symptoms were really bad.
please try to stop worrying if it was a brain tumor a doctor (or optician like someone else mentioned) would've picked up on it by now :) my dad was an emergency case and they sent him for a biopsy straight away i'm sure your doctor would've done the same :) chin up xxx