View Full Version : Hi! I'm Claire, 21 from Glasgow

23-12-10, 01:39
Hi I'm Claire, 21 and from Glasgow.

I've had panic attacks for most of my life... from about age 7 onwards but only in the last couple of years began taking medication.

My panic attacks stem from a severe phobia of death more specifically the afterlife and eternity. My attacks last around ten minutes and consist of me screaming my head off, pacing back and forth and hyperventilating until I am physically sick. Mostly when you see people on tv having a panic attack they feel like they are having a heart attack or can't breath but mine feel like I'm like I'm terrified like I'm being chased or tortured, does anyone else have attacks like mine? It would be good to know I'm not alone :)

I've been to about every kind of doctor than you can think of relating to my panic disorder (I only found out it was called this about 2 years ago). I went to a children's psychologist when I was 8 who told me that if I ever felt anxious I should "sing myself a little song until I feel better." What a load of crap! Next was a family psychologist I saw when I was 13 with my mother after she had breast cancer who gave me my first (of many) relaxation tapes. These have never been of help to me and if anything make me more frustrated at how degrading it felt to be handed a cassette and be told that if I squeeze my firsts and scrunch my toes repeatedly I'm going to feel less like I'm stuck on a runaway train heading for Deathsville.
After that was the psychologist who after giving me another stupid relaxation tape and also advised me to find God and that me regaining my faith would be the cure of my "panic episodes." I tried this for a while but whenever I tried to think about it it would send me down that spiral ending in yet another attack.

As far as medication goes I have been prescribed many different types and strengths of beta-blockers but to no avail... only palpitations. I went to a psychiatrist when I was about 18 and he prescribed citalopram. That is the only thing that has helped me so far. However, for the first few days I was so sleepy and because I have a terrible memory, i would keep forgetting to take my tablet and so when I would start remembering I would have to go through the sleepiness again. I made an appointment for a repeat prescription a few days ago and I told this to my doctor who immediately said "okay we'll try something new." I was a bit hesitant because I had been on citalopram for a few years and was prescribed by a psychiatrist, not by a GP but I thought I would give it a try. She gave me fluoxetine and I slept the whole day after my first tablet but apart from that it has been fine.

It was only tonight when I googled fluoxetine that I found out it is the generic name for prozac! That was a big shock to me because I had preconceived notion about the drug but I guess we shall just have to wait and see! Crimbo and New Year are soon and I've heard its really not advisable to drink on prozac so I don't know how that will work out! Thank you for reading of you made it all the way down to here! Was more therapeutic than any appointment I've had!

23-12-10, 01:40
Hi claireybowfairy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-12-10, 10:33
Hi Claire and welcome.

You will pleased to hear I read your thread to the last full stop :)
You say one of your great worries is the afterlife, do I take it from that that you are religious? If so I can sort of see the reasoning behind one of your psyc’s suggesting religion as this would help no end in coming to terms with it. If so did you choose the right religion? If none of this applies then ignore the drivel I have just posted.:doh:
You also seem to have negative angle on therapists which is also a shame as I am of the opinion that a good one is invaluable as long as you are open with them and don’t try to fight them.
And as for your last sentence well finding this place could be a major step in the right direction for you, a lot of people on here get no end of positive help just by sharing and ultimately helping, it really is a tonic. :)

23-12-10, 14:55
haha thank you Groundhog! I didn't quite realise how lengthy mine was until I compared it to others!

As for religion I was brought up Catholic but stopped going to church when I started having problems "believing" so to speak. I have a hard time believing theer is life after death and this thought terrifies me. I have thought about other religions but it all boils down to the same thing about afterlife.

I do have a negative feeling about therapists because they always seemed to patronise me and I found it difficult to verbalise my thoughts and feelings of where my problems stem from.

I am so glad to have found this site, the information I have found already is invaluable.

Vanilla Sky
23-12-10, 22:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x