View Full Version : worried about liver failure

23-12-10, 03:32
i was a heavy drinker when younger, more bingeing than anything else but it was over about twenty years from my college days to about six years ago, i have hardly drunk since...
i havent drunk for quite a while but a week or so ago at a works do i had two glasses of wine, and i had a couple of units at home during the same week-10 days period
for the last day or so i've had 'discomfort' and it feels like wind under my right side, its tender to touch and when i feel under the rib cage i can feel a hard edge and i'm worried i may have a damaged liver, not just from the last week or so but from the years i spent heavy drinking
im scared but i knowi need to see a gp, the only other symptoms i have are mild nausea on and off but i'm not yellow, i dont itch and i dont have any bruising. i did have a couple of nose bleeds this week but they stopped almost as soon as they'd started
i do suffer from anxiety so am hopeful that i'm [as usual!] worrying about nothing
i normally eat healthily, though i have been eating richer food lately because of christmas, i'm a normal weight, inf act i've lost weight a little, i dont smoke, i am physically active
i do get tired but i do wake early hours and go online
i have been checking symptosm online [i know i know!!]

i have to pluck up the courage to see gp but i want to get christmas over with first...or will that be too late??

23-12-10, 09:51
I have a friend who is an alcoholic in the true sense and she has very definite symptoms of her liver struggling. As much as I would like to say your liver is fine you and I both know that the only person who can say that is your GP after a blood test - only advice I can give is even though it is xmas if you can keep off the alcohol as this could also affect any liver function test you have in the new year if you drank a lot over xmas, remember you can still have a great time without the alcohol in fact you can enjoy watching the others:D:D:D

My friend has damaged her liver and is continuing to do so but even she and believe me she is a long way along the line, has been told that if she stops drinking completely now then her liver will slowly improve - she was told there is a point at which the liver cannot recover and neither she nor her Drs know how close she is too that, she also has a distinctive look that is common in alcoholics and is caused by the liver not working properly.

Enjoy xmas as its very unlikely that you have a serious liver probem but it may be that your liver just doesn't like having to deal with alcohol anymore and then be brave and ask your Dr for a test and explain why.

Let us know how you get on.

Ps I meant to say I am not against alcohol at all just that I have watched my friend ruin her life and health so I know that in some people it is poison!

23-12-10, 17:45
I have a friend who is an alcoholic in the true sense and she has very definite symptoms of her liver struggling. As much as I would like to say your liver is fine you and I both know that the only person who can say that is your GP after a blood test - only advice I can give is even though it is xmas if you can keep off the alcohol as this could also affect any liver function test you have in the new year if you drank a lot over xmas, remember you can still have a great time without the alcohol in fact you can enjoy watching the others:D:D:D

My friend has damaged her liver and is continuing to do so but even she and believe me she is a long way along the line, has been told that if she stops drinking completely now then her liver will slowly improve - she was told there is a point at which the liver cannot recover and neither she nor her Drs know how close she is too that, she also has a distinctive look that is common in alcoholics and is caused by the liver not working properly.

Enjoy xmas as its very unlikely that you have a serious liver probem but it may be that your liver just doesn't like having to deal with alcohol anymore and then be brave and ask your Dr for a test and explain why.

Let us know how you get on.

Ps I meant to say I am not against alcohol at all just that I have watched my friend ruin her life and health so I know that in some people it is poison!

thanks for your post, much food for thought, i am so sorry to hear about your friend, yes i am going to abstain over christmas, and see my doctor next week to ask for a blood test and general exam
i did do some heavy lifting yesterday and my back was uncomfortable today but there is still a sensation round my right side around the bottom of the rib cage..
i am worried but i will get myself checked over properly after xmas, i cant deal with it until then..
thanks again for your kind thoughts:) will keep my fingers crossed that there is nothing to worry about
once again, i am sorry to hear about your friend, hope she makes the right decision for her health..

23-12-10, 17:52
Hi Katz, It certainly sounds as if it was the lifting that did it! x

23-12-10, 18:00
Hi Katz, It certainly sounds as if it was the lifting that did it! x

i suppose it could be...will see gp next week, am going to abstain anyway, just to be sure...
it doesnt bother me about drinking, i dont class myself as an alcoholic, i just wondered and started worrying if my drinking past had caught up with me:scared15::scared15: