View Full Version : Help please :-(

23-12-10, 05:07
Hello everyone, I'm in a panic again.... I noticed that I spat abit of bloody phglem yesterday morning and then about 5 minutes later i had a nose bleed.
I woke up this morning and I had abit of bloody phglem again yet I didn't have a nose bleed? Is this normal or something to be worried about? The nose bleed happened 24 hours ago so why would I be spitting more bloody mucus today? I'm in a right state at this present moment :-(

23-12-10, 06:00
When you spit it, does it seem like it's coming from your lungs or are you "pulling it down" from your sinuses? A lot of times when you cough or spit up mucus it's actually coming from your sinuses. Has the weather changed drastically where you are? Sometimes when we visit a colder and dryer climate my boyfriend will get nose bleeds, like clockwork. He never has them any other time. Also, how much blood are you talking? A little streak of blood in some mucus is probably just from an irritation (dried out nose) or common cold/allergies. Have you ever used a neti pot or saline rinse before? Most drug stores have saline nasal rinses for sale. I would try that to flush out any bacteria and also to lubricate your nasal passages. If you arent having any other symptoms and its just a small amount, I wouldnt be too concerned yet.