View Full Version : The fact that i take meds makes me anxious

23-12-10, 09:35
hi there.

my life seems to be taking a good turn finally, sorted my problems i had...i am still on 10mg cipralex , i ve been on them since september. this is my problem, when i think about meds i get down and anxious that i will not be able to come off them. my doctor told me to stay on them for at least 6 months...



ps. i dont like this time of the year, and last saturday Bruce my dog died. coped really well, altough i cried a lot...

23-12-10, 10:53
Hello so sorry to hear about your dog ...... I also get anxious when taking my meds been on sertraline and propanaolol for 4 weeks not sure if i worry more about being on them or coming off them anyway just thought i would let know your not alone take care

23-12-10, 11:27
Hi David, also sorry about your dog :hugs: it's horrible losing a pet. Try not to worry about the meds -if they've helped you that's all that matters. I was reading yesterday that more than 1 person in 10 in Scotland is on ADs, which shows you how common their use is. It's normal for a doc to recommend you stay on at least six months so you are still a fair time away from having to think of coming off. Try to put worries about that out of you mind for now and wait to cross that bridge when you come to it x

23-12-10, 11:52
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Try not to worry about the meds, you can come off them when you feel strong enough to do so. Until then just work on building up your coping stratagies and getting yourself better. The sooner you can feel normal the sooner you can come off the meds :)

23-12-10, 13:32
THANKS A LOT GUYS, yes my pet s loss was really hard especially for my wife, but live has to go on, and we still have 2 left to take care. thanks for the encouraging replies

