View Full Version : anyone get bad anxiety when struck with cold or flu?

23-12-10, 11:12
Had a heavy drinking session a week ago which is never good I know but I've had a cold flu ever since and my anxiety is through the roof anyone else get like this when ill?

23-12-10, 11:53
I get more anxiety when I get a cold.

23-12-10, 13:44
yes even me, and about 2 weeks ago i wrote here and someone told me its 'normal'

24-12-10, 20:50
Hi Chris
What are you taking for the cold - look at the ingredients, some cold remedies have caffine in them, which wouldn't help with the anxiety.

24-12-10, 21:02
Yes, terrible. I think it just makes me feel out of control, and vulnerable. Plus, of course, drives my health anxiety through the roof. Are you anxious about the cold itself, or perhaps just being run down makes your other anxieties worse?