View Full Version : can't eat a thing

23-12-10, 11:51

My anxiety/depression has got worse recently, ive lost my appetite. I can't put a thing in my mouth, it makes me gag...ive been drinking lots of sweet tea, cup a soup etc, i really need to start eating...anyone got tips? or suffered from this gagging thing? i feel horrid, cant eat in public and worried about my xmas dinner!!


23-12-10, 12:13
Hi hun.i was like that for 6 months.just start of slowly.try little mouthfuls of soup then try porridge.eat little bits often.also try some complan bcause if ur not eating ur body will become weak.the gaggin is just one symptom if the anxiety.u won:)t choke xxxxxx

23-12-10, 12:17

thanks, yes i have complan, getting a bit sick of it! ive managed some fruit, porridge makes me gag, its better when im calm at home, in the evenings i can manage a little something.

23-12-10, 12:23
Its so hard isnt it.but u will get there!i still cant eat alot but i try. I find rice is a good thing to try to eat!why do u gag.are u afraid of chocking?thats y i startes gagging!xx

23-12-10, 12:26
What about fruit smoothies, the blender things to make them are quite cheap if you haven’t got a food processor and that way you will be getting your five a day – in fruit anyway. :)

23-12-10, 13:42
yes had a smoothie, i dont generally eat much fruit, guess i should start. I started the gagging ages ago, didn't know what it was at first, just thought i was a bit sick. Now i associate it with this anxiety, when im calm and happy, its fine, anyway stressful situation, going out, work, a trip or something and its starts. Its like a dry retch, makes me feel sick but nothing come up. its getting worse and really ruining my life. I dont have a fear of choking or anything, although i dont like things near my neck.
I so badly want this to end, get my life back to some of normality. i need to eat.
: (

23-12-10, 13:43
I know what you mean , i have done 3 months like that, altough i would nt admit it, i needed medication. now it s 3 months i m on 10mg daily cipralex, i hate to tell you this but i think you should consider talking with a gp. i am an 'against meds' guy but sometimes....