View Full Version : My time to fight Anxiety for Good ??

23-12-10, 14:01
I haven;t been on here much recently, I have been really busy looking after my elderly in laws.
I have been trying to look after them for the last 18 months hence my anxiety has been quite a battle. I can't go into hospitals or tescos yet!

The last week has been a nightmare, one had to go into hospital for a couple of days, meaning the other had to go to a Nursing Home for a couple of days too. He can't be left home alone and with the snow we felt it best in case we couldn't get to him. I have been so worried about how he would cope alone in the home and would she survive her proceedure. It was only minor but she is so run down nothing would surprise me.

Last tuesday I turned 40. I was feeling pretty sad about it, I never imagined getting to 40 and not having any kids. My family couldn't be with me coz of the weather.

However, on tuesday evening after the most frustrating day, we got my inlaws back home safely. And as we were about to leave, my father in law said to me "thankyou for being kind enough to look after us!" he has alzheimers, is 90 and you never really know how much he is taking on.
So to say this was so special especially as I find it so hard.


If I can do all this and still feel ok - Its time for me to turn my life around.

Why am I sharing this ???

Because it will be tough I'm sure, so am hoping for some support, and if anyone wants to join me in making 2011 a year to remember for the right reasons let me know.

23-12-10, 14:10
May i just ask why u cant go into tescos!i am the same.i have panic attacks everytime i go in!i think i know why.i can go into any other supermarket.just not that one!xx

23-12-10, 14:34
My anxiety stops me doing most things that are fun!!!! Life is a struggle but i have achieved more this week than I thought I would be able to.

23-12-10, 14:43
Yeh same here.i dont go clubbing or dancinh anymore.i wont take my kids to theme parks anymore.i actually dont do anything!ive been lookin after my mum this yr after she had a massive stroke.and that made my anxiety worse!heres hopin for an anxiety free 2011 xx

23-12-10, 14:49
oh hun poor u - i understand completely.

I have coped over the last week much better than I thought I would, and I am noramlly a wreck in the run up to xmas - i hate it but really not to bad at all.

So I am going to fight hard to get my life backxx

23-12-10, 14:56

You go girl, YOU WILL beat anxiety and so will i, i'll support you anytime. 2011 will be a good year for us on NMP. Take care and have a lovely Christmas. x

23-12-10, 16:41
Well done you!!

tracey c
23-12-10, 17:38
Ditzygirl - well done you! It just shows how strong you are to cope with all you have going on. You keep fighting hun and you WILL beat it!!
Well done :yesyes:

24-12-10, 16:32
Hi Dizty,

I think you did so well looking after your in-laws, and I’m sure they both really appreciate all your help.

You sound really determined in your resolution for the New Year. It’s amazing what a person can achieve when they have that ‘will’ to make it happen, and I just know you'll succeed :)

I wish you all the best of luck with it :yesyes:

And I hope you and your family have a really good Christmas! :emot-partyblower:

Take care :hugs:

Hazel B
24-12-10, 16:50
You can beat it and you will! I managed to come out of the other side after a rough 4 months, counselling and meds helped me most.

You're a brilliant support to your family, just make sure you look after yourself as well.

Best wishes in beating anxiety. Let us know how you get on.:hugs:

24-12-10, 20:41
Hi DitzyGirl

I think you need a good well done for what you have sorted for your in-laws.
My dad had a massive stroke at the end of August, he was in hospital for 15 weeks before they decided to tell us to move my dad into care.
Lots of stress and anxiety at the start, but once we knew he as going to survive and was safe in hospital things subsided.
But the hospital gave us no time to sort care and we have moved him into a care home, because the stroke has left he so disabled.
Care Homes, charge a fortune, don't tend to do thing properly, apart from increase your own stress levels, so anx levels have increased, because of that not being in control of the situation.
So well done.

25-12-10, 17:04
Oh Mikey, I could write a book about the last 18months of looking after my inlaws. Their GP who is hard work, social services and their bullyiing culture, the OT who didn't check the see if the loo seat she got for my mother in law was the right one or not!!!!
My mother in law who out of frustration shouts at everyone, my father in law in stroppy with everyone ( apart from us) because of the dementia.

My anxiety is always bad at xmas so with all the added drama I have done really well!!!!

Thanks all for your support and here's to 2011!!!x