View Full Version : omg got a letter this morning ladies please

23-12-10, 15:10
Hi everyone ive got to share with you the upset and panic i had this morning well 18 months ago i started bleeding between periods and was sent to the hospital to sort it out i had camera in my womb and biopsy on the lining and also a smear i was told that she was sure everything would come back normal because every thing looked pink and healthy and everything did come back normal and it was put down to hormones and she was right everything settled down well got a letter through this morning saying i am invited for a smear as im now due bearing in mind i only had one 18 months ago and it also said which made me freak out that because of the results of my last smear it is important that i attend well as you can imagine i nearly passed out so i phoned the number straight away and explained the letter and its contents and she asked me if id had my smear done at the hospital and i said yes so she said not to worry the gyno clinic i had my last smear done had not sent a letter to the smear centre telling them that my smear was fine and they have discharged me so the smear centre not getting the letter sent a standard letter out assuming id had cervical changes because i hadnt been discharged the hospitals mistake and ive got nothing to worry about i can go for another smear if i want or ignore it well me being me i now think could they have missed something and i have got cancer and its spread to my bowel because ive got ibs pain quite bad at the moment but the lady assured me i have nothing to worry about at all what do you think ive had a number of internals since my last smear and was told my cervix looks nice and healthy just a few nabothian cyst which most women have would you be reassured i really wanted to enjoy this christmas but i feel anxious now please reply sorry for the long post x

23-12-10, 16:14
Hi there. It's just a case of miscommunication, so please don't worry. My GP sends me out a blood test form every year on my birthday regardless of when I had the last one lol.
It's just the 2 departments not communicating.
It's up to you really if you want to go and get another smear, or you could ask the clinic to contact the hospital you had your last smear at and get them to send the previous results to go on your file.

23-12-10, 16:54
hi vixxy thankyou so much when i went to the my gp after i got the the results from the hospital 18 months ago my gp said they all were completely normal so it was a shock recieving the letter this morning so im sure your right its justmiscommunication between the hospital and the smear clinic do you think x

23-12-10, 17:57
can anyone else give me any reassurance please x

23-12-10, 18:24
Hi again. Think about it objectively, your GP was happy with your results last time you went to see him/her. If there had been any hint of a problem then you would have been told there and then, and the appropriate action taken. Sometimes they will have you in to have the cells burnt off, or they would have put you on a monitor list where you would have more frequent smear tests, but you would have been told about that at the time.
Now, going back to your worries. Unless your GP is clairvoyant then there is no way they would suddenly worry you have got a problem and ask you to get a retest.
I found this information from a smear test leaflet that might help.
"What is the NHS Cervical
Screening Programme?
The programme makes sure that if you
are aged between 25 and 64, you will
automatically receive an invitation.We
will get your name from your doctor’s
list. This means it is important that your
doctor always has your correct name
and address.
After your first cervical screen, you will
receive invitations every three years
between the ages of 25 and 49. You
will then be invited every five years
between the ages of 50 and 64."

Going home
23-12-10, 19:24
Reading your post...with a bit of difficulty coz you don't pause for breath...its clear that, as Vixxy says, there has obviously just been a communication blip between the two departments. It happens often and you've been told your results were fine and the exams you've had since this smear have been fine. The person you spoke to about it has told you that its because the information hadn't reached them that you'd already had the smear and not because something showed up. Try to accept this.

Anna x

23-12-10, 19:47
Hi Bronte

There has just ben a bit of miscommunication thats all. I can tell by your post you are in a bit of a panic though.

There really is nothing to worry about so you don't need to be panicking over christmas -relax and enjoy


23-12-10, 22:46
it was the letter saying due to your last smear results we are recalling you miscomunication are not that is going to make everyone even without health anxiety freak out its not the fact they have called me back early its the fact that they said everything was normal 18 months ago then sending me a letter saying due to your last smear results so which letter is someone with health anxiety going to take notice of and make the biggest impression thankyou for your replies im finding life so difficult at the moment x

paula lynne
23-12-10, 22:57
Hi Bronte x
Theyve messed up sending you that letter, no wonder youre in a panic. BUT-youve been told your cervix is healthy apart from the cysts, which are treatable ok. I worked on gynae for a while, believe me, I was in theatre, they wouldnt have missed anything hun ok. You are fine ok. I hope you can try and forget this now and enjoy xmas if you can, you are going to be ok xxxxxx

23-12-10, 23:29
thankyou so much paula lynne for your reply youve made me feel better merry christmas and a happy new year x

24-12-10, 13:41
hi just an update ive been in touch with various people today including my gp centre and everythings sorted all was as i was told negative and it was like everyone said a miscomunication phew thanks for you replies x